4.2 | obeisance

315 7 0

any action that shows deep respect for someone or something.

May 1, 2001

It was almost time for the exams. Students studying hours on end, getting a few hours of sleep and no peace. All they want to do is leave. It's been a long year.

Ciana wasted most of her time in a cramped corner of the library. It was dark and quiet, a space where she can think the most. She doesn't need good scores on her exams, not as others do, but she'll do anything to keep herself away from her friends. The only people she's talked to recently have been Luna and Juniper.

There was movement from her peripheral and then a cough. She moves her head slightly and then sighs, already expecting what to come.

"Hello, Hermione."

Hermione smiles and puts her books down. "Goodmorning, Ciana."

Ciana smiled back and put her head back into her book. Hermione coughs again and another sigh escapes Ciana. "Yes?"

"You should talk to Harry."

Ciana bites her lip and thinks for a moment. She should. But she doesn't know what to say. She's leaving, and nothing can stop it.

"What is there to talk about?"

Hermione shakes her head, "Everything. You just put it out there without giving him a second to process it, Ciana. I know we can't convince you to stay, you're meant to go but it still sucks that we have only days to be with you, and you're isolating yourself in here."

She's right. It's not fair to her friends or Harry. She should give him a chance, maybe he'll want to do long distance. No. Ciana stopped that thought. She won't let him wait for her.

Ciana nods, "I know."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Procrastinating. Stalling. Whatever you want to call it." Hermione goes to say something but Ciana cuts her off, "I'll leave soon, just give me a little time."

Hermione looks at her for a moment, then grabs her things and leaves. Ciana drops her head on her book.


It's noon now and she is still in her corner. She might skip lunch like she's been doing for the past few days but she doesn't want to invite any more visitors to her sacred corner. So, she picks her things up and for the first time that day, she gets up and walks out of the library. Ciana walks slowly, but it still doesn't stop the inevitable.

In minutes, she made it to the Great Hall. Students are walking in and heading to their house tables. Ciana took a deep breath and walked in, walking to where her friends are. Juniper and Luna are talking with their hands, Juniper looks frustrated while Luna tries to calm him. She takes the seat next to Juniper, and immediately reaches for the food on the table. She hasn't eaten all day.

Juniper and Luna stop talking and slowly turn to her. She was mid-bite when they started talking her ear off. More like scolding.

"Where have you been? Oh, I know! In that stupid library corner!" Juniper put his hands up and rubbed his forehead.

"We're just worried about you Ciana, we haven't seen you all day," Luna said calmly, opposite of Juniper.

Ciana finished her bite and gave both of them a small smile. "I'm fine. I just needed some time. I'm sorry for worrying you guys."

"Yeah, you better be sorry." Juniper huffed, and Luna glared at him, "What?"

Ciana laughed. It's been some time since she laughed. She hadn't noticed how wound up she had been. They enjoyed their lunch, laughed, and launched into stories about their days. Once lunch was over, they didn't let her go back to her corner.

Both of them held onto one of her arms. They took her to the courtyard, where everyone was. It didn't take long for her to spot him. He was sitting on the ground, staring at the ground. His hair was messy as usual and his glasses were down to the edge of his nose.

Luna skipped to where Ginny was and they immediately got into a comfortable cuddling position against the tree. Ron looked up and when his eyes landed on Ciana, he shoved Harry to get his attention. Harry looked up in annoyance about to tell Ron off but before he could, his own eyes landed on her.

They held eye contact for a second before she got up the courage to give him a slight smile. He just stared at her and then looked back down. Cianas's smile dropped but she shook it off and sat down next to Juniper.

"How was studying?" Ginny asked her.

Ciana put her bag next to her and shrugged, "Boring but helpful."

"I should be doing some studying but haven't gotten the motivation to do it. Teach me your ways," Ginny laughed and Ciana smiled at her.

"Using it as a distraction is all I got to tell you," she shrugged. That's when Harry got up and walked away without a word. 

All of them stared at him as he left and then they all looked at Ciana who was still watching Harry. She closed her eyes and then looked at the ground.

They all looked at each other and shrugged before going back to their conversations.

Ciana wished she stayed in her corner.

Authors Note

I have a bf and my best friend cut me off without telling me anything. Just a little update.

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