Saving Him{13}

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"You've got to aim for the person's heart, not their stomach," Alan once again complains how I am fighting with a sword. "I'm trying," I yell, "Im trained with fire and a bow!" He shakes his head. "You must figure it out for yourself," Alan walks away back to everyone else. I look at the tree with determination. I have to hit it, like now. But before I could hit the tree right, I lunge forward to hit Alan in the back. My sword is aimed for his right shoulder, but he turns around and grabs the tip. "Nice try, im surprised you went for it," Alan looks at me with amusement.

"How'd you know," I ask in confusion. Not confused at him, but confused as to why I tried to hit him in the back. "I was trained by Pan after all," He smirks diabolically. "Oh yea I forgot about that detail," I smile weakly. "I think your ready my love," Alan walks over and looks in my eyes for permission to kiss me. I nod yes. "I never noticed how your eyes shine brighter when you smile," Alan looks at me with sincerity. His lips connect with mine as the feel becomes relaxed and pleasant. Sparks flew through my body as I felt something different than I ever did with Pan. Was it love?


I walked with Felix to my tent as I stopped when I got in there. I felt something, I didn't know what it was or why I was feeling it? "Pan, what's wrong," Felix asks in concern as I have now dropped to the ground. "What's happening to me," I yell in agony. "Your hearts breaking," Felix looks at me with depression in his eyes, "Ace has kissed Alan." "I've lost her," I question him. "No, not yet. She's coming back soon. You've just got to trust me," Felix assures me. I nod my head as he helps me up. "I never want to feel that again," I laugh it off.

"Pan, Pan, Pan, The Primitives are here in camp," a frantic lost boy enters. "Everybody assume the attack positions," I yell loudly. "Wow that didn't take long," I hear Felix say, but I ignore it. I run out and see a few recognizable faces. Valon, the one we caught, Alan, my ex lost boy, and Ace, the one I love so dearly. But I see one more face, Jake. Wow, Alan actually kept him. "Everyone put the bows up," I yell as my lost boys put their bows and arrows at the ready. I have my sword on my belt. The others bring out Hook with his arms tied behind his back and a knife at his throat. Ace's eyes showed worry but then back to anger.

"Well hello Pan," Alan speaks first. "Come any closer and I will kill Ace's father," I stand defensively. "Oh no you won't. I know you wouldn't even think about doing that," he says. "Why is that," I ask curiously. "Because you love her," he smiles. "Maybe," I smirk. "Then fight her. If you lose, we'll know it's because you don't want to hurt her," Alan's wicked smirk grows wider each time he talks. She draws her sword and launches at me. I back up so I can draw mine.

The swords clang each time we lunge at each other. Until, she looks at me and stops. "Stop Pan," she says. I nod and she turns her sword towards Alan. The tip is right next to his neck. "What are you doing? You love me," Alan yells in shock. "You'd actually believe I would betray the person I love," madness takes her soul making her sound crazy. "But you-you kissed me," his eyes start tearing up. "You are so stupid. That was fake," her smile grows wider. Alan's anger takes control and grabs her sword bringing her around to where the sword is on her neck and she's on her knees. "Pan if you come closer, I slit her throat," he says wickedly. "Pan, this wasn't supposed to happen," she cries for help. Hook gets his tie off and launches himself at Alan causing Alan to fall and Ace to be let go. I grab her and give her to Felix for now. I hear screaming from someone over near the Primitives.

I open my mouth in shock. How would I tell her this?

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