Chapter 30

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Axel's POV:

Seeing Noah and Theo snuggled up with their little pup is absolutely adorable, I wish I could have something like that, seeing the picture brings me visions of me and Katie one day holding our own and getting that love as a family. Well really its more having my own family. "Hey baby I was wonder-" I started shushing her as I turned around while she is talking to me and then I realised my mistake, the hands on her hips, that sexy sassy look that she gives me when she has been tested and the walk that she has as well. I know I'm in trouble, but she is still sexy as fuck.

"I knowwwwww you did not just shush me right now Axel Underwood" she said in that sassy tone waving her finger around. You're fucked my wolf said to me. I know I replied. She WAS about to pop off at me again before I started pointing at the sexy couple that are laying on the couch knocked out cold (not literally), she looked and made the 'ohhhh' shape with her mouth that you do when you realise something you know (I'm not going into details of her fucking mouth ok, that's for me and my enjoyment... ANYWAYS), she then went up to me and grabbed my hand, and started to drag me up the stairs making me nearly fall flat on my face, she has a bit of a habit doing that. I couldn't help but make some sounds that would show that I was about to fall causing her to giggle each time.


Katie's POV:

As we finally reached the top of the stairs and outside our bedroom door, I practically threw him into the room causing him to try and catch his balance, it is funny doing that to him, acts strong but his little mate (aka me) can easily throw him around like a dead mouse. It's my comedy for the day. As we both went in, I closed the door and locked it as I wanted some privacy between us. "oooooooo I like how this is going babe" said Axel smirking causing him to get a slap on the shoulder as a response to his antics releasing a chuckle from his lips. "I need to talk to you about a lot of things Axel" I said fidgeting with my fingers and dancing from one foot to the other.

"Okay I know it's serious when u say my name so what's wrong?" he asked pulling me onto his lap.

"We have been together for... a long, long time and nothing has really happened between us than just a kiss or a make out session." He looked at me and nodded, listening to every word that I spilled out of my mouth as he pulled me onto his lap even more. "I was wondering if you wanna take it further babe and maybe start our own family?" I inquired as I hid my face in his chest from the embarrassment of asking him.

"I'm... not denying it or saying my answer but I wanna know where this has come from Katie?" I looked up to him and sighed. "When I saw Theo, Noah and their pup together... it kinda made me feel like I wanted to have the same and have our own pup and take care of them together with you." He was silent for a while and a small smile grew on his face, the next thing I realise is that his lips then slammed against mine and he holds me close taking away all my breath from my lungs and I can't resist him, I kissed him back. "Let's do it then baby" he said in a gravelly voice as he laid me down and that is when I realise that I will be with him forever and I can't wait till he gives me our pup.


Theo's POV:

I woke up being in Noah's lap and my little Ella being supported in my arms by Noah's. this is what I wanted, my family... all together. I told you; this is what we should have done from the beginning said Silver with a calming voice, I couldn't help but smile at his words. He was right, this is what I truly wanted, and I have got it, with my alpha and my adorable little one who will grow up and be a strong woman who one day will rule this pack with an iron fist, with whoever by her side. I gave both sleeping pups a kiss and laid there, not realising that Noah woken up and he started wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer. "Hey, my sexy rogue, how you feeling?" he asked with a husky voice, "Never better, and since when did I become a rogue again?" I said with a cheeky grin, he chuckled and looked at me. "Ever since that day when we met, you were always my rogue" I couldn't help but smile and kiss him, he was a romantic alpha that I adore. But just between you and me, I don't think Ella will be our only little one.

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