Cyborg Hitman

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The next day arrived. Haley was still slightly bummed about Kayla being thrown away. He looked at Edgar who was sitting beside him on the couch. "Can we cuddle?" The boy asked making an adorable little face with puppy eyes. "No." Edgar simply responded.

Indigo was currently out on the streets taking a small walk by himself. He entered a random alley suddenly and picked up an old rusted pipe that he found off the ground, just in case anyone had any ideas of attacking him. After a while of just listening to some music on his phone with his airpods, someone else entered into the alley, a man with a robotic arm. He pulled out a pistol and was just about to shoot the boy but then a bird shat on the man's face, causing him to stumble back a few steps, he fired a shot and missed.

Indigo squealed and immediately reacted, bashing him in the head with the pipe, he tried getting his gun but Indigo kicked it away just in time, striking the man's robotic arm and managing to break it. An officer had heard the shot, just because it had a suppressor, didn't mean it was silent. "Officer!" Indigo yelled.

He was handcuffed instead of the man who shot first. The man was apparently dead from this attack. Indigo returned home after a few hours, he wasn't going to jail due to a security camera. The man that Indigo killed was apparently a hitman hired by some christian man who disliked the three boys, he was arrested after being found.

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