3.6 | feelstora

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A/N: A necessary time skip.

a story that is heavily influenced by the author's emotional state at the time of its writing.

March 20, 2001

They didn't stop talking since that day, as expected. It was expected for them to go back to their silence & longing looks but no. Not this time. He wouldn't allow for that to happen again.

It was one of those peaceful days. The flowers were starting to bloom and the Autumn weather was fading away and the confusing days of sunshine and then storms comes. It was a sunshine day. Everyone was outside enjoying as earlier it was storm after storm. Ciana sat back taking in the sun causing her face to glow. Harry couldn't help but stare, it was the clearing of Juniper's throat that made him look away and back to his studies.

What else could be better than studying during this wonderful weather? Anything else. Harry thought to himself. Everyone was quite focused as the start of exams got closer and closer. Hermione wasn't just focused, she was determined to keep her eyes on her books and only her books. Not even Ron could get her out of this trance, they've all gotten used to it after all these years.

Luna was waving her wand and whispering spells to herself while a passed-out Ginny laid on her nap.

It was quiet until the sound of wings flapping caught their attention. It wasn't a familiar owl. It had a letter attached to its legs and was flying to Juniper or Ciana, none of them could quite tell.

Until it flew past Ciana and dropped the letter on Juniper's lap then flew away as quickly as it came. They all stared at Juniper waiting for him to open it but it seemed like he was in a trance. He looked at Ciana and they seemed to share some kind of agreement. She took the letter off his lap and ripped it open. She gave him a quick look before reading the contents of the letter, as they all waited in suspense. Juniper stared at his hands and took deep breathes.

Ciana snapped her lips together and put the letter down. "It's her."

Juniper snapped his head to her and took the letter, standing up and walking away. Ciana softly smiled and then went back to her books and they all, except Ginny and Hermione, stared at her with wide eyes. "So?" Ron asked impatiently.

"The girl from Italy. She finally replied to Juniper."

"Wow," He nodded in shock, "What'd she say?"

Still, without putting her head up from her book she answered, "Nothing bad, thankfully. I'm certain Junipers happy dancing in his room right about now." She chuckled and Harry smiled at her.

"Well, that's good. He's been waiting for that letter for Merlin knows how long."

This made Ciana finally look up, "It is good." She smiled at him and he smiled back. His hair was messy as always and his green eyes looked beautiful and strong.

Ron groaned and looked at Hermione from his shoulder, "Can you finally give me some attention?"

She looked up from her lashes and deadpanned, "Not at the moment." And went back to reading. Luna laughed and ran her fingers through Ginny's hair.

Ciana shook her head in amusement and stood up, Harry followed her with his eyes as she packed up. "I should go check on him. See you guys later." She waved and then turned to Harry, "Bye Harry." And then walked away.

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