Chapter fifteen

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Third pov:
Everything happened so fast, one moment Jin was holding his mates lifeless body. The next second he is sitting by his side in the hospital, waiting for him to wake up. Jin held the omegas cold hand in his, no paying attention to his parents that entered. No one said a word, only sat in silence. Until the doctor came in, sending a sweet and hopeful smile to everyone in the room. A nurse behind him rolled in an ultrasound machine. Jin watched everything in slow motion, air caught in his throat hearing his pups heart beat. A wave of relief flood through him, knowing both his mate and pup were ok.
"So, Namjoon's been saying that he senses he's having a little girl... what do you think the little one might be Mr. Kim?" Jin shrugged, as he combed his fingers through the omegas soft and newly died, dark brown hair. "If he says that and then it must be true, right?" The doctors smile never fade, he turned the screen towards the younger. Tears fell freely from what Jin saw, the little silhouette of their pup. Jin let out a shaky breath, hearing the doctor speak more. "From the looks of it, the pup doesn't want to show what they are yet. Namjoon is only at his nine week mark, roughly, so the pups maybe a late bloomer. Some pups don't show early either sometimes. But nothing looks damaged internally. He did tear down there, so he will be in that form for about a month or so. We gave him stitches, the next ultrasound I'll take a look down their and see how he's doing. He did lose a lot of blood, so I recommend him to rest and drink a lot of fluids, make sure he takes his prenatal vitamins. Ummmm, any questions?" Jin cleared his throat, nodding his head. "What about the teen that raped him? I've heard of omegas battling with depression and nightmares from this happening." The doctor nod, as he pressed a few buttons, taking the few pictures that printed at the bottom. "As long as you're there for him, he should be fine, but I can recommend therapy for him. If he wants it of course. And as for the three teenagers, from what the police told me after I patched them up a little. They are being sent to jail for rape, but their parents are fighting to take them out. To be honest I would leave my child in for raping someone. But the police will come in later and speak with you."
Jin nod, thanking the doctor, who handed him the ultrasound copies. The doctor left, Jin watched his mates slow breathing, his face calm and motionless. He kept a light grasp on the omegas hand, taking his free hand and placing it on the still flat stomach. He pecked a kiss on the omegas head, "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry.... I love you so much..." he whispered in a soft voice.

Namjoon's eyes fluttered open, flinching from the light. Blinking a few times to adjust to the light, the scent of rubbing alcohol hit him like a title wave. Making his head ache, he groaned and massaged his temple, just then noticed his hand was held. He glanced to his side and saw his alpha fast asleep. "J-Jinnie...?" The alpha stirred in his sleep, blinking and flinching to the morning light. He sat up and stretch, popping a few bones. Sighing and smacking his lips, he then jumped up from his seat. After taking a moment to realize his mate was awake. "Namjoon!" Tears shed from his swollen, blood shot eyes, from the endless crying and from just waking up. He cupped his mates pale cheeks, "please tell me this is real and I'm not dreaming?" Namjoon let out his angelic giggle, that the alpha missed so much. He shook his head and placed his hand on top of the alphas. "It's not a dream Jin honey," he said with a dry scratchy throat. The alpha then hugged his mate, as best as he could sense the omega was laying down. Jin cried into the omegas shoulder, getting back rubbed from the omega. Namjoon cried himself, hugging his alpha just as tight.
After several minutes, they pulled apart once they were only sniffling. Namjoon cleared his throat, Jin got up and poured him some water. Helping the omega drink the cool fluids.
"H-How long was I asleep?" Jin sighed and sat back down in the chair, "Two and a half weeks, you're on bed rest until you fully heal.... meaning you'll possibly miss the rest of the school year. But Hoseok found a sub that has the same education level as you do." Namjoon's eyes widen, from processing the words 'two and a half weeks'. He was asleep for that long, he placed his hand on his stomach, still a little flat. But he sighed in relief when he sensed his pup was ok. "Oh thank goodness you're ok my sweet angel." Jin smiled and took his mates hand in his, "our little one is a late bloomer, some pups like to show early, but not this little one." Namjoon giggled, "I'm still positive that we're having a little girl though." The alpha hummed and nuzzled his mates head. "I'm sure they will be beautiful just like you my omega." Making the elder blush from his words.

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