3.9 | drapetomania

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an overwhelming urge to run away.

April 1, 2001

"You have to take the offer, Ciana! It's the only option." Juniper says as he ties his shoes on. They were waiting in the common room for Luna to get down for breakfast.

"But my whole life is here, I can't just leave." She bit her nail when she noticed she immediately stopped.

He stood up and grabbed her by the shoulders, and stared at her straight in the eyes. "Are you hearing yourself right now? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for you and your career. Everyone's leaving after graduation, starting their own lives. It's not like I'll stop talking to you or that anyone will forget about you. You're unforgettable."

"I don't care if people forget about me," She looked down and sighed, "I just don't want to come back and..." She couldn't even voice her thoughts.

He nodded, understanding what's she was thinking. "Talk to him, but don't let him hold you back. We don't do that here. Okay?" He bent his head down and get her eyes.

She gave him a strained smile, "Okay."

That's when Luna picked the perfect time to come to where they were standing with a smile on her face, "What's going on?"

Ciana smiled back, widely. "I have great news."


Ciana dropped her bad down on the bench and laid her head down on her arms.

Hermione looked at her from the sides of her eyes, "Tired?"

"Exhausted," Ciana groaned then lifted her head and put her cheeks on her hands, squishing her face up. "Shouldn't the month before graduation be quick? It feels like every day is an eternity."

Hermione closed her book and turned to face Ciana. "I don't know. Maybe it's just you, you don't want to leave so you're making yourself feel like time is going by really slow." She shrugged and Ciana kept facing forward.

"Maybe," That's all she said before she saw Harry walking over. He was looking at the floor, expecting to only see Hermione but when he looked up, he wasn't going to complain when he saw Ciana there too.

Immediately, like an instinct, he grinned. Ciana pulled her head away from her hands and gave a grin back. Their obvious love for each other radiated off them, Hermione couldn't even handle it. She gathered her things together.

Harry stood in front of them and put his hands in his pants pockets. His messy hair fell in front of his eyes, his glasses hanging by the ends of his nose. His tie was untied and a few buttons from his shirt were unbuttoned. To add to that, his shirt sleeves were rolled up to where his beautiful muscled arms were showed up.

Ciana gulped, her skin flushed. Merlin, he looked so good.

Hermione laughed to herself and stood up, "I've got to go help Ron study. You know how it is. Have fun!" She hurried away.

Ciana shook her head and Harry laughed it off. He took Hermione's spot and put his bag next to him.

It was silent for a moment. Harry gave the space where they were sitting a glance. Ciana wondered what he was searching for but before she could give it another thought she was grabbed by the nape of her neck and brought into a passionate kiss. It was nothing she's ever felt, she'd never believe how wonderful it felt to be held by her neck like that. She loved how he kissed her in such a rough and passionate way. Like he took enjoyment from a simple kiss.

He moved his hand to her hair and pulled away from the kiss almost like he didn't want to.

He didn't want to pull away.

As they pull away from the kiss, their heavy breathes are heard between them. He rested his head on her forehead. "I've been waiting to do that all day. Sorry if it was a little sudden or rough." He took his thumb and rubbed it along her bottom lip as if it could soothe the redness of them. She was drooling, she must be. She's speechless and wants to jump all over him but she knew when it was the right time and when wasn't.

The fact that they weren't in a secluded area, where anyone can walk through at any time was not the right time.

To prove her point, they saw two girls walking towards them. Harry pecked Cianas' lips quickly and distracted himself by looking through his bag.

While Ciana sat there in disbelief. She licked her lips and stared at the ground until the girls passed through and were far away from them.

By then, she was back to normal. Thankfully.

Harry was still looking through his bag when she looked back at him. After a minute he took something out and she couldn't see his face clearly but she could see a faint hint of blush on his cheeks and it intrigued her.

She sat up and tried to peek at what it was. Harry took a deep breath before handing the single flower to her. He was nervous and it warmed her heart.

He ran a hand through his hair, "I saw this in one of the vases in the common room and my first thought was that you would love it so I kind of stole it."

Ciana took the flower from his hand and shook her head. She was trying hard to control her laughter.

"You can laugh," He said through his laughter. Rather than the heavy breaths surrounding the air, it was no laughter. Pure laughter.

She loved these moments. Where everything else was forgotten and it was just them. She could deny and say she didn't have doubts that they would go back to how they were before, where they didn't speak.

She was glad that didn't happen.

After that, they continued joking around and small kisses here and there.

Smalls in understatement. They were more than small kisses.

But the thought that consumed her still the whole time with Harry.

Will this feeling stay the same once she leaves?

April 2, 2001

"Is there a reason why you're waking me up this early?" Juniper asked as he rubbed his eyes harshly. He fell onto the sofa and put a hand over his eyes.

Ciana was already sitting on a chair, her hands on her lap. She was twisting her hands together, trying to find a way to put her words together.

She decided to just cut to the chase, "I'm going to Amsterdam."

Juniper very slowly lifted his arm off his eyes and sat up. He turned to her and stared. Just stared and then chaos. He jumped up and started dancing.

Ciana covered her mouth and let out a laugh. Juniper squished her cheeks together, "This is awesome!"

Ciana covered his mouth and shushed him, "You're going to wake up everyone else."

"This is awesome!" He whispered this time and she laughed.

"Okay, but we can't say anything. Not until the right moment." She turned serious.

Juniper nodded, "And by anyone you mean—"

She cut him off with a narrowed look, "Anyone."

Authors Note
I suck at updating and I'm so sorry but give me some time and I'll get this book done🤯🤯

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