Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:  

Spencer arrived at Ashley's house. She sat there for a couple minutes, deciding to get out of her car or go back home.  

*ding* *ding*  

Text message: 

Ashley: "I see you, Spencer. You can come up." 

Spencer's face turned red, looking up at Ashley's window seeing a shadow that looked familiar to Ashley's walk away. She turned her car off, reaching her hand towards to door handle gliding the door open. Stepping out of her car she began walking up to Ashley's house. She rang the door-bell, sighing, before she could've just walked in but, she didn't want to be rude. 

She heard Ashley's footsteps coming closer and closer to the door, her nerves getting worse by the second. The door opened and she immediately bit her lip without thinking about it. Ashley was wearing shorty-shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt. 'Fuck. She looks good.' Spencer thought to herself.  

Ashley's face turned a tint of red as she quickly turned around, walking to the side of the door, letting Spencer come in. Spencer stepped inside, sliding her jacket off, hanging it up on the coat rack.  

"So..." Spencer began but didn't know what to say. 

"Uhm...I went to Aiden's yesterday." Ashely said. 

"Yeah, Glen told me." Spencer said trying not to look at Ashley. She didn't want to make it even more awkward than it is now.  

"Oh. I didn't know. So, how have you been?" Ashley asked. 

"You know...I'm okay, I guess. What about you?" Spencer asked, nervously. 

"I'm fine. Listen, Spence." Ashely began. 

Spencer lightly smiled, hearing Ashley call her by her nickname. "What is it?" 

"I'm sorry I kissed you. Can we just put it past us and be best friends again?" Ashley asked. 

Spencer's smiled faded. "Uhm...yeah, if that's what you want." 

"Okay, good. I don't want to lose my best friend over something stupid like that." Ashley said, a hint of confusion dripping from her words. 

"Yeah, it was totally stupid. It's completely forgotten now. Out of my mind forever." Spencer said, immediately remembering them kissing. 

"Good." Ashley said, smiling. "Do you want to go to the mall with me?" she suggested. 

"Yeah, sure. What are you going there for?" Spencer wondered out loud. 

"Just to look around. I might get a shirt or something. Ooh! We can get nachos too!" Ashley exclaimed, letting her excitement show. 

"Oh okay. I need to get some bras and underwear." Spencer said, looking anywhere but at Ashley. Her face turning red. 

"I'll help you pick them out if you want." Ashley suggested. 

"Uhm...sure. Yeah, you can help me." Spencer said, her face turning even redder.  

"Let me change first. You can come up stairs if you want." Ashley said, walking up the stairs to her bedroom.  

Spencer watched for a couple minutes, admiring Ashley's body. Ashley turned around, slightly smirking. Spencer's face turned red as she began walking up the stairs with Ashley.  

They entered her room and Spencer went straight to Ashley's comfortable king size bed while Ashley walked into her closet.  

"So, what should I wear?" Ashley asked holding up two shirts. She already found a pair of black skinny jeans.  

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