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[CW: Emetophobia]

a heartbreaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces, visible in gestures and facial expressions.

September 7, 2000

Juniper walked down the stairs to the common room and blinked as he remembered the events of last night. He told Ciana about his and Bexs relationship, he told her and she didn't hate him.

She didn't resent him for lying to her, or for keeping it from her. She cradled him and spoke comforting words. She didn't absolutely despise him.

Ciana was sitting on one of the chairs in the corner, her glasses sitting on the edge of her nose as she reads. Juniper smiled at her and lifted her glasses for her making her lookup. She closed her book and took her glasses off. "I forgot you wore these, you rarely do."

"Well I don't really need them, but it makes it easy to read with them on so I sometimes bring them out of their box." She sighed and shuffled in her seat.

He noticed the bags under her eyes, they were more prominent than before. "What time did you wake up?"

She looked down at her digital watch, and her eyes widened. "About 6, I think."

"Why?" He shoved her gently to make more space on the chair for him to sit.

She glared at him and made space for him. "Wasn't tired."

He inhaled shakily and looked at her. "Listen, Ciana, about yesterday—"

She cut him off before he could ramble apologies. "Juniper, you did nothing wrong. You weren't ready to talk, so you didn't pressure yourself, and when you told me everything last night, you feel guilty." He nodded and fiddled with his thumbs. "Well, don't. You did nothing wrong." She repeated, and she would a million times until it stuck to his mind.

"But, you had a right to know."

"No, I didn't. I wasn't in the relationship, I did not contribute to it and therefore didn't need to know anything. If you want me to forget, if that helps you then I will." She reasoned with him in a gentle tone.

He thought for a moment. Forgetting would be easier, it would make it easier to move on and simply forget but...he didn't want that. "I don't want to forget."

She smiled and ruffled his hair. "I'm glad. Okay, I'm starving, let's go."

He stood up, and grabbed his bag—she did the same. "Are you going to finish the drawing?"

Ciana stilled, and bite her lip. "I don't know, maybe when I'm stronger."

"Take your time, Ciana. No need to rush." They exited the common room and walked to the Great Hall.

"I know, but I don't want to leave it unfinished. I want to do this for her."

They were quiet for a moment before Juniper decided to speak. "She would be proud either way, she always wanted you to do something with your talent, and you are."

She scoffed and brought out her sketch journal. "There's not much to be proud of..." She trailed off as she flipped through the pages, stopping at one, and pointing at it. "This one is good, maybe this one, oh, and this one!"

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