Chapter 7

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A/N Picture of the guest room Theo was sleeping in. (Not exactly how I pictured the guest room but this is as close as I could get to it)


The Next Day:

Theo's POV:

I was wrapped up in something soft, silky and... warm. I snuggled more into what was the source of the warmth and wanted to fall back asleep but to my luck I was fucking wide awake. I slowly opened my eyes to be in a bedroom. How did I end up here? I was in the woods running from Mr Alpha. The comfy sheets that were wrapped around my body made me remember what it was like to sleep on something comfortable. Where are we? Silver asks, I have no idea I replied. I managed to crawl myself away from the comfortable, warm bed and stretched. I saw a mirror and decided to see how horrible I looked. As soon as I looked at my reflection my eyes widened... Who the fucked changed me! I thought to myself, to be honest they are comfortable but still. I left the room and walked slowly down the long hallway. As I made it to the end, I reached this massive large room, I quickly gazed around the room and there wasn't that much surprisingly, there was a flat-screen TV with a 3 seated black, leather couch, a white coffee table on top of a nice, grey carpet that blended in with the rest of the room. To the right there was an open kitchen that looked really modern. I was starving so I decided to help myself and grab something to eat from the fridge. I sat down at the white, marble effect table surrounded with white leather chairs and started to eat the apple. "Good morning." I've never felt that scared all my life, as I turned around, I saw Mr Alpha... he brought me back to the pack house.

"You asshole, are you trying to kill me!?" I shouted at him, I saw a him smirking a bit, let me wipe that smirk off his face Silver snarled

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" he said chuckling

"This isn't funny" I said crossing my arms and pouting. He chuckles again! He's really pissing me off now. I glared at Mr Alpha and I said it once and I'll say it again if looks could kill he would be dead.

"Sorry I just wasn't expecting you to react like that" he told me and believe me he looks hot smiling. No, no, no bad Theo contain yourself oh my God!

"Hmph" I pouted and turned my back on him. I heard footsteps getting close to me. I felt a big, strong hand on my shoulder slowly turning me around, I looked up to whoever it was and I realised it was Noah.

"Look... I'm sorry about yesterday, I over reacted and I was completely in the wrong and-" I stopped him from finishing what he was going to say. "I should be sorry, I over reacted myself, I was acting like a child and ran, probably making you all panic and I'm sorry." I said looking down to try and hide the guilt showing in my eyes.

"guess we both fucked up then" I looked up and looked at his eyes, I could see how guilty he was feeling and I didn't like it, I didn't know what I was doing but I hugged him... I had this strange urge to do it. I let go of him and walked away, I was completely discombobulated. What was he doing to me?


Noah's POV:

He-he hugged me. He actually hugged me. I was so confused on why he would do that. Theo looks like someone who wouldn't show that, so seeing this was strange. I shook my head out of my daze and decided to do my work, I needed a distraction to what happened. I'm just happy that everything is kinda ok between me and Theo. I hope...


Unknown POV:

"How far has he fucking run, the little shit" I snarled,

"I don't know alpha but he's gone further than ever, it's like he's completely left the territory and... found a new pack" This girl could be onto something.

"Why would you say a new pack?!" I said intimidating her

"I-It was just a thought, you said that he wouldn't go far or leave the territory, but he's no where to be seen" hearing her blame me pissed me off, so I did what she deserved... I slapped her. She fell to the floor holding her cheek.

"Don't you EVER blame me!" I shouted at her aggressively. She was shaking making me enjoy this even more. "You better find him... or it will be your life I will take instead", she got up quickly and started to go the opposite direction. I followed in pursuit. Once I have him, I will hurt him, I will see him bleed and bruised, no that's not enough...

I, will, break, him...

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