Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating this as regularly as I have hoped, a lot has been happening which has made me unable to write this but thankfully I will be continuing this.

Anyways enjoy :)


Theo's POV:

Over the next couple of days, me and Noah have been getting along quite well, for some odd reason he would space out a lot and I would always snap him out of it. It kinda concerned me why he was but of course I didn't show it. Noah has been showing me around the whole of the territory, and it is beautiful, I have been helping Noah around the pack like hunting, and taking care of any people that needed it, I've gotten to know people in the pack and have grown closer to all of them, to be honest I've never thought that I would get used to being in this pack, especially in a short amount of time. I still get the urge to run away and keep running, but I needed to stop, this is my home now.

At night I've been having nightmares of my past, sometimes I wake up with tears in my eyes and I'm too afraid to fall back asleep. After those types of nights, I would have bags under my eyes and I would be really moody throughout the whole day, now and then I would have times when I would be cheerful but I mostly acted like an asshole. The days have flown by and now its only a day before my birthday which I'm dreading. I don't know why you're dreading it Theo; you will finally be able to find your mate Silver said to me through our mind link.

That's the thing Silver, I don't want a mate because I'm gonna be stuck with him and another person that could get hurt I stated to Silver, I blocked off the link to Silver, I just needed to be alone and prepare for tomorrow. I saw that it was night and decided to fall asleep, let's just hope I will never find my mate...


Noah's POV:

Katie has been helpful with the task that I asked her to do days go, I've been distracting Theo and have been getting close to him as well, I'm happy that the kid I saw in the woods was nearly gone, he still has his moments when that kid comes to the surface, it makes me chuckle seeing him act like that. It's now the day before Theo's birthday and I haven't seen him at all, I bet he hasn't even left his room except to eat and drink. Somethings not right with the kid Noah Shadow told me through our mind link.

What do you mean? I asked

It's the day before his birthday, and he is no where to be seen, he's probably locked up in his room and don't you think someone would be excited for his birthday?! I thought about what Shadow was saying and he was right... why was Theo not excited for his birthday? I had so many questions about this but I decided to push it to the back of my mind. But I know that we are going to makes Theo's birthday the best day of his life.

I hope...

A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter is short, i ran out of ideas and i'm trying to add more into it, hope your enjoying it :)

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