Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: 

A couple days later. 

Her groggy eyes slowly drifted open as she heard her extremely loud and annoying alarm clock going off. She reached her hand over smacking down on the stop button, making the loud noises disappear. Spencer rolled her eyes in annoyance as she sat up in her queen size bed.

"Why can't I just get ready in five minutes? Of course I have to be the girly girl type and take seven hours just to do my hair." she said as she messily threw her cover down at the bottom of her bed. Kate slouched over, her feet sliding against the floor as she went in the direction of her tiny blue bathroom.

Her eyes squinted as she flipped the light switch on. She leaned over her sink, one hand holding her up as her other hand opened her cabinet to get her tooth brush and tooth paste. After her bathroom routine, she went straight for her closet.  

Stepping back into her room, Spencer had on a white tank top, dark skinny jeans with white flip flops. She looked at herself in the mirror, smiling. Satisfied at how she looked for school.  

Grabbing her phone, wallet, and keys she ran down stairs to the kitchen grabbing herself a bagel before heading off to her last year of high school.  

Sitting in her car, Spencer gazed forward looking at her high school. She sighed, thinking to herself 'I have to finally tell her the truth. I mean, it is both of our last year of this crummy place. Ugh, she's my best friend though.' Spencer laid her forehead against her steering wheel with a confused expression on her face.  

She sat there for a couple minutes, in peace, thinking about Ashley and how she'll take the news. 'When should I tell her?' she thought to herself then almost jumping out of her seat from hearing her best friend knocking on the window. 

"Spencer! Come onnnnn! It's our last year. Get your lazy ass out of that car right now!" Ashley said, excitement dripping from every word.  

Spencer smiled nervously, 'I'm glad I talk in my head than out loud like some people.' She thought as her hand went to the cars door handle, slowly gliding it open.  

Ashley grabbed Spencer's hand, dragging her towards the front doors. "Ash, slow down! You're going to make me trip again like last time." Spencer said, lightly giggling.  

Ashely just looked back at Spencer rolling her eyes and continued to drag her best friend through the doors of the school. 

"Ugh. I'm starving." Ashely said, looking at Spencer slightly pouting. 

"But, but. We're going to be late! Ash, you know how I hate being late to first period." Spencer said, whining.  

"Spencerrr I'm so hungry. You can hear my stomach saying FEED ME!" Ashely said, smiling her famous smile. 

Spencer groaned, she hated when Ashley would do that smile. She caved every single time and Ashley definitely knew the power that smile had over Spencer. "Okay, okay. If we get in trouble it's your fault." Spencer said. 

"I'll take the blame. Don't worry. Now, come on! They're having pancakes!" Ashely said, letting her excitement show for her love of pancakes. 

Spencer laughed, listening to her friends' insanity. Ashley once again grabbed Spencer's hand dragging her to the now empty cafeteria.  

"Ashley! We've already missed 15 minutes of the class. Hurry up! You've ate like twelve pancakes." Spencer said, frustrated but smiling at the same time at her cute best friend.  

"They're soooo good! I can't help it." Ashley said with a mouthful of pancakes in her mouth. 

Ashley sat there for a few minutes. "Hey, since we missed half of our class we should totally skip the rest of the day." She said, looking into her best friends blue eyes. 

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