Saving Him{10}

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flashback in VALON'S POV•

Morning was always my favorite time. The coolness in the air, fog everywhere, just the perfect time for a hunt. The wind flowing through my hair. Leather tight clothing attaches to my skin as I run through the forest just right outside of my dwelling.

I spot a deer just north of the tree I had been staking out at. I bring up my bow silently, making sure I don't make any sudden movement. Whoosh! The arrow hits the deer straight in the head. Third one this month, I must be on a lucky streak. My family would definitely appreciate it. We were poor, pretty much our whole village was poor.

I grab as much of the deer as I could drag. "Wait Val, I'll help you," my brother finally shows up. He grabs the second half and we haul the food towards our dwelling. Going through the woods could sometimes feel like a maze and we were all the pawns looking for where to end.

My arms got tired, but we kept on going anyways. My brother and I were always alike. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a vast variety of talents. Our mother and father weren't liked very well in our village. We don't know why. I always thought it was because of our last names, Beastly. We were raised to never have fear. I wasn't afraid of anything.

Our dwelling appears soon after we make it out of the forest. It was a tiny little cottage, but we made do with it.

"Something's not right," I notice quickly. When Felix and I walked home from a hunt, our parents would greet us once they could hear us grunting to get the food up. "Your right," he says.

I walk through the red door. Further into the house, it gets darker and darker. I reach the creaky floor of the main room. I smell blood so I look down on the floor to find my mom and dad lying lifeless, no breathing. I scream and scream with tears. Felix joins me. "What's-," he grabs me after he sees the dead body. "It's going to be okay," he tries to assure not knowing what he should feel right now. I felt hurt, sad, angry, and for once, afraid.

"No it's not," I push him away from me yelling, "Don't you get it! They're dead. Never coming back. Who the hell would kill them?" He has a hint of devastation in his eyes, but holds back the silent tear. "Mom and dad probably died being heroes," he spats out. "Who would they have protected," I spat back.

"Us. They're still our parents," Felix put his hand up to my cheek wiping away the tears that sprang from my eyes. "Who would want to kill us," I ask silently.

"Valon?" My brother stands in front of me as his so called best friend had me tied up. "Happy to see me," I smile at him jokingly. "Felix, who is this," Pan asks confused as ever. "She's my sister," he says through gritted teeth.

"Wait, your related to a primitive," Pan says, with his British accent showing through. Felix nods. "No hug for me I guess," I joke around like the person I am. Pan and Felix both look at me, not knowing what to do. "I'll let you two get caught up," Pan says then leaves the two Beastly children alone.

"You idiot," Felix slaps me hard, while I stay with my two arms behind my back sitting on my knees. "What did I do now," I yell at him. "I specifically told you to never come to Neverland. I specifically told you to never ever look for me again," Felix reaches high volume. "How could I not? You're my own flesh and blood," I reach to where his voice is.

He slaps me one more time, harder than before. I flinch at the pain for a second trying to not give him any satisfaction. "Mother would never approve you doing that," I smartassingly say to him. I just had to open my big mouth. "Don't ever mention her to me," he grabs me by the neck and picks me up. I feel the air stop coming up, like life was being sucked out of me. "Fe-fe," i try to get out. He drops me to the grounds and I ache in pain as my knees hit it hard.

Felix walks away. Can't he just forget about it and come home. He left when I needed him most. That's why I'm here. To get him back. Not to destroy Pan or get back at my brother. I want him to come with me, somewhere safe. Why is he so damn stubborn?

"Valon are you okay," my friend's voice joins me. "I'm fine Ace. Go before Pan sees you. I don't want you to get hurt," I express my concern for her. "I don't care," she smiles softly. I return the smile but it is quickly replaced with worry as I see Pan come from behind the trees. Ace turns and looks at him.

"I told you to stay in the tent," his voice stern and angry, "you deliberately disobeyed me." "Pan please I was just being nice to a new friend," she explains. "I don't care. She's nothing to our camp," he says to her. "Don't hurt her," Ace, worried and afraid, asks of her mate. Pan reaches Ace and smacks her to the point where she falls to the ground.

"You're weak, like always," he insults her. Her face turns angry and she starts to heat up. "I AM NOT WEAK," she yells out as a force field of fire protects us from him coming near her. "Ace," I look up at her. "I'm going to untie you and you're going to run. I will meet up with you again one day," she assures me with a smile. The restraints are untied and I get up and run. Fast as I could. Trees. Gloominess surrounding me. Thorns cutting my pants. I don't want to leave her.

"Ill see you again one day," those words echoed through my head.

HI guys! How is everyone? The picture is of Valon when she was younger. I'm thinking of making a novel just for Valon, just because I love her character so much.

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