Chapter 13

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Unknown POV: (Theo's birthday night)

We jogged towards the party and stayed extra cautious to avoid anyone from the pack sensing us and cause a blood bath. As soon as we reached the party the music stopped, I decided to spy on them in a bush lurking nearby and tried my best not to get spotted and to see who was there, the music stopping caused me to panic as I thought they may have spotted me or sensed that there was an unknown wolf on their territory. I stayed completely still and silent until their elder appeared on stage, she was an old wrinkly woman. Quite ugly if I'm being honest but that's beside the point. He was there... the small boy, Theo was standing on the stage, smiling. I hate it when he smiles, it sends chills down my spine, it makes me want to claw his lips off his face to not see that look again.

I sniffed the air and realised that the alpha was close, I quickly scanned the area and I saw him, the alpha himself watching the party eating his heart out. Can't wait for my plan to unfold, you won't know what hit you alpha. I observed the party for a little while longer to see Theo's pathetic wolf take over, can be intimidating for some, but not for me. He was moving quite fast I wonder why, stage fright? No, he would have come off the stage by now. Too much attention from the pack? No, he wouldn't be at the party if he didn't like crowds. I snapped out of my thought to see the alpha and Theo... kissing!? That little bitch found his mate and it was the alpha. This will put a stop to my plan but only for a short period of time, I always find a way around things.

I've seen enough. I decided to leave and of course this bitch fell asleep. I bit down on her legs hard and dragged her away, I could taste the blood from her leg and believe me, its not the first time I've made her bleed but oh well, its not my problem. We were quite far from the pack so I decided we would rest here and wait for the right time. I laid her down against the tree and laid next to her, for some odd reason but I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

~Present day~

"Hey, who the fuck are you two?!" A random male voice yelled. I opened my eyes to see this tall buff man towering over us, the girl was pinned down on the dirt with him glaring into my soul, but he looked strong due to his figure. I standing up wiping the sleep from my eyes, I gave the same look back with a sinister smile.

"Well, this is gonna be fun" I pounced at him and he easily subsided me treading on the girl making her whimper.

He was quick I'd give him that but not quick enough. I managed to bite the back of his leg and drag him to the floor making him bleed, the taste of his blood covered my tongue and believe me I don't mind the taste. I pinned him onto his back and looked at him in his eyes "Now I'm gonna need your help"

"Like hell I'm gonna help you!" He shouted, I swiped at his face making him bleed a bit on his cheek

"Oh, you will. If u want to keep your life" There was a long silence from the boy and he started nodding. I smirked and slowly crawled off of him. Plan A is now in session. "I want you to spy on Theo as best as possible, I want everything he does told to me. So, clean yourself up and do what I say if you don't want your life cut short" he quickly shot up and ran back to the pack.

See you soon Theo.


Theo's POV:

Me and Noah decided to have a lazy day and watch TV. I'm still shocked that Noah is my mate but I'm starting to accept having a mate. I needed to learn that I don't always need to be alone and people will be there to protect me. I told you this mate thing would work out Silver stated, this fucker is really getting on my nerves, even though he is right.

Oh, piss off fuck face! I growled

Oh please, I wish I could at first but now that I have Shadow as my mate, I don't wanna leave Silver stated. Ever since Noah and Shadow became our mate, he been drooling over Shadow and believe me after a while it gets annoying... AND ITS ONLY BEEN A DAY! "aww look at the cute couple over there" Katie said with a shit eating grin, my face turned bright red and buried my face into Noah's side. I could feel him vibrate from him chuckling. "I'm surprised you haven't been marked yet Theo" Axel said grinning.

"Don't worry, he will be soon" Noah said smirking at me, I've never blushed so hard at that statement, Silver was purring at the thought of it and it wasn't helping.

"M-maybe" I simply replied.

After some time, my body started to feel like it was burning, Silver was going insane repeating 'mate' and begging to take over. It was strange, but it got a hell lot worse, my body started aching making whimper. What the fuck was this pain?! "Theo you ok?" asked Noah.

"Do I look ok?" I snapped accidently, Noah was taken back at my outburst and I immediately apologized. Why was I so moody?

Noah picked me up and sat me down in his lap holding me close, but it was making it a little worse so I got up and went to lay down in his bed. Yeah, I went to his bed. His room and his bed sheets smelt of him and it smelt amazing, I don't know what was happening but it was hurting me a lot.


Noah's POV:

What was up with him? I've seen his mood and this is worse than usual, wait... that smell, its so hypnotising and its so arousing, the smell of someone in... heat. I followed the scent of arousal to my room, strange, it shouldn't be coming from my room at all, I opened my doors to see Theo spreading out on my bed sniffing, cuddling and wrapping himself in my bed sheets. He's cute when he's doing this. "Axel!" I yelled and not even a second later Axel was by my side, "What's wrong alpha?"

"Theo's in heat"

"Shit, heat is a bitch"


"What are we gonna do?"

"Get the pack doctor and we can see what we can do from there" Axel nodded and quickly ran to find the doctor, I went to Theo's side and started stroking his head, I never knew how soft his hair actually was.

"Don't touch me baby, it makes it worse!" Theo informed me, I immediately stopped and I could see he relaxed a bit. I didn't leave his side. 

Ten minutes later the pack doctor, Leo arrives, and checks over Theo, this took a couple minutes but it felt like hours and the deafening silence doesn't help either. Leo stands up and turns around to look at us. "It is true, he is in heat, its his first one by the way he is acting and feeling." He stated.

"Well, is there anything we can do?"

"Well Theo could either wait for a month for it to go however each day it would get worse"

"Yeah, I'm not waiting a fucking month!" Theo retorted.

"Well, is there anything else we could do?" I asked, Leo was silence for a long time and making me more anxious.

"There is one thing that you can do to help, but only you can do this Alpha" Leo said staring me down.

"And that would be?"

"Mating with him"

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