Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Ashley's P.O.V.  

Ashley sat there, surprised at what just happened. She just kissed her best friend and then! Her best friend kind of told her she loved her. What!? Ashley grabbed her phone. 

Text message: 

Ashley- "Hey, can I come over?" 

Aiden- "Sure." 

Ashley read the text. Grabbed her phone, keys, and wallet. She quickly looked at herself in the mirror, she was still wearing her bathing suit from the beach.  

"Ugh. Fuck, I have to change." She went into her closet grabbing a black shirt that said #Flawless and a green pair of skinny jeans with black flip flops.  

Picking up her phone, keys, and wallet again Ashley headed out her bed room door and walked downstairs. 

She groaned as she heard her mother was home, for once. "Hey, mom." Ashley said quickly, trying to avoid any conversation at all with her mother.  

"Oh! Ashley! I'm glad to see that you're home." Ashley's mother said in fake excitement. 

"I'm sure you are, mom." Ashley said trying to walk out the door.  

"Just want to let you know, darling that you can't stay here tonight. Mama has a date and well, of course I didn't tell him I'm a single mother. If I did that then he would never have wanted me and I would blame you." Ashely's mother said, venom dripping from every word. 

" you blame me for everything else too. I'm leaving anyways. Bye." Ashley said, walking out the door before her mother could say another word to her. 

She finally arrived at Aiden's house. She walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. She heard Aiden's footsteps coming towards the door. 

"Hey, Ash!" Aiden said, moving to the side of the door inviting Ashley in. He grabbed her coat and hung it up on the coat rack that was beside of the door.  

"Hey, Aiden." Ashley said, confusion and sadness dripping from her words. 

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked in a concerned voice. 

"Nothing. Can we get drunk tonight?" Ashley asked, looking at Aiden in desperation. 

"Yeah, sure. I got your favorite. Jack Daniels!" Aiden said, trying to cheer Ashley up. 

"Awesome!" Ashley said, trying to sound a little more excited than before. She didn't want Aiden asking any more questions than he already has.  

They both walked into Aiden's living room. "Okay, I'll be back with the drinks, my dear." Aiden said, smiling. 

"Okay! I'm so glad that you have your own place now. Your parents would never have let me stay over." Ashley said, lightly laughing remembering the first time she tried to stay at Aiden's house. His mother and father had always looked at Ashley in a weird, un-wanting kind of way, just like her mother would. Maybe that is why her own mother kicked her out of the house tonight. Ashley sighed. 

"Hey, no more sighing. It's time to get drunk!" Aiden said entering the living room with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a bottle of Vodka.  

"Where's the cups, dummy?" Ashely asked, laughing at her friend.  

"Oh! Dammit! I knew I forgot something. Be right back, again!" Aiden said, rushing off to the kitchen again to grab some cups.  

"Of course you of all people would forget the cups. You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your body." Ashley laughed at her own joke.  

"Ha. Ha. Make fun of me all you want. I mean, I can take back the Jack Daniels that's sitting there just for you." Aiden said, playfully reaching towards the bottle of Jack Daniels. 

"No! I'm sorry. Aiden stop being mean." Ashley looked at him pouting. 

Aiden just rolled his eyes pouring him some vodka and Ashley some Jack Daniels. "Here you go, Ash." Aiden said, reaching Ashley her drink.  

Ashley held onto the cup, looking down at the dark liquor. "Fuck it." She said, chugging the entire thing down and pouring herself another drink.  

"Okay, okay. I've never stole anything from a store." Aiden giggled, pouring himself drink. 

Ashley laughed as she drank looking at Aiden innocently. "Awe! My cup is empty!" Ashley said pouting. "Give me more!" She yelled to Aiden.  

"Okayyyyyyy. The bottle is half empty! Hey! Wait! It's your turn!" Aiden said, grabbing the Jack Daniels bottle sloppily pouring her another drink.  

"Hmm....let's see here." Ashley said, putting her finger on her chin laughing. "I've neverrrr loved anyone." She said. 

"Damn, girl. That's deep!" Aiden said, taking a sip of his Vodka. 

"I've never kissed my best friend!" Aiden yelled in excitement. 

"Don't be all excited about it. Damn." Ashely said, taking a sip of her drink. 

"Wait, wait. Your best friend is Spencer. WHAT!? You two kissed!? When!? Where!? Why!? Tell me everything!" Aiden yelled with even more excitement. 

"Yeah, we kissed. Get over it. It's your turn." Ashley said, starting to get frustrated.  

"Hey, Ash. It's okay. I won't tell anyone if that is what you're worried about." Aiden said trying to have as close to a serious voice as he could muster up from being as drunk as he is. 

"No, I don't care. Well, I don't think I care if you tell people. I don't even know how I feel about the kiss. I'm the one who kissed her! I don't even know why. Aiden, help meee!" Ashely said, her eyes starting to tear up. 

"Tell me everything, honey." Aiden said, patting Ashley on the knee as he slightly smiled at her. 

"Well, we went to the beach but, before that when we was changing into our bathing suits I noticed her staring at me while I was taking my clothes off so...I kind of intentionally teased her to see if it was just an admiring your body or a damn you're hot and I want you kind of stare. It was definitely a I want you kind of stare, Aiden..." Ashley said, getting ready to start back on her explanation she got stopped by her friend's loud mouth. 

"Spencer is gay!? I never would've expected it. My gaydar must be going to hell with lesbians. I mean, I have nothing against gays. You should know this since I'm gay." Aiden said, lightly giggling. 

"Yeah, yeah. See! That's the thing I'm worried about. I don't know if she's gay or not. I mean, when we got back to my house we started watching a movie and she started tickling me. I kept telling her to stop and she said to make her so I did....with a kiss. It sure as hell made her stop in her tracks." Ashely said, remembering how she felt about the kiss, and what she felt as they kissed. 

Ashley touched her lips as she heard Aiden speak, "Well, since you sat there for a couple minutes holding your lips I'm going to assume you liked the kiss. Am I right?" Aiden asked. 

"Well, I mean, I don't know. I think I did. I've kissed guys before but, this kiss, her lips, it was...completely different from anyone else I've kissed." Ashley said, explaining things to herself and also to Aiden. "I'm so confused of what I want, Aiden." 

"Listen, Ash. I was confused to when I first kissed a guy and look at me now! I'm in a happy relationship with my boyfriend of 2 years." Aiden said, smiling. 

"Well, sometimes people don't get the fairytale like you, Aiden. Just because Glen was the first guy you kissed and now you guys are still together doesn't mean anything. It could be completely different with me and Spence. What if this tears our relationship apart?" Ashley said beginning to cry.  

"Ash, come here." Aiden said, holding his arms apart waiting for her embrace. 

Ashley scooted towards him, immediately feeling his arms wrap around her. She sighed as she felt the alcohol wearing off. "Can we just go to bed now?" Ashley asked, wiping her tears away.  

"Yeah, of course. Come on." Aiden grabbed her, walking them both to his bedroom.  

Ashley laid down in Aiden's bed, she soon drifted off to sleep.

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