Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Spencer woke up and looked down, seeing Ashley's hand still wrapped tightly around her stomach. That made Spencer smile. Ashley groaned pulling Spencer even closer to her. Spencer just giggled turning around, facing Ashley.  

"Wakey, wakey!" Spencer beamed out a smile as she flicked Ashley's nose with her finger. 

Ashley scrunched up her face, "Hey! Why'd you do that for?" she pouted. 

"Because, Ash. I wanted to wake you up. Hehe." Spencer scooted her body close up against Ashley placing her hand on Ashley's hip.  

"Ugh. What time is it?" Ashley asked in a sleepy voice. 

Spencer shrugged, giggling. She climbed on top of Ashley, resting her hands on Ashley's stomach. "It's time to wake up. That's what time it is."  

Ashley grabbed Spencer's sides letting her hands trail to her back, pulling her down making their faces inches apart. Ashley leaned up as if she was going to kiss Spencer. Spencer's eyes closed, anticipating their lips touching but instead she felt Ashley's teeth against the tip of her nose causing her to squeal.  

"Hey! That wasn't very nice." Spencer said, pulling herself up as she pouted at Ashley. 

"Yeah, well that is what you get for waking me up, meanie pants." Ashley giggled, holding onto Spencer's hips again. 

Spencer grinned leaning down, letting her lips graze against Ashley's neck.  

"Don't be mean." Ashley said her voice trembling.  

Spencer could feel Ashley's body push up against her, making her grin even more. "You know you like it, baby." Spencer lightly kissed a trail up Ashley's neck to her jawline. She pulled back watching Ashley's face. She knew what she was doing and how it was affecting Ashley.  

"Spencer." Ashley tried saying normally but it came out as a moan instead.  

Spencer bit her lip as she heard Ashley moan for her. Spencer leaned down, pressing her hips into Ashley as her tongue pressed against Ashley's neck, she began sucking. Spencer's hand trailed down Ashley's side to the bottom of her shirt, letting her hand go inside, feeling Ashley's bare skin.  

"Are you ready?" Spencer seductively whispered into Ashley's ear. 

"I..." Ashley began before they heard a knock on the door. 

"Girls? Are you two awake?" Paula asked from behind the door. 

Spencer groaned as she got off of Ashley. "Yeah, mom. Did you need anything?" she asked. 

"No, honey. I just came up to tell you that breakfast is ready. Come and eat you two." Paula said, then walked downstairs to the kitchen. 

Ashley got up from the bed, turning around to face Spencer. She smiled, holding her hands out towards Spencer. Spencer gladly took her hands as Ashley helped her up from the bed.  

"Thanks, babe." Spencer said, giggling. 

"Hey, do you want to go to the movies with Glen and Aiden? Since we didn't do anything last night." Ashley suggested to Spencer. 

"Yeah, sure." Spencer said grabbing onto Ashley's hand, intertwining their fingers as they walked hand in hand down the steps towards the kitchen.  

They both sat down at the table as they saw that Paula had already made them both a plate. Spencer looked over at Ashley smiling as she watched her devour her pancakes. She let out a low giggle as she began eating her eggs that were on her plate.  

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