Girl meets Yearbook Part 1

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Ari POV:
"You're just a little cutie pie aren't you" Lucas says as he Carrie's our little Angel into the room after getting her ready for the day. "I promise as soon as we get home, we'll play all you want" he says cooing at our daughter.

"Tea party?" Lexi asks excitedly causing Lucas to turn to me conflicted.

"You said it not me" I reply laughing at his face.

"Yeah baby, we can play tea party" Lucas replies sounds so very tortured by the news.

"Okay we gotta head out, or else we'll end up being late" I say giggling as I plant a quick kiss onto Lucas' cheek and then his lips. "Bye my pretty girl. I love you and I'll see you later, okay princess?" I coo to my little girl as Lucas and I prepare to head off to school.

"Bye mama" she says kissing my cheek before turning to Lucas, "Bye dada" she says before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye princess, I love you. We'll see you when we get home, okay?" he says before we put her down on her play mat where all her toys are set up so she's well entertained as her grandma watches over her throughout the day.

"ok dada" she says waving as we head out and Lucas' mom goes over to sit with her.

Once we get to school, we go to our lockers and gather our stuff before heading over to the bench when Riley and Farkle both pop up with a box full of yearbooks.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the hallway, it's yearbook time!" Riley says excitedly as they plop the box down onto the bench. "Hi page 42" Riley says giving a book to a blonde girl.

"Hi page 27, 34, and 58. You're doing to much you should calm down" Farkle says giving away another book.

"Yearbooks find out who we are and what we really think about each other" Riley says smiling.

"You wanna know what I think about you?" Maya asks looking towards Lucas as she gets down from her seat on top of the bench.

"No I do not" Lucas says.

"But I wanna tell you" Maya responds.

"I dont think you need too"

"But I'm gonna do it anyway"

"Don't do it"

"Its been a while" Maya and Lucas say going back and forth until eventually she "Hahurrrrrrs" in his face.

"You okay now?" Lucas asks.

"That was good" she says before she returns to her seat.

"You know what else is good? Yearbooks" Riley says as she hands Maya a book. "All of our classmates say what they think of us"

"Yearbook, find out how we'll be remembered. Guess what. You took another nice picture, you freak"

"When does he not take a nice picture" I say laughing as Farkle hands a book to Lucas and I.

"Thanks Farkle" Lucas says taking the book. "And thank you beautiful" he says kissing my head before we both start to flip through our books. "How will you be remembered?"

"Did they do it to you again" Maya asks.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"Most likely to be Farkle... Farkle" Lucas reads causing me to peak over to his yearbook confused again, wasn't he an editor.

"I didn't think I'd win it again this year, but I did" Farkle responds to the news.

"What does it mean exactly Farkle?" Riley asks.

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