Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: 

Spencer laid there beside of Ashley, she could feel Ashley's hand against her stomach. She didn't want to move a muscle and wake the gorgeous girl that was beside her.  

After a few minutes had passed by Spencer's eyes widened. "Crap. I have to pee." She whispered to herself as she looked at Ashley who was still fast asleep.  

Spencer slowly reached down lightly holding onto Ashley's hand, trying to move it. Ashley tightened her fingers around Spencer's. "Don't go." Ashley mumbled out loud from her slumber. 

Spencer smiled brightly at her best friend. "Ash, I have to pee." She said lightly.  

Ashley just scooted closer against Spencer, no words were said but deep down Spencer knew Ashley was telling her she didn't want her to get up. Spencer sat there for a few more minutes until her stomach started hurting. "Ash, I have to get up." Spencer said, sliding out of the bed.  

Ashley rolled over onto her stomach as Spencer stepped into the bathroom. She looked at herself, 'Does she like me?' she thought to herself as she walked over to the toilet then went pee. Spencer looked down at the tooth brush that was on the sink, she had left the first time she stayed all night at Ashley's. She picked up the tooth brush, sliding on some tooth paste before she began brushing her teeth.  

She put some deodorant on then began brushing her hair when she heard a light knock on the door. "Yes?" Spencer asked. 

"Can I come in? I have to pee." Ashley said, her sleepy voice seeping through her words.  

Spencer opened the bathroom door, looking at her best friend she smiled. Ashley's hair was sticking up everywhere as she rubbed her sleepy eyes, trying to wake herself up. 

Spencer looked over at Ashley, who was washing her hands. "Hey, my mom is having a barbeque slash pool party today. Would you like to come?" she asked, smiling at Ashley.  

"Oh, yeah for sure. I'd love to go. What time does it start?" Ashley asked.  

"It starts at two. Do you have any more plans for today or do you just want to hang out before the barbeque?" Spencer asked as she and Ashley walked over towards the bed. 

"We can hang out. We should invite Glen and Aiden over. We haven't hung out together in forever!" Ashley said, getting excited.  

"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" Spencer said, texting her brother. 

Text message: 

Spencer- "Get your ass over here at Ashley's and bring your boo too!" 

Glen- "Okay!! We'll be over in a few!" 

"They're coming." Spencer told Ashley as she laid back onto Ashley's bed.  

Ashley climbed in beside of her, smiling. "What should we do before they get here?" Ashley asked Spencer. 

"Hmm...I have two things in mind." Spencer said, biting her lip at Ashley. 

"Which are what?" Ashley asked, her cheeks turning red.  

"Well, one is BREAKFAST and two is well, I don't really have a two yet." Spencer giggled. 

"God you're such a dork sometimes, Spence. What do you want for breakfast? I want...PANKCAKES!" Ashely yelled, getting excited.  

"I want bacoooonnnn!" Spencer gleamed as she hopped up off the bed, dragging Ashley down the stairs with her. 

"Hey, slow down!" Ashley said almost tripping as she sped walked down the steps following Spencer. 

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