Baby Talk

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January 1st, 3006.

The three boys weren't old enough to be involved with the porn industry obviously, so they would be instructed to just live in Michael's studio until they were of age to work. Lux's whole government was sick and twisted, but they at least gave people a chance to survive, even if they hated these people.

Haley wore a pastel pink shirt with a white skull on it, Edgar was in a black shirt with a pastel blue pentagram on it, his hair being black. He was pretty tall, standing at 7'4. Indigo was the same height as Haley at their age, 4'3.

He was born on the same day as Haley as well. Edgar had been born on the day after Indigo's birth.

The boys sat on their own individual beds with doors that opened and closed by an AI. They were kind of like drawers.

"Hey, Haley. Do you remember when we looked through that portal two years ago? That was weird. I believe they said it was Universe 9. Doomguy wore red in the original games instead of green, and Mario and Luigi had their colors swapped." Indigo said.

"Yeah I remember, it was pretty cool, I guess." Haley responded getting out of bed and stretching. "You guess?" Indigo chuckled.

"I mean, to be fair, that shit felt weird. I remember you being a different skin color or something, I wasn't in that universe though." Haley told.

"I thought you were gonna stop swearing, aren't those classes helping you or something?" Indigo asked with a smirk.

"I mean, they are, I've gotten a little calmer and learned to be nicer, but I can't really help it. I've heard swear words all my life." Haley yawned, smiling and giving Edgar a boop as his door was opened with a pastel blue light on.

"Don't fucking touch me, you know that." Edgar growled covering his face with a dirty pillow. "Oh calm down, edge lord." Haley giggled.

The three boys were allowed to explore the city but had to return by night always. They looked around outside at all the buildings, the dome's sky was magenta today and had a pink sun with an OWO face on it.

"Where do you wanna go today, boys?" Haley asked with a smirk. "How about Nostalgia Arcade? They just fixed the Mortal Kombat machine." Indigo suggested.

"Ok, but I play as Sub Zero, you got that?" Haley replied.

"Yeah, you're getting your ass whooped though. Edgar, who'll you be?" Indigo asked as they walked down the streets, many cars passed by.

"I don't fucking know... Kano I guess." Edgar answered. All three of them got to the place finally, it was very packed with kids and adults. One man took off his VR headset and puked all over the floor, holding his stomach as kids around him squealed in disgust.

"Holy shit..." Indigo commented seeing this, he slightly laughed but felt bad at the same time. "What game do you think he was playing?"

"Probably played Vulture Recon 66, that game makes a lot of people puke. You're literally flying a fucking jet and fighting nazis the whole time, going upside down and shit too." Haley said.

The three went over to the Mortal Kombat machine, people were already playing though of course. Some very tall guy currently played against a kid who mashed the buttons. Behind those two were twenty other people.

"Well fuck... Guess we could just ask Michael if we could play his PS20." Indigo said.

"You guys just love to bug the shit out of him, don't you?" Edgar asked with a grumble.

"Dude, we just have to act all cute and shit, it always works." Indigo replied. "Aw hell no, I'm not doing that." Edgar growled.

"NOT LIKE THAT... I mean, act nice and do the puppy eyes." Indigo said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, fine." Edgar responded, accepting his fate. The three got back to Michael's studio and went on their knees in front of the man, their eyes turning into the colors of a sad puppy due to them being bionic.

"Can we pway your pwaystation? Pweaseee?" The three asked sounding like toddlers. This was the only time they would ever use these voices. The boys had the ability to change their voices, but they didn't like using it due to how weird it felt.

"Ugh, fine. Whatever... But you better not fuck it up, that shit is expensive." Michael said with a sigh. Haley and Indigo both hugged the man afterwards, soon starting up the console. Edgar and the two would play for a while on a VR game.

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