0.3 | sillage

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the scent that lingers in the air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone; the trace of someone's perfume.

September 1, 2000

She walked with Juniper to the common room, answering the riddle the way inside, and plopping down on one of the couches. She stares up into the starry ceiling, admiring the constellations, she takes out her sketchbook and quickly draws one of the stars. Juniper looks over to her and looks down at her sketch. "Wow, Ciana."

"What?" She pauses her quick hand movements and closes her sketchbook.

He leans on his palm and smiles at her. "I shouldn't have to tell you about your talent." She laughs and stands from her spot on the couch.

"I'm going to go get ready for the party," He looks at her and nods his head lightly.

"Okay, I'll meet you here after you're done." She walks up the stairs to the dormitories, and walks over to the door that reads "The Eighth Years." She opens the door and is immediately hit with the cool air of an unopened room. Shivers ran down her spine, as she walked over to her bed where her bags were already set.

Ciana always loved the feeling of an empty room, but now all she can feel is the void of memories—there were subtle differences to the room, they were little, but you could see them after years of staying in the same room. She put her clothes away and grabbed a dress before walking into the bathroom.

The dress wasn't formal, but it wasn't too casual, it had enough of both where she didn't seem too flashy. A black satin dress, with a ruched wrap front details, and spaghetti straps. It wasn't out of her comfort zone to use a dress like that, but she hasn't dressed up in a while.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face before doing her eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. She put her dress on and walked to the mirror. She ran her hands over her body and untangled her hair leaving it natural. "It's going to be fun. It's going to be fun. It's going to be fun..." She whispered to herself, trying her hardest to make it seem convincible.

She walked down the stairs into the common room and met with a dressed-up Juniper. "Well, look at you."

He smirked and playfully bowed. "Beautiful as always, madam."

"Oh get up!" She laughed, and he raised his eyebrows. They left the common room and talked on their way to the Room of Requirement. They waited outside of the wall and thought about the party and only the party.

The door revealed itself to them, they gave each other a look before opening the door and walking in. Once they were inside, the loud music hit their ears. There were charming lights to flash different colors, a table with fire whiskey, and a large dance floor in the middle. The large room smelled of sweat, and alcohol making Ciana wrinkle her nose up.

Ginny saw the pair walk in from the corner she was standing with Harry. "Look, they came. Wow, Cianas gorgeous."

Harry turned in their direction, and his jaw almost dropped visibly. He stared at her, her beautiful dress and dreamy expressions. She was just standing, but somehow she made that utterly enticing. "Harry?" Ginny's voice took him out of his daze, and he blinked up at her. "Do you want something to drink?"

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