Chapter 10

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A/N: There will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter, sorry about that, anyways enjoy :)


Noah's POV:

Hearing what Theo just told us has really changed today's mood, the gloominess that's engulfing all of us, I hated the feeling, I really did but I think it was time to change that. "Ok, lets change this mood, it's too gloomy for my liking" I stated clearing my throat, we all broke from our group hug and all nodded in agreement. "Theo come here please" I asked, there was a look of confusion in his eyes but he started gliding towards me, he looked at me with his green eyes that can see through anyone's soul. I turned him around and covered his eyes with my hands "Don't worry Theo" I whispered into his ear, I saw his tense muscles on him back relax and stood there waiting. "Well do what u need to do then" he answered. I smirked and lead him out the back door and towards the woods, he's gonna love this for sure.

Theo's POV:

Great, my eyes are covered and I can't see shit. I swear to the moon goddess, if this asshole makes me trip on anything, I'll personally murder him myself period. It felt like hours when we finally stopped in the middle of nowhere, "keep your eyes closed Theo" Noah instructed, I did as he asked and I heard the rustling of leaves that are covering the floor, ok so we're outside in the woods, I guess. Odd but I'll try and keep an open mind. I heard a few giggles and snickers from some people around me, now I'm completely confused, what the fuck is going on! "Noah?" I called out, nothing... "Noah you there?" I called out again, "that's it I'm opening my eyes" as soon as I open my eyes the loud roar of "surprise!" invaded my eyes scaring me half to death, I quickly scanned my surroundings to notice the whole pack was here hold 'Happy Birthday Theo!' signs and banners. "W-What's all this?" I asked.

"It's for u Theo" Katie squealed

"Wh-what?" I was so confused that I didn't know what to think or say, my eyes starting to tear up... I couldn't believe they would do something like this for me! Noah started to walk towards me, I couldn't help myself but run up to him holding him close "Thank you so much! I love it!" I practically screamed, I felt his arms caging me against his chest and hearing his heartbeat started to calm me down and take control of my emotions again. "Wh-Who's idea was this?" I asked looking around to see if anyone was trying to hide their snickering but no face faltered. I looked up to see a massive grin on Noah's face, I glared at him to see if he will crack and he did, he started throwing fits of laughter with me still in his arms "It was me Theo, I decided to do this for you with of course a bit of help from Katie"

"Good thing you did say my name because you're not stealing all the credit Alpha" Katie states shooting a glare at Mr. Alpha. I giggled at the way Katie acted, even though she can be scary sometimes, she can be funny as well. "well enough of us standing around like sitting ducks let's celebrate Theo's birthday!" a huge roar of cheers engulfed the silence and the music started blasting from the speakers. The pack starts racing to the dance floor with smiles plastered on everyone's faces, the kids that were here were playing with the balloons or either playing in the kid section. The kids are so cute like OMG! We are so getting one Silver states, we are most certainly not! I quickly said with no hesitation. I heard Silver huff from me refusing from having a child, not right now... not when I'm still being chased. A large pair of arms enclosed me and I could feel someone's muscular chest pressing against my back. I look over my shoulder to see Noah hugging me aka Mr. Alpha "you like it?" Noah asked. "I loved it Mr. Alpha" I smiled at him, I felt vibrations in the centre of my back from his little chuckle. It sent shivers down my spine; it was strange. After a few more minutes he finally let's go, good thing too, if he was hugging me for another second I would have passed out from lack of oxygen. "wanna drink?" He inquired, I nodded my head and followed him to the drinks table, covered in red plastic cups, with a white table cloth. Noah grabbed two drinks and handed one to me, I took it. Noah was gulping his down like it was air, me however was taking little sips enjoying every taste of the liquid that was contained inside.

After a few more drinks, I decided to join the rest of the pack on the dancefloor, I've never smiled so much in my life, I was surrounded by everyone and had Katie, Axel and Noah next to me, I never what this to end, not even for a second.


Noah's POV:

I've never seen Theo so happy in all my life, it was amazing to see that stubborn pain in the ass kid turn into a child that doesn't stop smiling, it was cute not going to lie. Oh. My. Goddess! Stop with Theo being cute ugh! Theo isn't cute he's... he's... fuck, ok he's cute so what if I said that (insert intense sigh)! I pushed those thought to the back of my mind and decided to keep dancing with the group. The songs kept going for hours and hours, I can't remember how long I was on that floor but I decided to get something to eat... it was funny how we just got every single type of food known to wolf as we had no clue what Theo liked, snack wise. He was so variant that he never stuck with one snack it was annoying to figure it out but at least there was a range of party foods and believe me if I wanted to explain what was there... I would be here to next year so I'm going to miss the food part out and just eat it.

Not even ten minutes later, I see Theo with someone in the pack getting something as well, I believe his name was Oliver, he was quite close to Theo and they looked like they were getting along pretty well together. Luckily, Oliver didn't stick around for too long and Theo start waltzing towards out table and sits down in front of me, "so, who was that?" I asked. "Oh it's no one, his names Oliver and he's just saying happy birthday and talking about how I'll be able to find my mate kinda thing" Theo responded shovelling food into his mouth like he hasn't eaten in years. I nod my head and decided to drop the subject and allow him to enjoy the food. Now and then I would hear Theo moaning and saying how good the food is, it makes me chuckle seeing him like this, I simply responded saying that me and Katie were the ones who got the food. He smiled at me and finished what was on his plate, I didn't realise that I finished as well, that food was pretty good if you ask me.

"Attention everyone!" a loud voice came from the speakers, everyone's head shot towards the stage where the DJ was to see our Elder, Elder Cora. "I would like to invite Theodore to the stage please" I saw the shock on Theo's face, he wasn't expecting any of this, his head quickly shit to me and I ushered him to the go up. He hesitantly did so. As he reached the Elder, she caged him in a tight hug and whispered into his ear or kissed his cheek, it was hard to see from where I was. "I would personally like to wish you a happy 18th birthday to you my child" Theo thanked her giving a warm smile making the elder smile back "but I'm aware that you have been told something that regards to today, am I correct?" he nods and looks down to the wooden flooring on the stage, "Well that's good to know, your wolf will be able to sense your mate is close as well as your mate as well, their scent will be heavenly and will be more powerful than any other scent around you... so try it now and see if you can catch your mates scent" Theo nods and sniffs in deeply trying to see if he can smell anything. His face breaks into a huge smile "You can smell their scent, can't you?" Theo closes his eyes enjoying the smell he's just been exposed to. I wonder who is mate is.


Theo's POV:

Oh, my goddess, the smell was to die for the smell of mint and vanilla filled my nostrils, I could hear Silver purring through our mind link find our mate now!! Silver demanded, I lost all control of my limbs and Silver took control, "Must. Find. Mate!" Silver roared. I've never seen Silver like this, he was more determined, he was focused and very needy in my opinion. I saw how people reacted to how Silver was, they were a little shocked to see the determination, believe me, you will get used to it after dealing with it for your whole life. Without any hesitation Silver started walking off the stage he was following the scent, guess I will be finding my mate without a choice then.


Noah's POV:

Damn Theo's wolf is quite scary when it comes to finding his mate. I smirked at the neediness his wolf is giving off and believe me it was very entertaining. Mate Shadow stated. Are you sure?! I inquired, Yes! He responded, I took a deep breath in and the smell of vanilla and strawberries filled my nostrils, goddess I could never get over that smell, it's so fucking divine. MATE! Shadow howled and decided to take command and follow the scent, guess I'm finding my mate as well, isn't that a coincidence. Shadow kept striding with purpose and the scent was getting stronger and stronger enchanting me to follow, my mind went all fuzzy from the smell until shadow stopped mate Shadow stated I took over and looked at who it was in front of me...


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