Girl meets Mr.Squirrels goes to Washington Part 3

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Lucas POV:
After arriving at Topanga's I set up Lexi's little play area on the ground by where we were sitting and working on the campaign so that Ari and I could watch her, but after a little while two men enter the cafe.

"Senator Graham" Topanga says getting up from her spot at the counter.

"Topanga Matthews, isn't it? i never forget a face, especially one that came out against me" the senator says walking in alongside his campaign manager.

"My law firm opposed the Senator's plan to charge admission to parks and recreational areas that were previously free. A dollar for kids to run around and play, wasn't it, Senator?" Topanag says causing me to roll my eyes.

"Thank god that didn't pass" i mutter under my breathe so only Ari who sits next to me hears causing her to nod in reply.

"Yup" she says nodding before kissing my cheek and continuing to watch the conversation.

"It's all about making money for the state." The senator replies.

"At the expense of our children?" Topanage questions.

"Well we don't have enough money and there's so many children." He replies causing his campaign manager to intervene just as Lexi comes up to Ari with her coloring book causing the two of us to smile at our daughter.

"That's enough" the campaign manager says.

"Okay" the senator responds.

"Eric, is this bow tie, big glasses, whisper man?" Mr.Matthews asks looking towards his brother.

"Umm... Could you say something?" Eric asks.

"I believe we are here to discuss the finer points of the campaign" the man replies.

"This is him" Eric confirms causing all of us to sigh and put down our materials.

"He works for Graham!" Mr.Matthews exclaims.

"No. He likes me."

"Oh, I do like you. Who's running your campaign" the man responds to Eric.

"The children" Eric says.

"The children. Ha!" The senator scoffs.

"Interesting" the manager says causing the senator to change his attitude.

"Yes, interesting"

"I thought you'd like that" TJ says from teh counter.

"Murphy " the manager says.

"Wolff" TJ responds causing him to turn around.

"I'm sorry. You guys know each other?" Eric says

"Another face that came out against me. This guy's a little instigator who just won't go away" Senator Graham says walking towards Eric and Wolff.

"Three debates" TJ says.

"As many as you want" Graham responds cockily.

"One debate" Wolff corrects.

"One debate" Graham corrects.

"We have held this office for three decades, we will dictate all terms." Wolff tells TJ.

"I'm sorry. You work for him?" Eric asks still shocked.

"Sure. Let's go with that"

"But you picked me to run against him, you said i was the only one who had a chance." Eric asks confused.

"That's correct. You are he only one who had a chance to make the senator look good again in the eyes of the public" Wolff says finally revealing his plan to Eric.

"See you at the debate kids" the senator says before walking out, Wolff not far behind him.

"They played me. I'm just supposed to lose."  Eric says shocked at what happened.

"Supposed to" TJ repeats.

"Like Kennedy was supposed to lose to Nixon" Ari says trying to reassure him that there was still a chance.

"Yeah! But those guys weren't real!" Eric says making Ari look at him and just shake her head before dropping it into her hands. "I'm done, I'm just going home. I'm gonna miss you scarecrow. Mrs.scarecrow. Baby scarecrow. Lion. Dorothy. Robot. I think I'm gonna miss you most off all" Eric says holding Farkle's shoulder a little longer before walking out.

Ari POV:
"Current events. Somebody tell me what's going on." Mr.Matthews says as he begins class the next day.

"We should always have parks to play in" Riley speaks up first.

"We should always look out for the little guy" Maya answers next.

"We should lower the voting age" Lucas speaks up knowing how we wish we could vote in order to ensure a good future for our child,

"We need to treat this planet better. I don't want to go to mars. I want to rule an earth that has good air and good water. I want a good earth for our children" Farkle says looking at Riley and Maya.

"Our children?" They both question.

"I want 11. Split 'em up however you want" He replies.

"How do you want-" Riley starts before Maya cuts her off.

"You get 11" Maya says shocked.

"I'm cutting you off at 4. No more than that, less than that if you would prefer but knowing you it's gonna be 4." I say looking at Lucas.

"Sounds great babygirl" He says leaning over and whispering into my ear. "But we'll see how you feel in a few years" he says brushing his lips against my ear causing me to shiver.

"So suddenly you guys are involved in your world" Mr.Matthews says.

"It's the only one we've got isn't it?" I say looking away from Lucas.

"That's true. So what can we do to make it better?" Mr.Matthews asks us.

"You have the vote" Maya says.

"Why don't they let us vote? They don't trust us?" Lucas asks.

"I would vote to make sure everybody takes care of each other. Everybody should have food and shelter and a warm coat for the winter" Riley says before sneaking a look at Lucas to see his reaction.

"I approve that message" Maya says causing Riley to look forward again.

"Well i agree with you girls" Mr.Matthews says. "And Lucas, you wanna lower the voting age? Show us you can be trusted. Find your issue. Find your passion. Because we don't have enough. In the last election, the voter turnout was the lowest in our history. Change that. Teach us to care." Mr.Matthews says.

"Well, how do we do that if we can't vote?" Lucas asks in response.

"Find somebody you know who can."

"Our parents?"

"Yeah, your parents. And we'll listen to you, you know why?"

"You love us" Riley answers.

"Yeah we do. You guys live in an age where you can see your message with just one click. The media is even more powerful now. So have a message. Because it's your world too." Mr.Matthews says as he ends the class.

A/N: Hey everyone, so this is day 2 of Christmas week updates. I wasn't sure how to include Ari or Lexi into the debate so I'm just gonna end this episode here. Girl meets Teacher Part 1 should be up tomorrow :)

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