Chapter 4

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A/N: Picture of Theo's Cell above


Noah's POV:

I saw Katie storm out of the doors and believe me she looks more pissed that usual. As soon as she reached me, she has calmed down slightly. "Well, what happened?" I asked

"He's a bitch"

"Explain" Katie explained everything of what happened and believe me I would feel the exact same way. I took a deep breath and thanked Katie for explaining everything and told her that she could go. I decided to head to my office and start my work.

~1 hour later~

I am absolutely exhausted. All of this work just for the pack is exhausting, I don't know how my father can even do this. I wasn't even thinking straight that I didn't realise that Axel walked through the door. "Alpha" I turned around, facing him

"yes Axel, what do you need?"

"I'm a bit concerned for the rogue"

"Why is that?"

"He's been locked up in a cell, with little food and nowhere to sleep" I was starting to get really impatient with Axel, I'm exhausted as it is without Axel moaning.

"Get to the point Axel"

"My point is, move him into the pack house."


Theo's POV:

My stomach won't shut up. These assholes are starving me and I feel like shit. I hugged my legs close to my body. I was freezing. I don't know how long I was sitting there for but then I heard my cell door open. When I looked up, I saw another boy! Ok, how many people are gonna fucking see me today?! "Hey, I'm Axel" his voice was soft and gentle, no trace of firmness in his voice.

"T-Theo" he walked over to me with haste making me panic. He bends down in front of me and put his hand on my bare shoulder. He quickly flinched away like my skin was fire itself.

"Shit your freezing! Come on your not staying here" He got up and held out his hand for me and I hesitantly took it and he pulled me up onto my feet.

"Thanks" I mumbled, he swiftly took off his jacket and put it around me, it wasn't much but it was a friendly gesture. At least it was keeping me warm. He guided me out of the cell and towards the metal door. As we exited the dungeon, we headed to this massive building. I don't even know if a mansion could describe it, it looked more like a fucking castle.

"This is where you will be staying from now on" My eyes shot towards Axel and it felt like my eyes were going to fall out of their sockets.

"Y-Your serious, right?" Axel nodded and took me inside and when I tell you this, I have never been so happy and to be surrounded by the warmth. I let out a nice contempt sigh. Words can't even describe how happy I am to be out of that cell, I hated it with a passion. But now I wish I was back there. Why? Well, as soon as I looked forward, I saw the eyes of the person that I despised the most.

Those ocean blue eyes.

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