3.8 | apodyopsis

493 18 4

the act of mentally undressing someone.

March 31, 2001

It was early in the morning and they were still wide awake, in each other arms.

Her head resting on his bare chest as his hand runs up and down her back. Occasionally she would feel him writing something on her back but couldn't tell what.

It was the epitome of peace. The quiet of the room and the sun rising cast a small ray of sun to shine from the open piece of her curtains.

She was glad Luna decided to stay with Ginny, or there would've been an awkward interaction.

Ciana looked up at him. When he felt her eyes on him, he looked down at her. He was in absolute awe of her beauty, even in the early morning she looked stunning. He couldn't stop himself from kissing her on the forehead, then on her cheeks, and he moved to her lips but she moved her face quickly before he could.

He pouted at her but she only chuckled shaking her head, "You are not kissing me when I have morning breath."

"I do not care," He scoffed and grabbed her chin, and brought her into a searing kiss. She kissed him back with the same energy.

When they pulled away she covered her mouth, "I can't believe you just did that."

"You have to understand, Ciana, you're flawless." He moved his hand from her chin to her cheek and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Perfect, I sometimes can't handle it."

She blushes hard and moves to cover her face in his neck. She can't handle all these compliments, especially from him. "Stop that." She mutters into his neck.

He laughs and wraps both of his arms around her bare waist, "Stop what?"

"Just stop being so—so—I don't know but stop!" She groans and he keeps laughing.

They go into a comfortable silence afterward. The sun had risen by then and people will start getting up soon for breakfast.

As she stared at the wall in front of her she asked him hesitantly, "Why did you go with Esme?" She needed to know before continuing with whatever was happening with them.

He sighed but kept his arms where they were, "I found her crying in a corridor. I asked her what was wrong and she told me about something that happened with a guy. I felt bad for her. So, when she asked if I could help prove something to the guy, I didn't think when I agreed."

Ciana moved from out of his neck and put a hand on his chest, "You're so fucking good."

He gave her a big smile and then smirked, "Hm, that's the same thing you said to me last night." She smacked his cheek playfully and moved back into his neck. He gnawed on his lip for a moment before asking, "Why did you go with Theodore?"

She winced and released a mumbled sound which sounded like a groan, "It's embarrassing."

"Come on tell me, I told you."

She nodded and took a deep breath in, "Okay. It's not as good as yours but after I found out about you and Esme, I was quite jealous, you can say. I went out on a run late at night and ran into him, he asked me and I saw it as an opportunity to—I don't know—show you up? I honestly still don't get what my thought process was. I felt so bad, I can't believe I used him like that. Before I left with you, he reassured me that he only wanted to help me but still."

It was quiet until Harry let out a breathe, "Thank Merlin, I thought you actually wanted to go with him." He put a hand on his forehead and swiped it in relief.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh shut it!" He laughed as she blushed and put her face right back into his neck.


It was later in the day now and Harry was already back in the Gryffindor common room, while Ciana stayed in all day. They agreed to not tell anyone right now, not before figuring out what to do about their situation.

Ciana was peacefully reading when she heard something land on her windowsill. She closed her book and looked at the window confused. She opened it and saw her family's owl, she said hi to it and fed it a treat before taking the letter. It flew away right after.

Ciana sat at the edge of her bed and ripped the letter open.


Sweetheart! I have such good news to give you!

Do you remember Layla? My longest friend from school? The artist? Well, I hadn't heard from her for over a year now and it turns out it was because she was in Amsterdam! I could've never guessed it.

Well, she told me that she went to get more time with her art and it would give her more opportunities to sell her art. She was so invested in it, she completely forgot to let people know where she was!

She knows how much of an artist you are so now that she's coming back, she wanted to ask me to ask you if you would like to take over her house that she has over there for however the time you want. Once you graduate, of course!

I think this would be great for you Ciana. As long as you don't forget to communicate with your mother while you're there of course but I think you should take up her offer.

Let me know soon.

With the most love,
Your mother.

Authors Note
short chapter :(

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