Chapter sixty

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Third pov:
Three weeks passed, Hoseok didn't feel any different, until he woke up in the middle of the night, rushing to the bathroom, sticking his head in the toilet. Throwing up what he ate the day prior, he coughed and groaned, huffing and cursing under his breath, "I'm going to die before I even get my freedom," He grumbled.
Later that evening, he had a check up with his uncle, getting his weight and measurements, then some blood work. And an ultrasound, his uncle smiled when seeing all six progressing well so far, and the omega is already showing a bit.
As the weeks passed, their pet wolf grew more possessive over Hoseok, and would sleep in his bed every night.

Until the omega hit sixteen weeks, he tossed and turned in bed, his stomach cramping like crazy, he whimpered and hugged his stomach. He then jumped out of bed, rushing to the bathroom, the moment he pulled down his pants, blood was soaked through and on his legs. Hoseok screamed, and cried, his legs gave out, he scrambled to take his sweatpants off. His eyes widened, realizing what was happening, he began to hyperventilate, and then screamed.

Hoseok's uncle rushed into his nephews bathroom, cursing under his breath, rushing to the omegas aid, cupping the omegas cheeks, "Hey, breath Hoseok, in and out, alright." He spoke calmly, Hoseok cried, "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm so-so sorry!! I don't- I didn't- I-I-" His uncle just hushed him, "Hey, it's alright. I'm not mad, understand, I'm more worried about you. Let's got you checked out, alright?" Hoseok sniffled and nod, "G-Gah!! Fuck!" He hugged his stomach, panting, the wolf whimpered and nuzzled Hoseok's cheek, the omega sniffled and pet the wolf, "I-I'm fine Chan, don't w-worry," He spoke. His uncle then wrapped a towel around his waste, then picked him up bridal style, carrying him to a room that they made into a little hospital room.

Hoseok's uncle gently laid his nephew down on the bed, cursing under his breath when seeing how pale his nephew got. He then rushed around, getting an IV ready and did everything he could to save the kids life.

Hoseok opened his eyes, flinching from the bright sunlight, he groaned, hearing a heart monitor. He smiled when feeling a cold, wet noise nuzzle his hand, he then began to pet the wolfs head, scratching behind the ears. His uncle then suddenly came into the room, sighing in relief, "You gave me quite the fright last night Hoseok, how are you feeling?" The young omega carrier sighed, tears brining his eyes, "Scarred, there was s-so much b-blood," He spoke with a scratchy voice. His uncle The helped him drink some water, the young omega sighed in relief, getting a hand in sitting up in the bed. "I lost all of them, didn't I?" Hoseok asked in a small tone, his uncle then smiled, getting the ultrasound ready, "Believe it or not," He began to speak, rolling up the omegas shirt, squeezing on some gel, then placing the wand on the shrunken belly. "All, but one, survived," He spoke, pressing a button, and a small heartbeat filled the room. Hoseok's eyes widened, gazing at monitor, it took his uncle a minute, but he found the small fetus. "Now I don't know which one it is, I'll test it once it born, but as long as I give you your shots, which is basically prenatal vitamins. This pup could actually make it," He spoke, seeing a small smile spread on the omegas lips. He wowed and reached out to touch the screen, "They're the lucky one," He spoke, his uncle nod and had a copie printed for his nephew.

Months passed, the pup grew well, Hoseok now felt restless, because the pup won't stop moving, it was pretty active for being a mix breed. Hoseok sat on the bed in the hospital room, his uncle was measuring him, and whistled, "Do you feel a bit of pressure anywhere?" He questioned, Hoseok hummed and yawned, "He won't stop moving at night, so I can barely sleep." He replied, looking unfazed, from feeling the familiar shot in his arm for his weekly vitamins, and other things. "He dropped a few days ago though, if that's what you mean, and there is some pressure, but it's bearable." Hoseok stated, his uncle hummed, and nod, "Well, what about the plug?" Hoseok shrugged, "I'm not sure in all honesty," He answered, his uncle sighed, but smiled, "Well then, we're ready whenever they're ready."

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