Chapter 16

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Josh's POV:

This man is absolutely psycho, he wants me to kidnap the Alpha's mate! Is he trying to get me killed?! Probably... as much as I don't want to... I don't have a choice. Well guess it's now or never. As I entered back into my pack's walls, I was washed over with guilt that is strangling my heart. But as much as that guilt was there, I can't fail him... I need my freedom and I don't wanna die to his hand.

It was still night time so there won't be any suspicion when I enter the pack house and walk out with the alpha's mate, I guess... wait... that sounded better in my head. Look, all we need to do is grab the alpha's mate, sneak out and give him to that psycho man... My wolf stated to me. After taking a deep breath I crept to the pack house doors. As it was quite late, most of the wolves here would be asleep so I guess it would be easy to get there but removing him... that will be the challenge.

As I opened the creaking door and stepped inside, I searched around to see if there was anyone still awake, which I highly doubt anyways. I turned into my wolf form for my movements to be more efficient and to get this over and done with swiftly.

~A few moments later~

After reaching the alpha's room, I decided to pay a visit to the alphas mate's old room to see if there was anything that had his scent on him, knowing the alpha, he would want his mate drenched in his as well, so grab a piece of his clothing would be the next thing to get. As I stepped inside the alpha's massive room... oh my goddess, the alpha seriously gets a luxury room like this?! Lucky bastard... I shifted back into my human form grabbing a piece of the alpha's clothing covering a pillow with his shirt then adding his mate's shirt as well, this should work hopefully. I turned around to look at the sleeping wolves on the king size bed... so peaceful, so content... and I'm ruining it, their love, their story, their new chapter... but don't worry alpha, when I'm free, I hope you can forgive me with the cost of my future actions. Switching the mate with the pillow wasn't that difficult by how deep of a sleeper they both are, probably down to mating. I hope I get that feeling with my mate...

Carrying him (Theo) in my arms through the house was the easy part but out in wilderness with the pack warriors walking around, would be the problem, his scent will be strong but luckily his heat has gone down... thanks to the alpha, I put him on my back shifting into my wolf form and bolted for the recently opened gates to the pack, luckily I just got out of there in time with no detection... as I scurried away a bit further, I shifted back into my human form and carried him bridal style to the psycho... As I reached him, I've never seen his eyes light up so much, its like his eyes were a light itself but his smile was full of cruelty and mystery, what were his plans with the boy.

"Well done, Joshy, you actually did what I asked and got Theo" So that was his name is. I kept silent not wanting to aggravate the man. "As promised, you are free but-" he said grabbing me by the neck squeezing and pulling me close so our faces were inches apart "If you ever defy me and help them find him... I will make your life a living hell" By the look of his eyes, he wasn't bluffing, my throat was being squeezed that no words would escape my moving lips so I settled it with a nod, he let go straight after making me gasp for air. "Now... SCRAM MUTT" The Alpha tone in his voice made me shiver and made me bolt away "Now Theo, we are going to be catching up a lot... back to where it all began" I heard from the man before entering the packs walls.


Unknown POV:

Finally, I have him, this bitch that has been running from me for a while... he's good at running but you should never stop when you're running from me Theo, you should know after all this time. You can run Theo but you can't hide, guess you tried and failed. "Now Theo, we are going to be catching up a lot... back to where it all began" I turned on my heels and started to walk back to where it all began... his old pack, this will definitely frighten the poor boy. A loud manacle laugh rumbled from my throat, the girl walked along beside me and would take Theo now and then when I didn't wanna hold the mutt, she is strong for her weak body. Especially when she didn't eat that much, but she will be fed well when we get back, if she deserves it of course. Especially when she didn't eat that much, but she will be fed well when we get back, if she deserves it of course. Luckily the old pack place is only a few days away if we rest but without rest, a day or less, so no rest unless it's very vital for the girl. Yes I do have a heart when its needed but I prefer being cold.

~A few hours later~

It's been a while and the mutt is in my hands however he was starting to stir as it was getting close to morning but as soon as he is awake, ill knock him out again, the girl looks really weak, so I'll probably get her to rest, I might as well rest as well. So, we set up camp and cooked some food for us both and made sure that she slept for a bit, I have to admit, this girl has been a wake for days and she isn't even breaking a sweat. She will get a treat when we get back.

Lets just hope the alpha can save his mate before I'm finished... wish him luck in your dreams Theo... It may be your last.


A/N: Sorry for the VERY late update, I had a lot going on and I never had the time to complete this chapter, ik its kinda short but I hope you enjoyed and will try and post more recent.

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