Chapter 27

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Update (08/01/23): Here is the picture of the goddess' world


~1 week later~

Keira's POV:

I've been studying this book, the language and that one damn spell I've been trying to perfect. Cora has been doing her best to help me, but she has told me that if she had the energy and the youth she used to have, then she would gladly do it, but she said that her life would be on the line if she did. I'm not allowing her to do the spell even if she said she would, this is my choice and what I shall complete.

Over this past week, Noah has barely left his room, so Ash has been taking over with the Alpha's jobs and making sure that everything was still in check and making sure that we were alright. He has a very kind heart which I can tell his mate, who I learned that her name is Katie, really loves how he is. Protective, kind, caring, and from her mind a natural father figure to the pups. I have also found out that Theo's ceremony was at the end of this week, in 3 days' time. Not long before their surprise of my own power.

Ever since I was young, other witches have felt the power I possess and have stated that I have too much that I could be classed as a living weapon. They saw not even my full power at Jay's, but I wasn't ready to fight then, but this spell should show how much a life I can give and what I can take... hopefully life is given and when the time is right. I'll replace what I've given and take it from someone who isn't worthy.


Noah's POV:

I can barely move. Ever since that battle I felt my strength draining from my body causing me to feel like my whole body is paralysed, I can't even get food, so no matter how hard I tried I couldn't eat. I'm starving myself to death, at least I get to be with Theo in the end. He will be waiting for me. My eyelids began to get heavier and heavier until the darkness of sleep claimed me again. I look around in this somewhat blackness and I see this bright light shine in front of me in the distance. I'm drawn to it. I need to go to it. My feet began to move on their own taking me to the light. First it was a walk, then a jog to a full-on sprint. I wanted what was glowing.

As I reached the light, two things were floating there, I couldn't recognise them. One of them was human with their arms crossed and their head looking down to the so-called ground, while the other looked the same but not, they had wolf ears at the top of their head twitching now and then and a wolf like tail swaying slowly staying to a rhythm. As they looked up, I felt a lump in my throat, my eyes are lying to me, aren't they? "T-Theo?"

The boys' eyes open and looked at me with love and tears rolled down his perfect features. "Hey my Alpha" he said.

"H-how is this possible?" I asked.

"I've grown close to the moon goddess Mr Alpha, she allowed me to do this once since I've been seeing what you have been doing to yourself since I went" he said looking worried and floated towards me, his hand gently placed onto my cheek, it felt so real, and I loved it. That one touch causes me to break and start to tear up. "I miss you baby so fucking much that it hurts" I said my voice breaking.

"I know, but I need you to keep fighting for me, do whatever you can to keep going. Wait till my ceremony babe. I'm not telling you why but make sure you be the Alpha you are and deal with your shit. I mean you are my Mr Alpha, aren't you?" I nodded "Good, now act like one and get your ass up baby" I nodded and said that I'd try for him. He wants me to keep going then I shall.

"It's so good to see my mate again" The other Theo purred as his tail swayed faster.

"Silver seriously" Theo said scolding him "Sorry about him that's my inner wolf, most of the time he thinks with his dick" hearing that made me laugh which started off Silver and then Theo.

"I'm glad you talked to me, I needed this."

"I know" he said with that cute cocky grin of his making me chuckle. "See you soon again Mr Alpha" and with one last smile and a kiss on my cheek they faded away and I woke up standing in my room by my wardrobe for some reason. But the tingles from Theo's kiss remained. But what did he mean by soon?

I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom and made sure I looked presentable and didn't look like death. After I was dressed, I went downstairs and everyone was there, Ash was sitting down having a coffee looked over towards Katie who was holding my little girl, Ella. She was asleep in her arms and Katie saw me and smiled "Glad to see u again Noah" she said. "Good to see everyone as well" I said smiling back at everyone, I wasn't lying, I missed seeing them, they have been there and because of me losing Theo must have affected my pack.

"Anything happen while I wasn't here?" I asked, Ash filled me in on everything that he has done to help the pack which I'm extremely grateful for. Katie was looking after Ella making sure she was fed and played with her as well and made sure that she was ok and even bought a few baby clothes and some nappies as well. Definitely need to pay her back. I didn't see Keira so when I asked about her, Ash told me she was always with Cora and kept this old book in her hand reading it whenever she could. Strange. The last thing they talked about was Theo's ceremony, they told me it was in three days' time and everything was ready. I nodded and sat with Katie and took Ella from her and held her close to me, she snuggled as close as she could while she was sleeping, she looks a lot like her other dad.

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