Chapter nine

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Third pov:
"Push! Push! Push! You're doing good Hoseok! Keep going!" The doctor said, as she kept watch between the male omegas legs. Hoseok had his chin to his chest, his left hand gripped his alphas hand so tight, that Yoongi lost feeling in his hand, but could care less. While Hoseok's right hand, his knuckles turned white, from gripping the hospital blanket so hard. The carrier then threw his head back, releasing a blood curdling scream, from pushing the baby's body out. Then feeling the legs slide out, Hoseok gasp for air and fell back into the bed, panting hard, his grip now loosened on the alphas hand and the blankets. The wail of a baby's cry got the male omegas attention, his son was then placed on his chest, causing the male omega to choke on a sob.
"H-hi my baby boy," He gasped out with horse voice, glancing down at his newborn. His hand rubbing up and down the small, wet and slimy back, as he hushed his baby to calm down. Yoongi stood in awe, placing multiple butterfly kisses on his mates sweaty head.
"He's so beautiful Hoseok, I'm so proud of you, I love you so much, oh my goodness," He whispered, rambling words into his mates ear. Both of them studying the features of the newborn in Hoseok's arms. Their son was no doubt theirs, he was perfect mix of them, cat like eyes, plump, heart shaped lips, a combination of both there noses. It was short like the fathers, yet thin and button like, like the mother's. He was beautiful and just perfect.
"Min Jaebeom," Hoseok mumbled, his alpha looking at him confused.
"That's his name, Jaebeom, Min JaeBeom," The carrier said, a small tired smile on his lips. His fingers tracing against the baby's cheeks, nose, studying all the perfections in him.
Hoseok slightly pushed, scrunching his face in discomfort, as he felt the after birth slide out of him. The female doctor took the newborn, checking his weight and everything.
"So, Min Jaebeom you said?" She asked, Hoseok nod, he was beyond exhausted, but he wanted his pup back. So he would wait, no matter what.
"Jaebeom, born the sixth of January, six pounds and eight ounces, at twelve-thirty-one pm." She said happily, cleaning him up and asking Yoongi if he wanted to cut the cord. The alpha nod frantically, going over and cutting the cord, watching his son get wrapped in a blanket.

Hoseok was soon placed in a different bed, in a different room,  one that was a bit more comfortable while the doctor checks if he's well enough to go home. The alpha held the small newborn in his arms. The carrier watch them, until he fell into a deep sleep.
Yoongi then texted his friends on the group chat, telling them the news.

Namjoon jolted up in bed, waking his alpha up in the process, as he bolted to the bathroom connected to Jins room.
Emptying every contents in his stomach into the toilet, coughing and spitting out the remains. Jin came in and crouched down, rubbing his mates back in soothing circles, the carrier groaned, as he leaned into his alpha. Jin pecked his head and helped his mate stand up, closing the toilet lid, flushing the contents down. Namjoon rinsed his mouth out with trap water, trying get rid of the foul taste in his mouth.
"Come, let me make you something to eat," Jin gestured, leading his mate down stairs to the kitchen. Namjoon sat at the bar, Mr. Kim came down and that smiled as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He leaned back against the counter watch his son make pancakes.
Mr. Kim looked at Namjoon and smiled.
"So who might you be? If I may ask?"
Mr. Kim said in a nice tone, his wife coming down yawning, her hair sticking up from bed head.
Namjoon's face flushed a bit, as he shifted in his seat a bit.
"My name's Kim Namjoon, sir, an-and I assume you must be Jin's parents?" He asked questionably, as his hands fiddled with the hem of his, Jin's, white shirt.
Mr. Kim's smile increased as he took a sip from his coffee, humming.
"You are correct young man, the names Kim Seo-Jun and this is my wife Ji-Yun, Jin's step mother," Mr. Kim said, his wife giving Namjoon a little wave as she took a sip from her coffee.
"So your the teacher my sons been talking about nonstop?"
Namjoons face went bright red, as Jin smacked his chuckling fathers arm.
"Dad! Please!" Jin shouted, bringing his attention back to the pan, hiding his red face. Hearing Namjoon snicker a bit, sending playful glare at him.
"So you know about my son coming out as an alpha then and he knows you're a carrier?" Mr. Kim asked after his laughter died down.
Namjoon nod, giving him a soft smile, "Well... his scent never changed, from when I first met him, so I didn't know until his eyes changed color and I assume he didn't know about me being a carrier for a bit either," He said as he propped his head up on the palm of his hand, resting on the bar of the counter, glancing at his alpha.
Jin scoffed, facing his mate and pointing with the spatula. 
"Oh please, cut me some slack, I was new at everything, but Yoongi was the one that pointed it out to me, I didn't know for sure though. So I planned on teasing you, playfully during detention, but instead something else happened." He smirked, turning on his heel, to flip the pancakes.
Namjoon's brow rose, "I have a feminine body and a sweet scent, you didn't pick that up?" He said sassily, as he watched his alpha make breakfast. Jin just shushed him, waving his hand in the air, "Oh shush, I may be younger, but I'm still an alpha."

Mr. Kim smiled in amusement, but then his brows furrowed, "Oh where are my manners, would you like some coffee Namjoon?"
The carrier shook his head, "No thank you, I'll just take orange juice please, if you have any?" He simply said, Mr. Kim looked at him confused, but poured him a glass of orange juice.
"You sure? I understand being a high school teacher might be tiring."
Namjoon giggled, saying thank you and took a sip from the glass.
"As much as I would love too Mr. Kim, I can't," He said as he took another sip of the cold liquid.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kim then looked more confused, not catching what the male omega was pointing out. Namjoon sighed, clearing his throat, give them a soft smile.
"I'm pregnant," He said simply, seeing their eyes shot open.
"Wait what?! So do you already have a mate or what?" Mr. Kim was stunned and in loss of words.
Namjoon's smile increased, his eyes glancing towards his alpha.
"Jin's my mate and the father of the baby."
Mrs. Kim gasped and set her mug down, running around to embrace the male omega in a warm hug. Mr. Kim stood in shock,   then started grinning like an idiot, "I'm going to be a grandpa! Never expected it to be this early! But I'm happy either way!" He smacked his son on the shoulder, congratulating him.
"You better stay by his side son," Mr. Kim said sternly to his son. Jin nod, glancing over at his mate, who was talking to his step mom. A smile spreading upon his lips, "I'm his alpha, I promise to be by his side through everything... no matter what."
Namjoon glanced over at his alpha, blush spreading across his cheeks, from Jin winking at him.

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