Girl meets New Teacher part 1

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Lucas POV: 

"Can't we just ditch this class and go call Lexi" Ari whines as we walk towards English class. "Oh better yet we can go to the storage closet and you know" she winks at me, and it takes everything to not just grab tug on her hand and drag her to the closet. 

"Babe, as much as I want to, and trust me I want to" I whisper the last part into her ear. "We do have to go to class."

"Man needs to be fired already is all I'm saying" she replies after shrugging her shoulders and wrapping her arms around my bicep as we continue to walk into the classroom where we continue to sit down and wait. 

"Where's Garaboski?" Maya speaks up finally breaking the silence. 

"uh-oh" I say while Ari lets out a little "please" as she crosses her fingers. 

"Did we do it?" Riley asks. 

"Did we finally break him?" Farkle  continues before Mr.Matthews walks in with a note. 

"You broke him" he simply states before everyone starts to cheer. 

"Finally!!!" Ari cheers beyond excited that the teacher was finally gone. 

"Quiet! Garaboski retired yesterday" Matthews starts causing more cheers. "Quiet! The guy survives Vietnam and Mrs.Garaboski, and he can't get past you. Now he left a letter here that expressed his feelings. "Dear you little..." okay I can't read this" Matthews cuts himself off before putting the note away in his pocket. 

"He always talked about the good old days before 1985" I say shaking my head. 

"What happened in 1985?" Riley asks looking towards her father. 

"That was when the board of education decided you could no longer hit a kid with a ruler" Ari says getting upset that our now former teacher was constantly bringing it up. "I was about to hit him with a ruler" Ari mutters under her breath causing me to chuckle. 

"Bored of education? I do believe I am" Maya says jokingly. 

"Well now you're gonna need a new english teacher" Mr.Matthews says. 

"That's okay, thanks" Maya responds. 

"If you bring in another old guy who starts threatening us with rulers, I swear I'm not gonna hold back" Ari says pointing a finger at Mr.Matthews before I lean towards her. 

"Calm down baby girl" I whisper into her ear before slowly pulling away and looking towards the window only to see a woman with a leather jacket and a motorcycle helmet walking towards the door of our classroom. "Hey Maya, you might wanna reconsider this one" I say nodding my head towards the window. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ms. Harper Burgess" Mr.Matthews says introducing our new teacher. 

"You got a bike that goes with that outfit" I ask looking towards our new teacher. 

"1800 cc twin cam fat Bob fuel tank wide glide. What do you ride?" she responds before Ari speaks up. 

"He rode a sheep once" my girl responds laughing at her response. 

"62-pound quad hoof white fleece, kind you count before you fall asleep. Baa baa" Maya continues before the two burst out into laughter while I just shake my head. Ever since Ari moved here those two seemed to just click, which was honestly very surprising considering Maya's usual loyalty to Riley who has seemed to be planning something ever since she found out about Ari and Lexi. 

"Why?" I ask both of them causing them to shrug. 

"Love you bubba" Ari says smiling innocently at me, oh I'm so gonna wipe that smile off her face later. 

The Little Friar // Lucas Friar Where stories live. Discover now