Saving Him {17}

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"Ace what are you doing," Alan yells through Henry's body. "You actually think you can keep me under some type of your control forever. Have you not realized my love for Pan is stronger than the madness you house? Have you not realized that love stops every evil? Just think of my mom and Robin Hood. Sure my mom has flaws but love found her and relinquished that evil," I make a speech, "Surely there is someone you used to love? Everyone has a first love."

I see Henry's face start crying. Alan is breaking down. "Anna. You know her, or at least her sister, Elsa. I used to live in Arendalle. I always wanted to tell her but I never got the chance," tears roll off Henry's cheeks. "Alan, you have to get out of my brother's body. Let me kill your evil soul so you can rest and go to the pure spirit you once were," I ask nicely. "There's no way," he yells. The spirit flys away from the body.

"You were always a foolish girl," I hear the evil laugh I know well. "Shadow let his soul go," I yell at him. "You actually think I'm going to let you live? I think it's pretty obvious that I need you dead," he laughs. "Why would you need me dead," I ask. "Because I need my Peter Pan back," I see Pan squirm a bit. "Peter you can't listen to him, don't let the darkness consume you," I yell at him trying to walk over to him. I grab the box thing and open it. The soul along with the shadow get consumed into it. "Nooooooooo," the shadow's voice gets higher as it gets sucked into the box.

I fall backward. "Ace, you saved my life," Peter looks at me. I get up and hug him with pure joy. "I have been waiting to hug you for forever," I whisper in his ear. "I've missed you too," I feel his hands grab my back completely. "Well then, Peter Pan. Shall we feast," I smile. "We shall," he winks. "So just because I'm your brother doesn't mean I can't get a hug," Henry laughs.

I run over to him and hug him. "I've missed you little brother," I hug him tight. "I think our parents are going to be really mad at us," he laughs. "I wonder how they are doing," I say. "Well why don't we communicate them through the magic mirror," Pan suggests. "Sure," I agree.

"How do we get there," Henry asks. "Well I think I've got that handled," I use my transporting powers that my mom taught me. "Wow you always seem to impress me," Pan kisses me. Henry clears his throat as a sign to stop kissing. "Ok fine," I smile.

"Mirror, I need a favor," I say into the mirror. "Oh Ace, it's you again, do you need Rumple again? I heard your conversation last time, looks like you planning something pretty evil," it says. "I've never been here before. I have no idea what you are talking about," I respond. "Wait what was the conversation," Pan asks. I look at him with confusion. "Well she had asked Rumple of dreamshade and more poison. She said she was going to kill you and the lost boys," the mirror tells him. "Pan I never said any of this," I grab his hand. "Was she with a boy," he asks not even looking at me. "No, alone," it responds.

"Did she give a reason why she wanted to kill me," he asked. "Something about you killing her father and her friend," she replies. "Pan you know I know you didn't kill them," I keep grabbing his arm. He puts something on my arm. "What's this for," I ask. "A precaution," he replied sternly. "You really don't trust my sister," Henry tries to stand up for me. "I don't know what to trust," he says. "You actually think that she would do something like this? After all the times she trusted you while that shadow possessed you," he squared off to Pan. "Henry it's okay," I cool him down. Henry backs off.

"Show me my mother, Regina, the evil queen in Storybrooke," I say what I need to say. "As you wish," it says. I see my mother in her office sitting in her chair. "Mom," I yell. "Ace, oh my god, where have you been," she runs up to the glass she sees me in. "Is everyone in there," I ask. "Hey guys, come over here," she yells. I see Charming, Snow, Emma, Robin Hood, and baby Neal. "I'm in Neverland," I tell them. "Again? How many times do you have to save his ass," Regina says. "Mom, it's okay. But we kind of hit a road bump. Apparently the mirror says I contacted Rumple and asked for poison to kill Pan," I said. "You would never kill that boy," Snow says. I nod my head. "Is that why he put that cuff on you? It prevents you from using magic," my mom informs me. "How come you don't trust her," Emma asks. "I never know what to see in her sometimes," he says. He hasn't looked at me since we walked in here. "After all the times she's trusted you," Regina gets angry. "Yes but has she told you what has happened here," he yells at them. He's going to tell them about dad. "What," Emma stares with curiosity. "Hook is dead," he states. Emma breaks down and cries. "Why haven't you told that to me yet, Ace," she yells as Charming let her sink into his arms.

"I'm sorry, I've been possessed by an evil spirit for the past five days," I say with sincerity. "What! Pan how could you let-," mom gets stopped. "She did that on her own, by going to Alan's camp in the first place," Pan says as I stare at him anger. "Mom I just called to check in, Henry's here too, I love you bye," I get the mirror to shut it off.

"Now will you tell me what all of this is about," I yell at him. "Why are you getting angry with me," he asks. "You told Emma, you said it's my fault I was possessed, and you think I actually plotted to kill you," I keep yelling as Henry tries to calm me down. "Ace, I'm sorry, I'm just being cautious. I don't know if Alan's spell is still on you," he tells me. "If I was still under that, don't you think I'd kill you already," I yell at him.

"Ace, please calm down. I love you dearly," he tries to comfort me. I push his arms away. "I need time to think, don't bother me," I yell at him and run from Tink's nook. I head to the waterfall that I haven't been to in forever.

"Well, you haven't been here in a while," Felix is here too. "Leave me be," I order. "He did something, didn't he," Felix asks. "Yes, but I don't want to talk about it. I just want to relax here. You can stay, just don't talk to me unless spoken to," I tell him. He agrees and sits about 18 feet away from me. I lay down in the grass and just think.

Why would Pan not trust me?

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