Girl meets Semi-formal

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Riley POV:
"It's this weekend and Lucas hasn't asked me to the dance. Maya why hasn't he asked me to the dance?" I ask Maya as we stand by our lockers.

"Riley, sweetie. I don't think he's going to ask you to the dance." She responds.

"But why wouldn't he ask me?"

"Riley. He has a girlfriend and he has a daughter with that girlfriend, if he's going with anyone he'd go with her" Maya says causing me to frown.

"But my notebook..." I start only to be cut off when Ari appears in front of us holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey! What you guys talking about?" she asks smiling, why is she holding flowers? Lucas wouldn't ask her would he?

"Just the dance. Are you going?" Maya asks her.

"Yeah! Lucas asked me when we got here! We're using it as a date night, plus Lexi is excited cause she gets to help me pick a dress." Ari responds smiling brightly. HE ASKED HER!!!

"H-he asked you t-today" I stutter out.

"Yeah! He got me these flowers and asked me. He didn't really have to though, we would've gone together regardless" she responds with a shrug.

"Hey baby! Hey guys!" Lucas says popping up out of nowhere throwing his arm over Ari's shoulders.

"Huckleberry" Maya nods at him.

"H-hi Lucas" I stutter out.

"Lovey, I meant to ask you earlier, but did you book Lexi's appointment or should we do it later?" He asks Ari.

"Oh no I forgot! We have to get that scheduled, we can do it when we get home today" she responds wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Okay baby. Want me to walk you to class?"

"Yes please" she says leaning up to kiss him. Why is this happening to me?

"See you later" Lucas says waving as they start to walk down the hallway.

"Why?" I ask Maya as she stands there looking at me.

"sweetie, you got a problem" she says before slamming her locker shut.


A/N: Hey everyone! I'm just posting this cause it's all I had written for this chapter, so something to hold you all over. I'm about to sit down and write cause I don't have any work to get done, so hopefully I can finish another chapter for you all soon. Thank you being patient with me! :) 

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