Girl meets The Secret Of Life Part 1

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Ari POV:
As I ride in the back of the car on my way to my new school I can't help but look at my princess who rides in her car seat next to me. Yes I'm a teen mom, well more like a tween mom. My boyfriend Lucas and I had our babygirl when we were twelve and while it was shocking we wouldn't change it for anything.
We're moving to New York so we can all be together again. You see when I was pregnant I got teased a lot and Lucas stood up for me which resulted in him getting expelled and he came here last year. Luckily he was able to come visit a lot plus we FaceTimed as much as we could so he could see our daughter. He might be fourteen but he's the best dad.
I came here with my friend Zay since his family was moving and they said I could come with them and Lucas' parents said I could move in with them.
Before I know it we are at the school and have our schedules.
"Mrs.Babineaux, thank you for watching her" I say as Zay heads to the classroom.
"Of course sweetie. She's so calm, I love watching her" Mrs.Babineaux replies.
"Bye bye princess, I'll be home right after school" I say to my daughter as she wraps her little hand around my finger.
"Bye mommy" she says smiling. "I lub you" she tells me.
"I love you too sweetie" I kiss her head quickly before I grab my backpack and hand the baby bag to Mrs.Babineaux before I leave the office and head to the classroom.

Lucas POV:
"All right. So should we actually learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?" Mr.Matthews asks as he starts class. Though I'm not paying much attention as I sneak a look at the pictures my girlfriend sent me a few days ago of our princess.
"No!" Farkle exclaims causing me to put my phone down and pay attention.
"No?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"I always get my hopes up and then something happens to hurt my little Farkle heart. Well, this time I refuse to believe." Farkle explains.
"In 1831..." Mr.Matthews starts.
"Yes? Wait!" Farkle says before turning to Riley "Anything going to suddenly happen to you?"
"No changes, lovin' life" She replies before he turns to me.
"Anything going to happen to you?" He asks me.
"Nothing ever happens to me." I respond which is true once you have a daughter at twelve nothing else really seems like super significant besides her and of course my girlfriend, her mother.
"Maya?" He asks and she snores in reply. "Oh my gosh. This is it." He says excitedly.
"In 1831... Belgium" Mr Matthews starts before the door opens and my best friend from Texas walks in surprisingly.
"What? Y'all started without me?" Zay asks.
"Get out!" Farkle yells.
"Someone in this room is going to be very surprised to see me." Zay says and I look around the room avoiding eye contact, he promised me he'd look after my family so what is he doing here l.
"Is it me?" Riley asks.
"Don't know, sugar, but could you get any cuter?" He responds.
"Well I can't answer that." She replies.
"You got a transcript, kid?" Mr.Matthews asks him.
"I do. Check out them grades. Here, let me sing 'em to you. De, de, de, de, de, de... de f." Zay says after passing Mr.Matthews some papers.
"Yeah, I know that song." Maya replies.
"Isaiah Babineaux. From Austin, Texas." Mr.Matthews announces and everyone turns to me.
"What are you doing here, Zay?" I ask him.
"Well, the first thing I'm doing is waitin' for a better reaction from you." He says.
"You said you would look after them so what are you doing here" I ask again.
"Maya something's changing" I hear Riley say before the door opens again and in comes my girlfriend Ari causing my jaw to drop.
"Hi is this Mr.Matthews' class?" She asks.
"Yeah you're in the right place" Mr.Matthews says.
"Oh good. Well here's that." She says handing him her transcript.
"Ari Alvarez from Austin Texas" he announces again and I can't help myself. I stand up and rush towards her.
"Your here, your really here" I say as I wrap my arms around her.
"Yeah I am" she responds. "Zay's mom is watching her" she whispers in my ear and I nod in response.
"I missed you" I say.
"I missed you too" she replies and I sneak a peck to her lips.
"Okay, Mr. Teach, where do I sit? You know, usually I'm more of a back row kind of guy. Whoa. That's unusual." Zay says.
"Have a seat right there, Mr. Babineaux." Mr.Matthews says motioning for the chair behind me. "Ms.Alvarez you can have a seat next to him."
"Thank you sir" she replies as we head to our chairs.
"Lucas, do you know this Isiah and Ari?" Riley asks me.
"Yeah, tell 'em you know me good." Zay says.
"How 'bout we talk later, okay?" I say.
"Well, Mr. Babineaux, Ms.Alvarez, if you work out as well as last years new student we're happy to have you." Mr.Matthews says and I look over at Ari and we smile at each other.
"Wait. What? Lucas, you're doing okay here?" Zay asks.
"Zay" Ari says in a warning tone.
"Why wouldn't he be okay here?" Riley asks.
"Not currently on probation? No disciplinary actions? They just let you wander free?" Zay asks.
"Sit down! Okay new guy's all settled in and there's still class time left so do it! Do it while I'm still tingly!" Farkle says.
"So, In 1831, Belgium declared"  he starts only to be interrupted by Yogi.
"What is the secret of life?" Yogi asks. "I'm sorry, Mr. Farkle. I know I'm not your daughter, but I too have value in this world. What is the secret of life?" He finishes before Mr.Matthews goes to erase the board.
"Don't do it! Put that eraser down and no one gets hurt." Farkle says before he erases it.
"Yogi has asked the primary riddle of the universe: What is the secret of life? People spend their whole lives trying to figure it out. I was lucky. I had a teacher who cared about me to make sure I knew. Lucas, You got an opinion on this?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"Yes, What do you got, Mr. moral compass?" Maya asks.
"Did you just call Lucas Friar your moral compass? Ha, they called you moral compass!" Zay says as I turn to face him. I don't think it's clicked in his head that I'm a dad. "Okay"
"Something bad is going to happen, Maya." Riley says.
"Yeah. It occurs to me you're trying to tell us ranger Rick was a little different back in Texas." Maya states.
"A little? What do they know, exactly? 'Cause I wouldn't wanna say anything wrong. They know you're a year older, right?" Zay responds.
"Yeah. Now they do." I say.
"Oh, yeah, it's my fault. Look at you!" Zay exclaims.
"He's got you there bebe" Ari says causing me to look at her. "What you look way to good to be in eighth grade. It's a compliment really"
"Yeah Yeah" I say teasingly.
"Okay, that's enough, Mr. Babineaux." Mr.Matthews says.
"Oh, so you know about him?" Zay asks.
"I know all about mr Friar and ms Alvarez"
"Excuse me?" Riley says.
"Riley, you're shaking." Maya responds.
"Dad? You know something?" She asks.
"Back in Texas" I start.
"Lucas! You sure?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"Back in Texas I did something. I had to leave." I say.
"It was great! I mean, they threw him out of the whole school!" Zay says.
"What?" Riley asks.
"Why am I friends with you again?" Ari asks him causing me to laugh a little.
"I had to come here to get a new start. Nobody knew me here." I say.
"I know him." Zay says.
"Do I know you?" Riley asks before the bell rings and we get dismissed for lunch.
"Bebe can you show me to my locker?" Ari asks me shyly.
"Come on" I say laughing before Mr.Matthews stops us.
"Lucas, Ari. I know that the work might get stressful now that you have to watch your child too, so let me know if you need any extra help or an extension okay?" He asks.
"Thank you sir" I say.
"Thank you Mr.Matthews" Ari replies before we both head out.
"How come you didn't tell me you were coming?" I ask.
"I wanted to surprise you. I probably should have told you" she replies.
"Where are you staying? Did your family move here too?" I question.
"No actually I'm moving in with you. I'll have to go visit Texas sometimes to visit my parents but besides that I'm living with you" she answers smiling.
"Wait really?" I ask excitedly.
"Yeah" she says laughing.
"I really missed you lovie" I say smiling at her.
"I missed you too bubba" she smiles back.
"I love you" I whisper leaning in.
"I love you too" she whispers before we kiss.
"Can we go see our princess after school?" I ask her happily.
"Yeah we have to go pick her up from Zay's house" she says before we're approached by Riley and Maya.
"Deny it" Riley says.
"Riley" I sigh.
"Tell me whoever this Zay kid is, that he can't just come and change you from the Lucas we know. Tell me nothing changes." Riley says upset.
"That's all you have to do, Lucas. You hear me? I just called you by your actual name for the first time ever. That's how important this is to me. Because it's important to her. Deny it." Maya says seriously.
"I can't." I simply state.
"I like you" Riley starts to say.
"Riley, I don't like you like that. I've told you this already and I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend. You guys are my friends and I'd like for you to get along. This is Ari my girlfriend. Babe, this is Riley's be Maya." I say.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you both" Ari says shyly.
"Sup" Maya says.
"Oh hi" Riley says shocked before ignoring her. "Were you thrown out of school?" Riley asks.
"Yes" I reply.
"For a whole year?"
"I finally like you" Maya says causing me to shake my head wrapping an arm around Ari.
"Why wouldn't you tell me about this?" She asks.
"It's not something I'm proud of. I thought I could start over. I guess I was wrong. I guess you do something and that's the end of you." I say.
"It's okay bubba" Ari says as she hugs my waist.
"You think that's what I'm upset about? Whatever you did? Then I don't know you. And you don't know me." Riley says.
"Why are you acting like this?" I ask her angrily.
"Friends talk to you and real friends listen., remember? I would have listened, I'm your friend. Whatever you did , why wouldn't you trust me with it? People who care about you are supposed to trust you with stuff. Wait a minute. My father knew about this?" She says before leaving, Maya following after.
"Well that was interesting" Ari says.
"Come on we have to get to class so we can go home" I say tugging her along to our next class.

A/N: Welcome to my new book, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and will continue to read as I continue to upload all that is to come for this story.

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