4.0 | dolorous

401 13 1

grieving; mourning; full of sorrow.

April 7, 2001

It felt like a normal day. The sun was out, the smell of blooming flowers was in the air. Students studying for exams were packed in tiny spaces of the library, upcoming 7th and 8th years excited for graduation.

8th years reminiscing about their 7th year in which they missed their actual graduation time.

That all got completely warped up when a certain firecracker Italian walked into Headmistress McGonagall's office and asked if she could visit for a small time. It took a lot of charming for McGonagall to say yes.

Carina smiled as she looked around the castle, she was lost but didn't mind. This place is beautiful. She's always been a sucker for scenery. The thought of seeing Juniper after such a long time made her heart leap and her steps grow faster as she tried to find the Ravenclaw common room.

A girl with vibrant platinum hair passes by her and Carina catches up to her to ask for help. "Hi!" The girl turns around and smiles at Carina.


"Sorry, but I wanted to ask if you know where the Ravenclaw common room is?" Carina bit her bottom lip and tugged, her nerves going haywire.

The girl smiled widely and nodded, "Ph yes! I'm going there right now actually. You can follow me."

Carina let out a sigh, "Thank you, I thought I would have to walk around this whole castle."

They began making their way to the common room, making small talk.

"So I was going the wrong way the entire time wow." She laughed at herself and the girl laughed too, it was light. Her whole aura was light.

"It's okay. It is quite big here. Are you from here? I notice your accent and it isn't like mine?"

Carina shakes her head, "I'm from Italy."

The girl jumps and covers her mouth, "Oh wow!" Carina laughs. "And what's your name?"


The girl recognized the name. "I'm Luna. We're here!" Luna steps up to answer the riddle and then they enter.

"Thank you so much again!" Carina gave Luna a thankful smile.

"Oh don't worry! Here let me introduce you to my friends." Luna grabbed her hand and pulled her to where a group of people was talking and laughing. "Hi! This is Carina."

Everyone turned to Luna, and Carina looked around until she landed on a specific someone. Her smile widened even more and her cheeks grew warm.

Juniper jumped up and practically ran to her. He grabbed her by the waist and hugged her tightly, to the point where she was off the ground. She laughed loudly and hugged him back just as tightly.

He couldn't believe she was in front of him. "I can't—You're here. Here." He put her down but didn't dare take his hands off her waist. Or his eyes off of her. His friends were staring also smiling.

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