Chapter forty-four

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Third pov:
Namjoon woke up the next morning, hearing a baby's cry, he first thought that his husband put their son in the bassinet while he was asleep. But he noticed that his husband was still asleep on the couch. Namjoons face scrunched in confusion, 'Maybe Sehun came in to give Tae a check up', he thought to himself. Namjoon slightly flinched when he got up out of bed, slowly walking to the hospital bassinet. His heart sunk when he saw someone else's baby instead of his son, his bottom lip trembled. Choking on a sob, as he slowly and hesitantly picked up the baby from the bassinet. He hushed the crying baby, slightly bouncing the baby, going up to his husband. Softly shaking his husband awake, Jin groaned, rubbing his eyes, then jolting up on the couch. Not liking that his mate is upset, his eyes then traced down to the baby in the carriers arms. Jin could tell by the baby's scent, even the size, that it wasn't their child, he swallowed a lump in his throat, "Namjoon, w-who's baby is that?"

Hours passed, police were in the room, along with Sehun, Jin's parents, and Lily, who sat on the bed next to her mother. Namjoon was still holding the baby, for some reason his wolf telling him to help the baby. Even when it longed to have their son back, his wolf feels the same way about this baby, as he does with the orphan student in his class.
A police officer cleared his throat, reading a few papers that are in his hand, he cleared his throat and glance at the family. "Her name is Aya Tanaka, she is five months old and went missing four months ago, we found both of her parents dead. And a note that said 'I will get what I want'." Namjoons heart sunk even deeper after hearing the officers words, "S-So she's an orphan?" The police man nod, Jin sighed, shrugging, his eyes glossing up with fresh tears. "We'll um... w-we'll adopt her, we have an adopted son that's going to be part of our family soon. So our information should go through easily, but we still need our son back. He-he was just born for crying out loud." Namjoon took his hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze, he sniffled and nod in agreement. "Use my phone to track down the person that took my son," he stated, making the police get really confused. One of the police officers shook her head in confusion, "Do you know who took your son?" Namjoon nod, fresh tears rolled down his cheeks, "It was my mother, I know it was her, she's been trying to get me to sign stupid adoption papers so she could take my child, she's sly and sneaky and will do anything to make money." He explained, glancing down at the four month old girl in his arms, noticing how the baby was too thin and small for how old she was. He let out a shaky sigh, letting go of his mates hand, untying his hospital gown. Jin gave his mate a questioning look, "Joonie, I don't mind buying her formula." Namjoon shook his head, directing the baby's mouth to his nipple, "I won't produce enough milk if I suddenly stop feeding Jin. And plus, she needs to be fed, she's too skinny." A small smile twitched onto his lips when seeing the baby latch on with ease, feeding from him. "You'll be equally loved in this family Aya, and I am going to beat the living day light out of that women when I see her." He spat, Jin nuzzled his lovers head, Lily whimpered, jumping up onto her fathers lap. Her eyes glossy with tears, sniffling, mumbling about missing her little brother already.
Jin sighed, rubbing his daughters back, kissing his little girls temple. Whispering sweet nothings in his daughters ear.

One week later....

Jin was given permission to finish his training once his son was found, which is good. But him and his mate are restless, needing their pup back as soon as possible.
The police are still searching, and tracking down Namjoons mother, who he hasn't heard a word from in a hot minute. Which makes the carrier even more certain that the old hag took his son.

Jin sighed, as he finished decorating Soobin's room, he groaned and did a stretch, letting a yawn in the process. He jumped when hearing a baby's cry, cursing under his breath, "Crap, I forgot to buy goats milk in case I ran out of Joonie's milk." He grumbled out, he checked the time on his wrist watch, wondering when his mate will get home. Who left to pick up Lily from the Mins house and to also pick up Soobin from the orphanage.

Jin head into the nursery, his heart clenching each time he glanced at the empty crib next to his daughters. He loves the surprise little girl no matter what, he doesn't blame the poor baby one bit for his sons disappearance.
Jin awed and picked up his daughter, hushing her and bouncing her in his grasp, rubbing baby's back. He can't really call the baby a pup, since she's a hundred percent human. He could tell based on the scent, making him wish he could smell his sons scent again. Jin knows his son is alive, based on Namjoons behavior and actions, of constant pacing and seeing his mates head turn randomly. As if he hears something, Namjoon would even say their sons name, as if their son would magically reappear.

Jin kissed his daughters temple, "Mama will be home soon, how about some mashed fruit? Hmm? I know you love bananas~" he cooed out, as he carried his daughter down to the kitchen. Aya whined once she was placed in her highchair, reaching out for her father. Jin then started singing, his kids favorite song, 'Spring Day'. His mate wrote it, but loved hearing Jin sing it.
Aya calmed down in seconds when hearing the soft singing, perking up when she heard a familiar voice. "Ma!" She squealed out, Lily came running into the kitchen, loving on her sister. "Hi Aya! Guess what mommy and daddy got us!!" Lily shouted excitedly, Namjoon entered the kitchen, Soobin following behind.

Namjoon and Jin shared a sweet kiss, the carrier turned to Soobin, a soft, dimple smile on his face. Namjoon awed when seeing Aya reach out for him, he scooped her out of the high chair, kissing his baby's chubby cheek. "Soobin, this is little Aya, the little baby I told you about in the car. Her adoption papers just went through yesterday, so now she is officially a Kim, just like you." Namjoon spoke with a soft smile on his face, Soobin returned a smile, cooing at the little baby. He didn't question about his new mother's pup, he first heard about his new brother going missing on TV. And then hearing the elder speak about it in the car, he couldn't bare to bring up such a heart breaking event.
Lily then poked Soobins belly, "Soobinnie, show Aya your puppy!" She said excitedly, Jin's eyes then widen at his daughters words. He shot a concerned gaze at the young teen, whom he just met, but could careless about it being their first meet up, his mate spoke many positive things about the young carrier. Which easily got Jin to fall for his new son.
Soobin then swallowed a knot in his throat, sending Namjoon a pleading look, his eyes glossy with tears. Namjoon sighed, using a single hand to rake his fingers through the teens newly died hair. Which was Namjoons treat to the younger, wanting the young boy to feel more comfortable and to know that it's alright to be himself in this family. His new family.

Namjoon heard his daughter ramble out a series of sorries to Soobin, he hushed her, stating it was ok. Namjoon cleared his throat before speaking, "Soobin found out he was expecting the other day. His so called 'boyfriend', talked him into doing it unprotected, and then left him afterwards. Soobin is on the pill, but neither him, nor his 'boyfriend' knew that antidepressants causes birth control to be ineffective to preventing pregnancy." Namjoon explained calmly, his mate awed, handing Aya a bottle of homemade banana milk. Which she happily took, and drank it down like it was the only thing she had that day.

Soobin couldn't tell if the alpha was mad, he didn't want to loose his first family, but he didn't want to loose his pup either. He swallowed a lump in his throat, stuttering out an apology to the alpha. Jin shook his head, giving the teen a soft smile, "Call me dad kiddo, I'm not mad at you. But for starters, that butt head better not step near you ever again, unless he wants to man up and face me first. I am also a doctor in training, and it's obvious you want to keep the pup, which I respect. Namjoon wanted to adopt you for many reasons, one of them being is to help you. So relax, alright, things happen, and we will work through it. Ok?" Jin said with a reassuring voice, watching the the young teen sigh in relief. Jin then gestured the young teen to follow him, leading younger upstairs. Namjoon and Lily following behind.

Jin opened a door to a bedroom, letting the young carrier into the room first. Soobin was in awe with the room, he's never had his own room before, he bit his trembling lip and hugged the alpha, then he hugged Namjoon, making sure to not squish Aya. He took in the rose scent, crying into the elders shoulder, feeling Namjoon rub his back in soothing circles. Lily joined the hug, by hugging her new brothers waist, nuzzling into her brothers side.

The family was happy, but they didn't feel complete, not until a certain pup was back in their lives.

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