Chapter fifty-eight

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Earlier with Jin...

Third pov:
Jin knocked on the door of a familiar house, Lisa stood beside him, reading the test results and the information Jin wrote about the young male. "Yeonjun is the pup's father? Do you know any inside information about that?" Jin sighed, nodding his head, "Apparently, Mrs. Kim had Taehyun help Yeonjun through his rut. Namjoon told me about it, but he said he wasn't aware that Taehyun was in heat, but Taehyun begged them to keep it a secret from Yeonjun. That poor kids been through a lot, so has Namjoon, and once we have a few more answers from Taehyuns biological mother, this case should be closed." Lisa hummed, "What about Mrs. Kim? You said she let you all go?" Jin sighed, nodding his head, "I went back to search for her after taking care of Taehyun, but I found her.... I found her dead, she shot herself, by the looks of it, police are looking into it though." Lisa nod, their gaze then turned to the front door when hearing it unlock, the door opened, revealing a little boy. Jin smiled and crouched down to the boys level, "Hey kiddo, where's your mother?" He asked softly, the pup looked at Jin questionably, "Mooooom!" The little boy called out, a slim male omega came rushing to the front door, "Jaebeom, how many times do I haft to tell you! Don't open the door to strangers!!" The male shouted, he then gently pushed his son aside, gazing at the two beings standing on his doorstep. "Oh Jin, didn't think you'd be over, I figured you would like to stay with your family," The male spoke. Jin sighed, "Hoseok, we need to speak, if you don't mind?" He spoke, Hoseok rose a questioning brow, but shrugged and let them inside, "Go play JB," He ordered his son, his son then took off upstairs, Hoseok sighed as he cleaned up a few toys, tossing them in a playbox. He huffed, sitting down on the couch, then Yoongi came out from the kitchen, drying his hands, his brows furrowed, "I love you like a brother Jin, but uuh, why are you guys here?" He questioned, going over and sitting next to his mate. Jin and Lisa remained standing, Jin cleared his throat, running his fingers through his hair, "Hoseok, I'm going to ask you a few questions, because we discovered something about Kang Taehyun, he goes to Bangtan High School," Jin started off, Hoseok froze at the name, but nod his head, clearing his throat. "Yes, I know of him, he spent detention with me a few times, but surprisingly wasn't entirely a terrible kid. He graduated this past year, so what about him? Did something ha-happen?" Hoseok spoke, seeming a bit timid, so Yoongi took hold of his omegas hand. Jin hummed and nod, "So I've heard, Namjoon spoke about him being a trouble maker. But um, please be a hundred percent honest with me Hoseok. How old are you really?" Yoongi then shot a glare at his alpha friend, "Now what kind of question is that?! He wouldn't lie about his age!" He snapped, Hoseok sighed, hushing his mate, shaking his head, "I have a feeling I know why they're here. Yoongi hun, I'm not twenty-eight, I'm actually thirty-five," He said, Yoongi looked at his mate with wide eyes, but then he broke out in laughter, but noticed how his mate wasn't laughing either, no one was. "You're serious? Why did you lie about your age to me?!" He snapped, pushing away from his own mate, tears prickled from the corners of Hoseok's eyes, he sniffled and glanced over at Jin. He decided to start from the beginning to explain himself, "I-I actually don't have parents, they died in a car accident many years ago, so I ended up with my uncle. He was insanely intelligent in a very sick and demented way, he found carriers very fascinating, and wanted to see if he could create a hybrid, that's able to reproduce in both forms, and has an immunity to almost anything. But he didn't know how or what to use to incubate his creations," He swallowed a nervous lump, gazing at his mate with glossy eyes, but tore them away, and gazed at Jin. The young alpha nod, "Take your time Hoseok, no rush, alright?" The carried nod, sniffling, and clearing his throat, "He-He tried a regular egg incubator, he tried tubes and a lot of other things, a-and then he went to me. I was thirteen when he started using me, testing and poking me, a-and then he managed to get ahold of the drug that induces a rut and heat early." Hoseok let out a shaky breath, "I started my heat when I was fifteen, and after many try's and implants. Only one survived, and then I made a deal with him, he promised me freedom, after I finish nursing. That pup is mine, whether I liked the idea o-or not, my uncle ended up using my own egg, for i-it to actually w-work, and he was so tiny when he was born. I didn't like the thought of leaving him in the hands of my uncle, but I was s-so young, I was scared, I-I carried a mixed breed inside me a-and even named h-him. When I had the chance to leave I took it, and went back to school, I graduated and then h-here I am. I  changed my birth year, but that's about it," Hoseok bit his trembling lip, wiping his tears, but they just continued to fall, "What else do you want to know?" He asked in a strong tone, but still looked to be on edge, Yoongi was in shock and was mentally processing everything he heard from his mate.
Jin nod, swallowing a knot in his throat, "Do you know what DNA he used?" Hoseok sighed, nodding his head, "Ironically, I actually do, he's half mine, but was fertilized with a 'man made' sperm. The sperm came from a wild wolf, it was modified with a few strains of different DNA from a green tree frog for changing sex, a jellyfish and shark for immunity, and a dolphin for intelligence, I breast fed him for about a year and a half, then left, I was about eighteen at the time." Hoseok spoke calmly, Jin hummed, nodding his head, "You and Taehyun kept a pretty big secret, to think Soobin and Yeonjun grew up in a breeding lab. But you, Hoseok, you carried a life, even if I could've killed you." He stated, as the older carrier just shook his head, sniffling and clearing his throat, "My uncle, wasn't a murderer, he made sure it wouldn't kill me. Though, come to think of it, m-my body has never been the same after carrying and having Taehyun. I got his immunity, I've never been sick sense I had him," Hoseok pointed out. Jin's eyes widened, he whistled, and smiled, "Well, my friend Minhyuk shot the man that I assume was your uncle, because Taehyun said it was his fake father, but stated that he never really saw him as one."
Hoseok sighed in relief, "He threatened my family's life if I spoke of this, but I sensed something was different, a-and I trust you," He spoke. Jin gave him a soft smile, "I am thankful to have our questions answered, you help close Taehyuns case and we can keep the doctors from trying to figure out if he's an alien or not." Jin chuckled out, noticing how quiet Yoongi had been for the past half hour, or so.
Hoseok fiddled with his fingers, "I-Is my son alright?" Jin nod, "I had to help him deliver a pup on a plane, but both are healthy. Pups a little underweight, but it's not dangerous," He spoke. Hoseok nod, clearing his throat, and apologizing for his nonstop tears.

Yoongi then sighed, and clicked his tongue, pushing himself up, "After nearly five years, almost six of knowing each other, and two years of marriage, we have three kids, and you just now tell me all of this?!?" Yoongi snapped, Hoseok's head dropped in shame, his face falling into his hands. "I-I didn't t-tell you because I w-was scared, an-and we barely kn-knew each other w-eh-when you knocked me up and m-mated me," Hoseok explained through his sobs. Yoongi looked at his mate with disbelief, "Don't make me the bad guy here!! You've been hiding your age, and having a kid from me! How am I supposed to react, especially when you casually tell us that you a fucking mutation!! So our kids have what you have?!?" Yoongi snapped, Hoseok's jaw dropped, "Nothing is wrong with our kids! And it's not a mutation, it's just a change of genes, it's harmless!" Hoseok snapped, shooting up from his seat, but nearly collapsed back down, holding his head. Jin and Lisa rushed to his aid, Hoseok waved it off, "I'm fine, just been off lately." Their twin girls then began crying, Yoongi scuffed, "Thought you said you were immune to everything," He rolled his eyes, ignoring the crying pups from upstairs, heading over to the front door, slipping on his shoes and getting his car keys and wallet. Hoseok shot up from his spot, even with a spinning head, he rushed over to the man he married and mated, grabbing the male by the wrist before he even opened the door.
"Yoongi, the biggest mistake I made in my life was leaving my child behind, if you step out of this bloody house like a fucking upset teenager. Then I never want you to come back again, yes I kept a secret, but I did it for the safety of my family. My uncle is dead, and I have a son that needs to know about me finally, but if you leave, I have no problem raising four pups on my own," Hoseok spat out, his eyes blood shot from how much he's cried. His heart clenching from his daughters crying, but luckily Lisa was on her way upstairs to check on them.
Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, "Taehyun is eighteen, I'm sure he far from being a pup Hoseok." Hoseok shook his head, "I wasn't including him, as much as I still consider him one from a mother perspective. I'm not including him, take the bloody hint Min Yoongi," Hoseok spoke, his voice dripping with mixed feelings, but the broken look on his face, that just reads heartbreak from how his own mate is reacting to this situation.
Yoongi sniffed, swallowing a lump in his throat, his eyes slowly trailing to his mates stomach, his sharp sense of hearing picking up the fast heartbeat. He shook his head, twisting his hand free, "I just need to think, and I'm not a fucking teenager, when I fucking helped raise my son and daughters," He spat. Hoseok sighed and crossed his arms, "If you really need to think your feelings through, then fine, I'll respect that, but if you're not back by midnight, then consider us through Min Yoongi." Hoseok spat, and stormed his way to head upstairs to check on his kids, the omegas heart shattered when seeing his crying son at the top of the stair well.

Jin whistled, stuffing his hands in his pockets, seeing the young alpha now hesitating about leaving, the tears finally breaking free and rolling down the young males cheeks. Jin sighed, "I was had a nightmare, on a plane ride home about a year ago. I came home to Namjoon hugging another alpha and I flipped out, and he left with our daughter because of it. But it was a nightmare, to my relief, and it's the lesson in life, that tells you, that you never know you love something, unless you let it go. Hoseok left his own child behind for freedom, if he didn't, he'd probably be Breeder by now. And he wouldn't have the family he has now," Jin explained, Yoongi gulped, thinking back to all the happy memories he's created with the older omega. "He-He lied to me though," He spoke in a hushed voice, Jin shrugged, "He was scared of the reaction you're having now, so don't be too harsh on him. Jimin and Jungkook are on their way over to watch the kids, so I can take Hoseok to meet Taehyun. That poor kid needs answers, and his mother, and I don't know about you, but from what I've grown to appreciate," Jin spoke, stepping up to the shorter alpha. "Is to never doubt a mothers bond, male, or female, a parents bond, is strong. You love Hoseok and you love you're family Yoongi, but you've got six hours, so spend it wisely." Yoongi then open the front door and left, slamming it shut, Jaebeom came running down, screaming and crying for his father. "Daddy no!! Daddyyy!!!" Hoseok rushed over to his son, picking him up and hushing him, singing his son a lullaby. Which always worked like magic on his kids, and his son was out in minutes, Hoseok let out a shaky breath, kissing his sons temple. And just stood there, holding his little boy close.

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