Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: 

"Are you sure?" Spencer asked hesitantly. 

"Yes. I've been thinking about it ever since I kissed you last time. I don't know what it is but, something is pulling me towards you. No matter how many times I try to pull those feelings back they won't go away." Ashley said staring at Spencer. 

"Ashley, I love you. You know that I love you when I accidentally told you after our kiss. I was so scared that, that would mess everything up. So, back to the kissing." Spencer giggled as she leaned forward. Her hand placed on Ashley's cheek. 

Ashley smiled until Spencer's lips were against hers. Their lips moved in sync for a while until they were both pulling back, breathless. Spencer bit her lip looking at Ashley. 

"Can we do that one more time? Before we go back downstairs." Ashley asked her cheeks turning a tint of red. 

"Most definitely." Spencer said once again leaning towards Ashley pressing her lips gently against Ashley's lips. 

Spencer's door swiftly opened as they were kissing. "Hey, honey!" Paula said as she entered the room. "Oh, sorry to interrupt." She began starting to back out of the room. 

Spencer and Ashley pulled away from each other. Both of them sitting on the opposite side of the bed. "No, it's okay mom. What was it that you needed?" Spencer assured her mother.  

"I was just going to tell you that everyone is leaving now. You guys can come down and help your mother clean up. Can't you?" She asked both Spencer and Ashley.  

"Of course we can, Mrs. Carlin. I mean, Paula." Ashley smiled getting up from the bed. 

Paula just smiled stepping out of Spencer's room. Ashley grinned at Spencer, leaning forward giving her one last kiss before getting up from the bed.  

"But. That wasn't even a good one. I think I deserve one more." Spencer pouted. 

Ashley rolled her eyes, slightly giggling as she kissed Spencer again. Ashely turned around walking towards Spencer's door stepping out into the hallway. Spencer followed suite.  

They both walked downstairs into the kitchen where they met up with Spencer's mom, who was holding two trash bags for them. 

"Here you go, girls." Paula smiled as they both grabbed the trash bags. 

Spencer opened the sliding door, walking outside seeing Glen and Aiden also picking up trash, well they were supposed to be but instead they were talking to each other. 

Spencer went to a table close to the grill and began putting plastic cups into the bag. Ashley stepped towards her, grinning. "You look cute while you work."  

Spencer rolled her eyes throwing another cup into her bag. "I'm sure I do." Spencer looked up at Ashley. 

Ashley leaned down closer to her, whispering in her ear, "Well, it's kind of sexy watching you work with your hands." Ashely said in a low, raspy tone.  

Spencer bit her lip, feelings chills wash over her body. "You are distracting me, Ash." 

Ashley smirked knowing her words had gotten to Spencer.  

Spencer saw Ashley's proud smirk and decided to play the same game as her. "Well, if you like watching me work with my hands I can take you back up to my room and instead of you watching my hands you can feel them." Spencer slid her tongue slowly across her bottom lip as she glanced up at Ashley. 

Ashley's face turned a tint of red as she looked away from Spencer too embarrassed to look at her.  

"That's what I thought. Now be a good girl and start helping me." Spencer giggled as she picked up a couple cups and one plate from the table tossing it into her trash bag.  

Ashley pouted but obliged with Spencer's request.  

It took the two of them about fifteen minutes to pick up all the trash and also to move the chairs back to where they were supposed to be. 

Spencer and Ashley walked back in through the sliding door. 

"What took you guys so long?" Paula questioned. 

"Well, we would have gotten done quicker but Glen and Aiden bailed and went to Aiden's house so it was just me and Ash." Spencer explained to her mother. 

"Oh, well if I would have known that then I would have helped you guys clean up." Paula said genuinely. 

"Don't worry, Paula. It was my pleasure to help out. You need the relaxation time." Ashley said, smiling. 

"Awe, thanks, honey. So, do you two have any plans tonight?" Paula asked. 

"I don't know yet, mom. We'll figure something out. Won't we, Ash?" Spencer looked over to Ashley, smiling. 

"Yeah, we always do." Ashley looked at Spencer then back at Paula. 

"Okay, well I guess I will leave you two alone to discuss your plans. If you go out, be safe. I'm going to go to sleep. I had such a blast today. Thanks for coming over, Ashley." Paula said, smiling lightly then walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to her room. 

"So, what do you want to do?" Ashley asked Spencer as she stepped closer to her, running her hand down Spencer's toned stomach.  

"Uhm...I..." Spencer closed her eyes, biting her bottom lip. 

"Uhm, what?" Ashley smirked as her hand gripped onto Spencer's side pulling her closer against Ashley's body.

"God. You're killing me, Ash." Spencer said lowly as she rested her head against Ashley's shoulder. 

Ashley wrapped her arms tightly around Spencer's tiny waist, letting their bodies melt into each other. Ashely leaned her head down and whispered into Spencer's ear. "Good, that is what I want." 

Spencer could feel Ashley's heart beat against her ear, making her lips form into a light smile. Spencer let her arms wrap around Ashley's neck as she looked up into her best friends eyes. "I hope you will always want that." Spencer said, barely audible.  

"I will. I promise." Ashely said leaning her chin down, her lips pressing against Spencer's forehead for a couple of seconds then pulling back slowly. 

Spencer closed her eyes feeling Ashley's lips move away from her skin. She let out a low sigh as she let her body fully relax into Ashley. Letting Ashley's arm have full control over her body.  

"Do you just want to stay in tonight?" Ashley asked. 

"I just want you to hold me all night. If you want." Spencer said, lightly. 

Ashley pulled Spencer away looking her in the eyes. "Hey, don't be scared. I'm not fucking with you. This isn't just an experiment with me. I promise. Plus, I would love to hold you all night. I'll hold you forever if you let me."  

Spencer sighed grabbing Ashely's hand pulling her upstairs to her room.  

Ashely sat down on the edge of Spencer's bed waiting for Spencer to step out of the closet for her pajamas. Spencer slowly stepped out of her closet wearing shorty shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt that let a little bit of her toned stomach show. Ashley bit her lip as she looked Spencer up and down.  

"Here's your pajamas." Spencer said reaching Ashely a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. 

Ashley grabbed both the shirt and shorts from Spencer's grip and began changing.  

Spencer climbed into the bed watching Ashley change in front of her. When Ashley was done she put her other clothes on Spencer's dresser then walked over to Spencer and climbed in beside of her. Spencer scooted up against Ashley's warm body and grabbed her hand pulling it over Spencer's body.  

"I love when you hold me. It makes me feel safe." Spencer said tugging at Ashley's hand wanting her Ashley to hold her tightly. Ashley obliged as her arm tightened around Spencer's tiny, framed body.  

"Good. I'm glad I make you feel safe." Ashley said kissing Spencer's cheek. 

Spencer giggled then laid her head against Ashley's chest drifting off to sleep. A few minutes passed before both Ashley and Spencer were fast asleep.

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