Saving Him {16}

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I make my way deep into the forest as I look for Tinkerbell's old nook that has a mirror you can communicate with people from other realms. As I walk, I think of what to say to Henry. "Oh your umm sister is you know thinking she belongs to Alan" or "Your sister gone crazy" or "Um don't tell Regina, but Ace might be a little bit in trouble" , ok you know what, I'll just wing this one.

When I see the abandoned nook, I quickly rush in by using the stairs. Well, ladder. I climb quickly up to the nook and see the mirror standing up by the window. "Hello Mirror," I say. "Why hello Pan? Haven't seen you in a long long time," the mirror's soft voice rings through my ears. "I need a favor," I order. "What would that be," she asks. "I need to communicate to someone in another realm," I tell her.  "Which realm," Mirror asks. "Storybrooke,Maine," I inform her. "Who would you like to see," she inquires. "Henry Mills," I tell. "Now say it in the magic words," stubborn mirror. "Mirror Mirror, show me Henry Mills and let me speak," I repeat the magic words. "Wish has been granted," she says.

Soon after, Henry's figure is portrayed on the mirror. "Henry!"

"Pan," he notices me. "Yes it is I. I have to talk to you," I inform him. "Yes," he says. "Ace is in trouble and I don't need you to tell your mother that or Emma," I order him. "Why not? They'd be able to help. I should just scream for my moms right now," Henry smiles. "No! I don't want them to kill me," I say sympathetically. "Ok fine, what's wrong," Henry asks. "Alan came back and put madness inside her. Then he died. Now she's just kind of crazy," I inform him. "So what does that have to do with me," Henry inquires. "I have a theory that if you come, the madness will go away," I tell him. "Ok but how do I get there," he asks.

I let my hand go through the mirror. "Take my hand and I'll pull you through," I say. He looks scared. "I promise you it will work."

Henry grabs my hand and I pull him through the mirror. As he is lunging forward, we both fall to the ground when he makes a full transition. "Umm hi," Henry blushes as he is laying on top of me, "I think I'll get off of you now." I smile and he pulls me up off the ground. "Now you get to see your sister," I laugh.

The walk to the main camp was rather silent. Maybe a few times Henry would mumble something but I wouldn't be able to hear it.

"Henry, she's a little kooky. That's if she's awake, so don't be scared," I pat him on the back while his face was plastered with a scared expression. "I got it," he smiles bash fully.

"What the hell do you want," Ace's scary voice yells. "Ace it's me, Henry. Your brother? I love you," his sweet voice comforts her. "I just want my master and I'm lost and I am just so scared," her overflowing tears fall down her face. "Can I speak to her alone," Henry asks. I nod and leave.

"Lay down Ace," I calmly put her down. "Henry, save me," she asks. I kiss her forehead thinking it might help, but an overwhelming force takes control of my body. "Hello my sweet servant," I rub her hair back. "Alan? Wait did Henry's thing work? Am I free from you," her arms start flailing. "Yes and no. I don't have complete control over you, but madness does," I smile deceivingly. I release the restraints and grab her hand. "Let's go kill Pan," I kiss her. "I indeed will be out there a moment," Ace says.


After Alan/Henry leaves, I have a migraine. It hurts like hell. It keeps pounding and pounding and pounding. Then my eyes close and I imagine my family. My dad cooking a thanksgiving turkey, my mom wrapping early Christmas gifts, Henry drinking cinnamon coffee, Emma warming the fire, and I'm wondering around the house. It's happy. Everyone's smiling and laughing and having a great time, but then I see a girl in the corner. She's crying. I touch her shoulder and ask her what's wrong. The little girl replies with, "I'm your worst nightmare." Then I realized who it was, Skylar. My eyes return open and I see myself in a mirror. Who was I?

This poofy hair. This really tight leather. Which is actually kind of itchy. I wonder how my dad wore all this leather. In my reflection, I see the good me. The long black and red hair. Regular green clothes. Brown combat boots.

"You shouldn't be doing this, you're not a slave. You're a strong, brilliant woman and I love you deeply," Pan's tender voice talks to me through the mirror. I touch the mirror hoping to hold his hand. Slowly, the madness leaves my body making me normal again.

I need to kill Alan, but how? He's in my brother's body. I can't kill Henry. Never, ever, ever, would I think of killing my brother?   I start to brainstorm ideas. I need to expose him first and then he'll get out of Henry's body and float away, which I should get a clear shot.

"Think Ace! You shouldn't use a bow and arrow on a soul. Use the box I gave you," Regina's appearance appears on the mirror. She's right.

I look around the tent to see if I can find it. Tossing desks, shelves, chairs, until I find it in a chest. However, the chest was closed shut with a lock. I put my hand on it and burn it. The lock melts and I open the chest. I see the the box and grab it and head outside.

I pull my bow.

"Wait for it," I smile.

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