Girl meets Creativity pt 1

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Lucas POV: 

I sit in art class painting the door to my New York apartment where my family lives, well trying to paint it anyways. 

Before long I overhear Ms. Kossal saying something about a last painting causing me to look up, and see Maya walking up to her asking what she means. 

"Our school is running out of money. They are cutting art and music classes, effective after the next school board meeting" Ms. Kossal says sadly. 

"What? How will Maya learn? What comes after light and shadow?" Riley asks. 

"What about you Riley?" Ms.Kossal responds. 

"Who cares about me? I stink. What about Maya?" 

"And what about drama? My one-year suspension from not being able to audition for any of the plays ends on Tuesday. I'm gonna be Pippin!" Farkle asks upset about drama. 

"They're not putting on "Pippin"." Riley responds confused. 

"I'm gonna be Pippin in whatever they're doing." He replies confidently. 

"Nobody better cut my ballet." Zay says getting up while everyone looks towards him, "Yeah, that's right-- Ballet. That's why I'm so sinewy." 

"Sinewy?" I question him. 

"Hey, you spend your time hitting baseballs, I spend my time lifting beautiful girls. And may I remind you who is currently in dance class as we speak, the same girl who's been in ballet since she was like 3"  Zay says raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Sinewy?" I repeat raising an eyebrow back at him before he turns towards Maya. 

"Ms. Hart? Shall we dance? We shall not." he asks as she just stares at him. 

"Ballet-- Gone. Art, music... Drama, dance, all of it-- Gone." Ms.Kossal says responding to all the unanswered questions regarding different programs, causing me to get up and rush out the door, I have to check on Ari. 

Once I get to the dance classroom, I find everyone is gone except for Ari who sits against the wall holding her ballet shoes in her hands. 

"Hi lovie" I say softly as I sit beside her. 

"Hey bubba" she responds softly leaning her head against my shoulder. 

"I'm guessing you heard?" 

"Yeah, guess this is it for dance" she says sighing. 

"Why does it have to be it?" 

"Babe, I was finally getting back to it, finally feeling good about dancing after having Lexi, and now it's gone" she says closing her eyes. "I just don't want to join a studio, it takes to much time and I can't commit to something like that right now, not with Lexi. That's why this was perfect, I didn't have to miss anything" 

"I know, but just know that if you ever wanted to join a studio, I'd support you, and so would Lexi. We love you so much baby, nothing could change that" I tell her before kissing her forehead, "You want to head to class now?"

"Can we just sit here for another minute?" 

"Yeah lovie, of course we can" 

Ari POV: 

"The dark ages" Mr.Matthews starts as he tries to begin the lesson of the day. 

"They're cutting art class and you want to talk about the Dark Ages?" Maya cuts him off. 

"The Dark Ages was a time of cultural deterioration." He tries again. 

"What does that have to do with me?" She cuts him off again. 

"The Dark Ages was the decline of the creative spirit of an entire continent." 

"What about me?"

"The Dark Ages is when they cut the art class at this middle school right now. And you, Maya Hart-- Yes, you, Maya Hart, the one I'm looking at right here-- Can't paint anymore." He finally breaks and explains the whole point of the lesson. 

"You know, a good teacher lets the students get there on their own." Maya responds causing me to sigh and lean back in my seat and zone out for a minute before refocusing as Mr.Matthews finishes scratching Riley's nose. 

"So... Why were the Dark Ages dark, Pippin?" He asks standing back in the front of the class. 

"Well I don't want that for Ari, lovie I want you to be happy and dance makes you happy" Lucas says turning to face me. 

"Bub its fine, and I told you I'm not joining a studio. I don't have the time to compete like I used to" I say. 

"You love dance, and they're taking it away. I don't want you to lose something like that, and I don't want Lexi to grow up and go to schools where she can't express herself" he responds causing me to give him a small smile and grab his hand. 

"I don't want that either" I say squeezing his hand. 

"Bay window, bay window right in 5 hours" Riley cuts off  looking towards Maya. 

"Okay" Maya answers. 

"Who's gonna do something about art class?" Lucas asks Mr.Matthews. 

"I'm sure that'll be Riley." Maya responds. 

"Nope" Riley replies. 

"Well, I know you guys would like me to step in here--" Mr.Matthews responds. 

"Nope. This is bigger than you, Dad."

"You're right. This is. In fact, this decision comes directly from the New York City school board."

"That's not what I'm talking about. If they're gonna put us in the Dark Ages, then who's gonna get us out?"

"Ah. Funny thing about that. You know who did get us out?"

"Artists. Michaelangelo, Da Vinci... There was an explosion of creativity called the Renaissance." I say speaking up with a small smile on my face. 

"Very good, Ari. Maya, I would think you'd have something to say about that." Mr.Matthews responds. 

"Cut the art classes; don't cut the art classes. What have I ever been able to do about my life? And now my little purple friend will go crazy." Maya says seeming like she's gonna give up. 

"Not this time, Maya. You're the artist, and I'm just the artist's best friend." Riley says leaning her head on her hands as she looks forward once again. 

A/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while. Hope you all enjoy the chapter. My schedule is a lot more open right now, so hopefully I can write and update more often for you guys. I just wanted to mention something real quick, I know Lucas and Ari are young in this story. That's basically the plot of the story, is that they are dealing with being parents extremely young while they try to figure themselves and the world out. So if the ages make you uncomfortable just don't read my book, but please stop commenting about how you are going to age them up, it makes me not want to update this story, which sucks cause I really love this book. If you want to age them up in your head while you read then I can't stop you, but just please stop commenting that you're doing it. Thank you and I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story. 

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