Chapter 15

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A/N Sorry for the late update, there has been a lot going on, anyways enjoy chapter 15 :)


Theo's POV:

I woke up the next day with Noah's muscular arms wrapped around my body, his chest pressed against my back and his head buried into the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickling my bare skin making he smile and giggle quietly, not wanting to disturb my sleeping mate. I snuggled closer to him, loving the tingling feeling that I get from him, suddenly feeling his arms wrap around me tighter and feeling his lips leave gentle kisses along my neck and collar. "Morning my love" Noah said in his deep, sexy morning voice making me shiver, "M-Morning" I said feeling my face heat up.

The smirk that was growing on Noah's face made me blush even more. This man is so hot! He gonna be the death of me one day. Not even a second later I was pinned to the bed with Noah's lips capturing mine. He was very quick in plunging his tongue into my mouth and exploring every part of my cavern. I break the kiss not long after saying "Morning breath" this made Noah laugh out loud making me blush trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He willingly lets me go and I quickly go to the bathroom to do... bathroom things (one way to put it) and to brush my teeth. "Noah get in here and get rid of that morning breath" I call from the bathroom, not a second later he was doing that. I can't even leave the double doors from the bedroom to the hallway without feeling Noah caging me in his arms, I could hear him growling lowly. It was more possessive than aggressive. "Noah, come on I'm hungry" I whined, I was hungry and this man is not letting me go and eat! Suddenly he picked me up bridal style and carried me through the hallways, I probably woke up everyone in the damn house from my screeching and me wiggling in his arms making it more difficult for him to hold me, Noah got a little impatient and decided to chuck me over his shoulder. I felt something make contact with my ass making it sting, I kept wiggling feeling that pain again... is he- is he spanking me?! I felt it again and I kept still, as much as it was arousing me, I just wanted to eat. "I can smell your arousal pup, so are you going to be a good boy?"

"Y-Yes" I stated earning myself another slap. I was still over his shoulder bouncing around like a sack of potatoes until he puts me down once we were in the kitchen giving me a lingering kiss that made me hum in content making him smile against my lips. "what would u like for breakfast my love?" Noah inquired, I thought for a moment before telling him to surprise me, responding with a nod I sat down and waited to see what he is going to make. I started to smell the bacon and eggs that he put onto the frying pan as well as the sizzling sound of them cooking making my mouth water. After some time, the plate filled with bacon, fried eggs and buttered toast was placed in front of my eyes. I was famished and tucked in straight away moaning at how good the food tasted. Note to self, make sure Noah cooks. Noah sat down next to me digging into his breakfast that he made for himself, he had the exact same thing to save time.

After we both filled our bellies to the brim, Noah pulled me onto his lap and snuggled as close as possible burying his face into the centre of my back, as well as peppering it with kisses from those soft lips. I leant into his touch smiling which happened to make him smile as well. We were both enjoying the comfortable silence and each other's company. "Goddess Theo do you need to scream any louder last night?!" A familiar voice scolded me, as I look over my shoulder, I can see Katie walking towards us with a smirk growing with every passing second. I couldn't hold back the blush that I was slowly creeping onto my face. "Well at least you know he enjoyed it" Noah answered for me causing me to turn into a tomato, "Well it was" I mumbled, I was quickly spun round so I was facing my handsome mate. "Louder darling" Noah commanded me making me shiver, I repeated what I said so they could both here causing Noah to smile and Katie to start giggling. "Good, I wanted my mate to have the best" Noah stated kissing me deeply then resting his forehead against mine.

After sometime, Axel decided to join us looking half dead. I don't think he's a morning person, seeing him like this made me smirk by the way he was groaning and stomping around, "oh stop whinging and have some coffee" Katie commanded handing Axel a coffee which he drunk down quickly, Katie turned on her heels "see what I have to deal with" Katie said with a grin on her face but making sure Axel couldn't see, not even a second passed before Axel had his arms around his mate's waist whispering 'sorry' into her ear. They're so cute together Silver cooed making me smile. "What are you smiling about puppy?" Noah asked, "Silver thinks they're cute" I replied.


"My wolf Noah"


"What's your wolf called?" I inquired,

"Shadow" Noah stated proudly, the name was pretty cool to be honest... I like it.


Unknown POV:

"they've mated Sir" the boy stated,

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I shouted from the top of my lungs but not loud enough for the pack to hear causing the little puppy to cower in fear. Brilliant. "This changes things boy if I take Alpha's little mate, he can easily track him down! You stupid dog!" this boy got a black eye for his fuck-up as well as making him trip and fall on his ass, pathetic runt. This is gonna change a lot of things... not what I wanted to happen. Oh well, things happen for a reason, the pain I'll give to Theo will also affect the Alpha, perfect. Two for the price of one. "Listen here boy-"

"MY NAME IS JOSH FUCKER" welp he's gonna have a red mark from the slap he was given across his face. I stepped close to him and knelt down so our faces were inches away.

"I don't care what your name is Josh but you will never talk to me in that way EVER again or I'll make sure that you get a slow and painful death" his eyes widening knowing that I'm not bluffing. "We need to take things up a notch, I need you to go a get your Alpha's mate and take him too me, got it?"

"T-Then I'll be free?" He asked

"Well, I guess you will have to find out Joshy" not even a second later he was running pack inside of the pack's walls. Good luck for what I have in store for you Theo... 

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