Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"So like, doesn't getting dirt in your hair gross you out?" A blond girl who Spencer had no idea who she was asked her.

Spencer and blondie were having a drunk conversation about lacrosse. They both were holding some kind of liquor, both way past the walking a straight line test.

"Weeelllll no." Spencer said while twirling a beer cap on the table of the kitchen.

People were everywhere. Drinking and smoking things, while making drunken high school memories. Across from the table that blondie and Spencer were sitting at, there was two girls making out, while a bunch of guys stared with their small drunken boners.

"Psshh fucking creeps" Spencer mumbled.

Blondie took a look at the girls and to Spencer.

"So you're like uh... Uh... Lesbian right?" She leaned in close to Spencer as she said this, even though she was so intoxicated she could barely stand, she looked nervous.

The question Spencer heard on almost every occasion always made Spencer smile because of the discomfort it brings.

"Fuck yea. Hoes before bros." Spencer said laughing.

"I'm tots fine with that! Like I had a lesbian aunt one time and she was totally chill" blondie responded.

Spencer finished off her drink and quickly refilled the red cup with the bottle of vodka sitting in between the girls. She wondered where Ashley was, the last she saw of her was making out with Matt of course with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other.

It made her mad that Ashley was with Matt. She could do so much better.

"Hey! Let's make a toast!" Blondie exclaimed.

"To drunken girls!" She yelled as they clinked plastic cups. She took a swig of the half spilled drink, wrapped her arms around Spencer and kissed her.

This wasn't a PG kiss, this was a play boy bunny kiss. Spencer was so surprised by the rated R kiss she was so drunk she played along with this random girl.

Blondie's hand that was holding the beer was exploring Spencer's neck. Both girls were giggling and spilling beer.

"Wait. Should we put our drinks down? Yes probably." Spencer slurred putting her drink down.

Blondie flat out dropped her drink on the floor while dragging Spencer by the hand to a vacant room.

They drunkenly staggered to a bedroom, the first two they tried already being occupied by more drunks.

Blondie opened the last room on the left across from a closet, and pulled Spencer inside, giggling.

"I've never done this... With a girl." Blondie said once they were in the room alone.

"We don't have to." Spencer responded while kissing her.

"But I want to." The blonde girl said seductively.

Spencer pulled the girl close and started to take off her shirt. While staggering the blonde girl took off her pants. They started making out.

This was the farthest Spencer has gone with a girl. Aside from the small romantic relationship she had in middle school with a girl who ended up being straight, but that only consisted of some small kisses.

Was this really how her first time was going to be? With a girl she didn't know, in a stranger's house. Her mind wasn't on the girl in front of her, who was probably experimenting and was sure to tell all over the other blonde girls in her school about this experience.

They were standing in front of the bed, Blondie's hands touching Kate's body, while Kate just stood there taking it all in.

Suddenly the door flies open. In came Ashley, red eyed and seemingly mad.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She screamed. She stormed over to blondie and pushed her away from Spencer.

"Ashley! What the hell?!" Spencer yelled

"You're what, just fucking a girl with big tits you barely know!? That's how you want this." Ashley said as she was pacing around the room.

Blondie was picking up her clothes and quickly putting them on, looking less drunk and more scared.

"So...maybe another time?" Blondie asked

Ashley rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I'll see you later." Spencer replied.

The girl left Ashley and Spencer standing in the bedroom. Spencer started laughing and picked up a random bottle of alcohol sitting on a dresser and started drinking it.

"Spencer, what are you doing? You're drunk."

"No fucking shit! It's a party! You know, one of those things where people get drunk and fuck random people. You know, like you and Matty boy." Spencer kept taking swigs of the alcohol. It tasted like rum she thought.

"I didn't fuck him. What are you talking about?! You need to relax!" Ashley said grabbing Spencer and lowering her on the bed. She tried to take the bottle away from Spencer, but Spencer wasn't going to let go.

Ashley sat beside of Spencer and put her arm around her.

Sighing Ashley said "You're going to thank me tomorrow"

"No I'm not." Spencer mumbled, but she laid her head on Ashley's small shoulder.

"You're soo tall" Ashley said in amazement

Laughing way too hard Spencer said "You're soo high"

The party night had ended for Spencer and Ashley there, when both girls had fallen asleep in the bed. Beer bottles surrounded the room, music blaring, and the small breathing of Ashley and Spencer passed out.

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