Chepter fifty-one

550 31 1

Third pov:
"You didn't mark him?!?" Mrs. Kim shouted, throwing a vase near the young boys head. Taehyun squeaked in fright, as the vase shattered by his head, "I'm human! I didn't know you do that!! I-I swear! I didn't know Mrs. Kim!" He cried out, she scuffed at how pathetic the kid looked, she tossed him two large duffel bags, she called over one of her men, whispering something in his ear. The man nod and gripped Taehyun's upper arm, Mrs. Kim gave the kid a wicked smile. "My slut of son has been begging for food, so this should be enough for a while, I'll give you all more next week. But until then, you will be living with them, I had a doctor do a check up on the small stutter boy and the slut. And congratulations, your father will be proud, and spare the stutter slut. For a human, you knocked him up pretty easily, take this child out of my sight."

Taehyun squeaked, as he was getting led and dragged to where the Kim family was locked up. The bigger male suddenly pinched Taehyun's face, "Such a pretty face, I'll be back for it," he chuckled evilly, unlocking the door and shoving the kid into the room, immediately locking it.

Minhyuk rushed to the kids aid, he jaw dropped when seeing the two large duffel bags, he opened one of them, shocked to see it full of food. Taehyun sniffled and shook his head, "I don't even know why I'm crying? I raped Soobin, I deserve to be dead," he cried out, his body shaking from his sobs. He jumped from feeling small hands on his flushed cheeks, he slowly rose his head up, seeing a little girl standing in front of him. "Don't cry, Soobinnie is not mad at you, he's strong, we help you," Lily spoke out. Soobin then came out of his shared room, his eyes widen when seeing Taehyun on the floor, with his sister comforting him. Taehyun's eyes widen when seeing Soobin, he swallowed a lump in his throat, noticing the small bump on the thin frame. The carrier looked thinner compared to when he last saw him, which made his stomach turn. He instantly stood up, and took the duffel bags, he glanced around, not seeing Namjoon anywhere in sight. Soobin noticed and cleared his throat, "My m-mmm-m-mom is too we-weak to wa-wa-a-alk, so we-we-we-we have him on b-bed rest." He sighed in irritation, his stutter sounds worse when he's anxious. Yeonjun then took over for his mate, "Soobin close to being on bed rest as well, neither of them can no longer produce milk to feed their children." Taehyun nod, his heart breaking at the sight before him, he set down the bags, and slowly stepped up to the young carrier. "I don't deserve your trust, or any form of forgiveness, but I'll help you all as much as I can, I promise." Soobin gazed into the elders eyes, not sure if he can still trust him, but jumped from a sudden movement. His eyes then widened in shock, "I-It kicked," he whispered, he cleared his throat, and sniffled back tears. He pointed towards Taehyun, going with his senses, mainly because he knows his baby can sense they're real father in some type of way. "I-I'm only tr-tr-trust-i-ing you, be-be-ca-cause I'm-m-mmm ca-car-carrying yo-your baby." He swallowed a lump in his throat, "You c-can take th-them w-when t-they're b-b-b-born-born." He then left to go check on his mother, Taehyun then vowed to protect the young carrier and his family. Because what Mrs. Kim has planned, is worse than he could imagine.

While Taehyun, Minhyuk, and Yeonjun left to the kitchen to make food for everyone. Soobin stepped towards his mothers room, but paused when he heard his mother talking, but Taehyung is asleep with Maria, because there's only one crib. Soobin furrowed his brows, listening in on his mothers words.

"The baby and I are fine, I'll get my strength back soon Jin. I can wait that long, I promise, I would worry about our children my love," Namjoon spoke in a slightly shaky voice.

Soobin shook his head, his mother was talking to himself again, he kept saying that Jin was coming. But Soobin honestly thinks it's false hope, he sighed and knocked on the door, hearing a soft 'come in'. He slowly entered the room, shutting the door on his way in, "M-Mrs. Kim gave us-us food, Tae-Taehyun i-i-i-is now lock-lo-locked with us a-a-as well. I don't know wa-wa-why," Soobin softly stated, Namjoon hummed, rubbing his bump. "Something doesn't feel right," Namjoon softly stated, "I don't know what it is, but it doesn't feel right." Soobin rose a brow, and slowly stepped over to his mother, gently placing a hand on his mothers bump. Feeling the little ones movement, "M-My-My... They kicked," Soobin didn't know what to call the thing he was carrying. Sure it's his, but he never wanted it, he's being forced to carry the fetus.

Namjoon placed his thin hand on his sons, "Did Taehyun say why he got locked in here?" Soobin shook his head, Namjoon hummed, "Now why would she lock him with us?" He questioned, he then gazed over at his sons bump, it then hit him. "Did he mark you?" Soobin furrowed his brows, shaking his head, "Tae-T-Taehyun i-i-is human m-m-mmm-mom... he da-da-doesn't know ho-how it wa-wa-wor-works... for us carriers." He stated, Namjoon sighed, shaking his head, "But Mrs. Kim knows, you or the pup won't survive by the time you get close to your third trimester. Sure Yeonjun marked you, but he's a full blood alpha. As possible as it is for us to mate with humans, we don't usually do it, because of how risky it is. That baby isn't Yeonjuns blood Soobin, it's Taehyun's, and if that human doesn't mark you soon, I fear for both of your lives." Silent tears ran down Namjoons cheeks, Soobin felt his stomach turn from this new information, he shook his head, sniffling. "W-Why d-didn't you tell m-m-me soon-sooner?" He asked, Namjoon shrugged, shaking his head, "I didn't know how to, blood related or not, you're my son Soobin, you're still so young. It's not easy telling your own child that they possibly won't live in the next few months," Namjoon let out a shaky breath, sniffling and clearing his throat. He let out a shaky breath, he glanced over to the edge of the bed, where Jin sat, seeing how pissed his husband was.

They both jumped from hearing a knock on the door, Namjoon shouted the words 'come in', he smiled when seeing his daughter opened the door. Taehyun then came in with his head low, a tray in his hands grasp, full of food. He cleared his throat, slowly setting the tray down on the edge of the bed, next to the elder. "We made some food Mrs. Kim, it's ok if you don't finish, I'll just save it," Taehyun then glanced over at Soobin, "Yeonjun made a plate for you, Minhyuk is feeding the younger ones formula."
Namjoon narrowed his eyes, not used to seeing this seen acting like this, but as a big bully towards a lot of kids. "Taehyun, are you abused at home by chance?" Taehyuns face went pale, his mouth opened and closed, his eyes glossed over a bit, "Shouldn't you be mad for what I did to your son?" Namjoons jaw clenched, clearing his throat, as he took a bite from his food, "More than you think, but, I would like to know why?" He asked with a stern tone, having shivers go up Taehyuns back, who nod his head slowly. "If I didn't act tough, or was a bad boy, my dad would've done worse."
Soobin then silently flinched, but rubbed it off for now, wanting to know why this asshole did this to him.

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