Chapter twenty-one

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Third pov:
Many people poured into the court room, Vivian was latching onto Jins arm and driving him insane as usual. He friends and parents sat in the first row, Yoongi forced Vivian over with them, while Jin stepped through the small door, sitting down at a small table, Lisa sitting beside him. The next table over sat the three teens and their lawyer, their parents sitting behind them. Having a smug and annoyed look on their faces, giving Hoseok a disgusted look from afar. Yoongi glared at them, not liking the judging look his mate was getting, his mate was only breastfeeding their son.
The judge the came out from the back, through a hidden door behind the podium, getting up onto the tall podium. The judge was a beautiful young female, with long blond hair, that flowed down to her waist, a fancy, yet casual, black and white suit dress. A line of officers then came following after her, Namjoon sandwiched between three officers in front and behind him. An officer pushed him into the small, lower podium, that was to the judges right hand side. The officer telling him to sit, the carrier flinched and slowly sat down.
Jin did not like the state he saw the omega in, not able to feel the bond, only able to hear the pups heart beat, but barely any bond. It was dying and weakening, Namjoon looked on the edge of passing out, looking nearly dead. He was so pale and weak, it pissed the young alpha off so much.
The female judge cleared her throat, hitting her mallet against the small base, "Order in the court!!" Her voice echoing through the room, opening a folder she had on hand and reading it. "Alright, we are here to prove Kim Namjoon innocent, arrested for assaulting teens in high school," she stated, mumbling and whispers could be heard from around the court room. Namjoon had his head dropped down, playing with the metal cuffs around his wrists.
The judge hit her mallet, silencing the building up whispers, "The first thing we are going to settle, is to prove Mr. Kim's pregnancy, we will bring in an ultrasound machine and Doctor Lee, do you have the results?" The said male, that was sitting next to Hoseok, at the very end of the first row, standing up and entering through the little door, a small folder on hand. "Yes I do your honor," Taemin hands her the folder, she opens it and scans through it, humming, informing the doctor to speak. Taemin bows, seeing and ultrasound machine rolling in, along with a portable bed, getting set up for later. "Thank you your honor, I checked Mr. Kim's urine tests, and they came out positive. I apologize, but I didn't not take a blood test-" "Then how do we know for sure he is pregnant?" One of the teens parents snapped, interrupting the doctor, the judge slammed her mallet, "You have no right to speak Mrs. Jones, please continue Doctor." Taemin thanked her and continued speaking, "Mr. Kim is under weight, his blood pressure is too high and is not getting the right amount of needed nutrition, for him and the unborn child. I do not want to risk taking a blood sample from a expecting carrier with such a state. I fear that if this continues, either Mr. Kim will live and the baby won't, or maybe the other way around, or even both, either way both lives are at risk. So I assume a live ultrasound will be enough?" The judge nod, "That will be acceptable Doctor," she gestured the officers to get the carrier out. They did as told and lead him through the small door, stepping up to the portable bed. Taemin set up the machine, "Take the cuffs off of him please." "But-" "Listen to the Doctor officer," the judge snapped, the officer silently huffed and took the key to unlock the carriers cuffs. Namjoon laid down on the bed, rolling up his black shirt, Taemin squirted the gel onto his belly. Taemin noticed the carriers wrists, freshly cut, even new bruises in a few spots. Many were holding their breath, especially Jin, having many thoughts running through his mind. Taemin placed the wand on the carriers belly, the first thing to pop up on the screen was the silhouette of a baby, the doctor pressed a button and the baby's heartbeat echoed throughout the room. Jin let out a breath of relief, and Namjoon cried, hearing his pups heartbeat, seeing his pup on the screen, crying tears of fear mixed joy. "Looks to be almost six months, she is definitely a fighter, but is way too small to be this far in the pregnancy," Taemin stated softly. "But, by the looks of it, Mr. Kim is very much pregnant and I advise him to go to the hospital as soon as possible." The judge nod and thanked the doctor, Taemin wiped the carriers belly and helped him up, giving him another tissue for his nose and tears. The officers put the cuffs back on the carriers wrists, leading him back to the podium. People wheeled the ultrasound machine and bed out, while Taemin sat back down next to Hoseok.
The judge hit her mallet, quieting any whispers that were starting up, "By my eyes, Mr. Kim looks pregnant to me, so I don't want to hear a word about that topic. Lawyer Mr. Wang, you may speak and ask questions." The lawyer stood up from his seat, bowing to the judge and thanking her. He stepped up to the podium, "May I ask the Choi's son for questions please?" The judge nod and Jihyun, that was 'raped' by the teacher, stood up and head over to the podium, the was to the left hand side of the judge. The teen sat down, faking a depressed sad look on his face, to look innocent. Mr. Wang cleared his throat, stepping up to the carrier, "Mr. Kim tell me, what were you wearing the evening you seduced Jihyun?"

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