2.4 | raison d'être

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Raison D'être
a reason for existing.

January 10, 2001

"Did you hear?" Ginny asked as she sat down for breakfast. Harry raised his head from where it was resting on the table and glanced back at the Ravenclaw table, only to be met with the one person he wanted to see, not there.

"Hear what?" Hermione put the book she was reading down, looking at Ginny questionably.

"The Slytherins are coming back," She said with a bit of dramatic effect, placing a toast on her plate.

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Ginny, there are already Slytherins here."

"No, not the general population of Slytherins, the Slytherins," She looked at all of them, waiting for them to catch on. When they didn't, she huffed, "You know, Malfoy and his band."

The realization took over all their faces before confusion did again. "Why are they coming back, the year is almost over?" Ron asked as he took a bite of his pancake.

"I don't know, I just know that they're coming back."

"Malfoy?" Harry spoke up, clearing his throat.

"Oh, no one knows if he's coming back, but we do know that Parkinson, Nott, Zabini, and others are."

"Why so late?" Hermione asked the air.

Ginny shrugged, "Don't know. Trials?"

"There was no news of any trials."

Ginny only shrugged again and continued eating. That was the topic of most conversations for that day. It reached everyone by the end of the day, even the one person who was locked in their room all day.

Ciana jumped when the door to the dorm opened. Luna walked in, holding a ton of papers, a smile on her face, as usual. "Good afternoon, Ciana."

"Hi," She grumbled into her pillow, not lifting her head.

"You stayed in here all day, again," Luna stated as if Ciana didn't know.

She finally lifted her head and blinked, "I was too tired to get out of bed."

"This is becoming a regular thing, and I'm worried."

"You shouldn't. It's only for a couple of days until I find the energy to conquer another lifetime."

Luna laughed before dropping the papers onto Ciana's nightstand. "Here is all the homework and notes from class."

"Thank you, Luna. It's greatly appreciated," She sat up and stretched her back, letting out a content sigh. "Any news?"

"Yes," Luna sat down next to Ciana, getting ready to share the news from today, "The Slytherins are coming back."

"What Slytherins?" She stood up and walked to the bathroom, Luna following her.

"Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, and many others. Ginny called them 'Malfoy's band'." Luna leaned against the doorframe, as Ciana brushed her teeth, and cleaned her face.

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