3.3 | habromania

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delusions of happiness.

February 14, 2001

Valentine's day. The day of love. The halls filled with hearts and the colors red and pink. The flowers are in full bloom and chocolate is everywhere. The day where Madam Puddifoot gets the most business.

The air smells of love.

"Disgusting," Ciana scrunched her nose as she passed by a couple making out in the middle of the hall. They glared but continued as they were.

Juniper laughed as he walked by her side, "You're just jealous."

"I am not jealous," She sneered. "There's a thing called a room, or a broom closet. Anything but the halls, for Merlin's sake!"

"Let them, love."

"Let them, love," She mocked, trying to match his voice. He laughed at her and pulled her into the courtyard. Luna was sitting under a tree with Ginny laying in between her legs.

"...aren't noticeable, but you know they're there when they are," Luna said as she played with Ginny's hair.

"Oh really. Will you tell me when they are?"

"I won't need to. You'll know." Ginny looked up at her and smiled, Luna smiled down at her back. They were sickeningly sweet.

"How cute," Juniper gushed and Ciana smiled at them. They took a seat next to them.

"So, any dates?" Ginny asked, curiously. She's been very invested in Ciana and Harry lately, it's almost become an obsession.

Luna pinched her hip, and Ginny jumped back. Ciana shook her head slowly, "No, just me and my books."

"I'll be in my room, waiting for a damn letter. The usual," Juniper sighed before looking back down at the spells book he had taken out.

"Okay. Well I have a date with this hot babe," Ginny winked and they laughed while Luna turned slightly pink. They sat in comfortable silence as they did their homework, or talked silently. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, something they had grown accustomed to, no one could have guessed that this would have happened after the war.

After many minutes, a group of three arrived. Ciana tensed, feeling him. Around her, near her, everywhere.

Harry wasn't paying attention to where his friends were leading him, just following closely behind them as they talked about their date plans. "Ron," Hermione sighed, "no."

"Should have known," Ron shook his head, disappointed and Hermione noticed. She squeezed his hand quickly and smiled.

"We'll do it another day, okay?"

He smiled at her and nodded, "Okay."

Ginny noticed the group of four and waved them over, "Over here!"

"Come on," Hermione took both of the boy's hands, taking them over quickly before one of them can sneak away. Ciana looked up, seeing them walk up to them, shifting in her spot. Juniper put a hand on her knee and it loosened her tension slightly.

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