Chapter 18

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Theo's POV:

When I woke up, I had the biggest smile on my face. I just mated with my mate and now I'm being carried bridal style by him, probably to the kitchen. I didn't want to open my eyes and I guarantee I could fall asleep from this, as I opened my eyes, I was met face to face with Noa- no... It can't be... My eyes widened in terror when I saw his face, the face of uncle. Jay. I tried wiggling out of his grip but all he did was chuck me over his shoulder holding me tight. "You better stay still Theodore or maybe someone close to you will get hurt, I'll give you a clue, its not your alpha" who the hell is this asshole talking about?!

I feel like I've been on his shoulder for hours, my stomach was hurting and I feel like my insides were stretching, "hey I need to go do something" this asshole ignores me, "well if you get a stain on your T-Shirt then that's a you problem" Not even a second later he puts me down, "go do it over there, we will know when you done and where you are pup" that maniacal smirk appeared on his face making me wanna vomit, I ran to the nearest tree and started to go, Hello? Can anyone hear me? I asked through mind link. Nothing. I kept trying to contact anyone from the pack but there was nothing, probably too far, but this would help them get my scent, hopefully.

I headed back and as soon as I reach him, he tries to pick me up, NOPE NOT AGAIN! "C-can I walk please?" He looked at me with that same look he gave all those years ago, the look that shows no emotion, no meaning, it was a type of look that can make you cower before him in seconds, he grabs my arm seconds later and pushed me forward. "Walk" I did what he commanded without question.

It was starting to get dark and I was getting really hungry, thirsty and tired. Not how I usually am. I started dragging my feet, making me go slower which was pissing off Jay. "WALK FASTER YOU STUPID MUTT" he screamed at the top of his voice.

"I'm too fucking tired old man" I spat back.

"Too fucking bad, I thought you would be used to this from how long you have been running, but I forgot something else is different now" he said smirking, and there it is again, this 'different' subject again. "Just fucking say what is different". He didn't say a word, all he did was walk up to me and place his hand on my stomach making me tense up. "that's your clue mutt" he whispered in my ear. Something to do with my stomach... I placed my hands on my stomach and my insides felt like they were twisting, this pain was so bad that I moved my hands away, the pain stopped? Did he put something inside me? Oh, Goddess help me! I need to be very careful.


Jay's POV:

Fucking great, this bitch had to mate with that alpha, but I have no idea that he was so clueless! But he was right that it was getting dark and we are quite far from the pack so I guess we could rest for the night but it's him, he could run away in the night but by his state, he wouldn't last for a couple days. So, I decided to set up camp and get all of us to rest, I put Theo in my arms tightly to avoid any shenanigans in the night. The girl caught some wild rabbits and got them cooking over the fire she made not too long ago. Once the rabbits were cooked, we all sat there scoffing our faces, Theo never leaving my lap and the girl keeping an eye out for anything else that stalks the woods at this night. It was about midnight when we all fell asleep.

When I woke up, the girl was already awake and Theo was still asleep. His situation is very annoying so I'm gonna have to carry him for a bit while he is asleep, definitely speed things up a bit, I'd say we are about a day or two away from our destination, and believe me... Theo is gonna get a massive shock when he sees what I have in store. I felt a smile grow on my face imagining Theo's scared and disbelief face when we arrive to the area. Anyways back to the now, I picked up the sleeping mutt and carried him in my arms with the girl next to me. "How far away are we" she asked.

"And why are you asking?" I spat back looking at her making her shiver.

"J-Just wondering sir, I was curious on how far away we are from home" she answered keeping her head down.

"About two days away" I said looking forward again making her relax a bit.


We have been walking for so long that even my legs were starting to ache, this mutt is still asleep which was annoying and helpful at the same time, but I never knew we were closer than I thought, I could see the ash from here that burnt this part of woods from that event that happened a while ago. All the memories that were here, all burned to the ground and only some ash that stayed on the floor but the rest have blown away over time. I remember like it was yesterday, me and the rogues breaking down the walls of the pack and killing every wolf that they could see, some with torches throwing them at the houses that were in sight and killing anyone that was inside, the screams and the last breath some of them took on that day but this boy, Theo. Was able to escape because his parents saved him... but this time... he won't escape my claws.

I can guarantee that.

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