Saving Him{12}

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"Why did you decide to come here," Alan asks me in front of everyone with the fire blazing up high to the sky. "I realized that I didn't belong there anymore. They took my father and wouldn't even let me see him. Pan has changed more than I could imagine. I thought I could make him back to who once was but I failed," i partially tell the truth. "It's okay Ace. You have a home here now," Alan touches my shoulder and i look up at him. His smile made everything better. He reminded me of one friend I had made in the lonesome city of New York when I was younger and lived with my 'parents'. The boys name was Zac and he was brilliant. You couldn't get anything by him, he was fast as a whistle. He's probably the only person I'd ever met in New York.

Was I falling for Alan now? Why is it so confusing? Feelings are horrible. My mind says Alan, but my heart is torn between him and Pan. "Thanks Alan, im really glad I came," i half smile glancing at him. He returns the smile and holds my hand. "Let me show you something," I follow him into the forest. Before I know it, we are alone and I can't even see the campfire anymore.

"This is my favorite spot on the whole island," we reach a nice side that i recognize. It was the spot where Tink was killed. "Why," I ask calmly. "Because every time Pan would get angry, I'd find it relaxing to come here. It just makes me feel free, you know," he explains his reason and I can't help but feel the same at this point. "My free moment is when I'm a Phoenix," I look up into the bright midnight sky. Stars shining bright with a moon becoming a light.

Alan turns toward me and tilts my chin up at him. I look into his eyes seeing a pool of softness. The softness you see and feel when you know someone likes you. He scoots my hair behind my ears. "You really are beautiful," He whispers softly, making the moment even more romantic. "Th-Thanks," I stutter quietly. In that moment, I felt something different. I don't know exactly what, but I just felt everything change. From being frightened by the touch of someone, to enjoying the touch of the one in front of me. I wasn't in love, I just felt protected. That moment when you feel like everything has vanished and you're barely standing, but you have someone holding you up.

"No worries," Alan's smile made the night even more brighter, "I won't let you go like he did." I smile slightly as we hug each other. His hold was very nice making my heart beat faster than it normally did. I sort of didn't want this scene to end. I felt happy and not afraid. "You know what we should do," I ask him. "What would that be that my dear," he smiles a great smirk to the point where I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why don't we raid Pan's camp," I fake an aha moment. "That's actually not a bad idea," he smiles wickedly. "We could plan it and when we actually do it, I can get my father back," I smile with great enthusiasm. "We'll plan it tomorrow. Right now, is our moment," he leans into my bubble and kisses me. I couldn't say anything because it felt magical. "C-Can you teach me how to fight with a sword," I ask after our lips break away. "Sure. I'm surprised he hasn't yet," he smiles knowing that he gets to teach me something.

Hand in hand, we walk into camp to tell the others the plan.

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