Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: 

Spencer's P.O.V 

Spencer laid in her bed, fast asleep. "Wake up. Sleepy heaaadddd!" her brother Glen said, poking at her side.  

"Ugh! Why does everyone think it's okay to just wake me up all the time? Spencer said, pouting.  

"Because its soooo fun." Glen said, giggling. 

Spencer rolled her eyes at her brother. "You're so stupid, Glen." 

"Spence, Aiden told me about what happened with you and Ashley." Glen said, not wasting anytime.  

"Yeah, it was stupid. I accidentally told her how I felt about her and she said nothing to me, Glen. I've obviously ruined our entire friendship. I know she won't want to talk to me anymore." Spencer said, sadness dripping from every word. 

"Listen, Spencer. A huge thing just happened between you two. It might take her a while to figure things out. What else happened? Aiden just said you guys kissed." Glen asked. 

"Okay, well she had to have her pancakes so she made us miss fifteen minutes of class. We both just decided to miss the rest of the day and go to the beach but, neither of us obviously had our bathing suits so we had to go to her house." Spencer started explaining. 

"Did it happen then?" Glen asked, completely hanging off every word Spencer was saying. 

"Well, no. Something else happened." Spencer said, turning a tint of red remembering everything. 

"Oh my god! Tell me!" Glen said, not wanting to wait any longer. 

"I kind of...stalkerishly stared at her while she got undressed but! She's the one who wanted me to give her, her bathing suit that was on the bed so...I did and well, when I turned around she was completely unclothed. I'm pretty sure I died a little seeing her body, Glen." Spencer said, biting her lip. 

"Ew, not that much detail, Spence." Glen, laughed. 

"Anyways, when we arrived at the beach she forced me to get in the water. Past my waist! She knows I'm scared of that so I wrapped my legs around her and she told me that she would always have me. She promised me that she would and I think she meant it in another way than just holding me up in the water." Spencer said, smiling as bright as she could remembering Ashley saying that to her. 

"Get to the kissing part already!" Glen yelled, excitement dripping from his words. 

"Ugh. You're so impatient, Glen. But, okay. I accidentally fell asleep on her at the beach so she took us back to her place. We decided to watch a movie because I didn't want to leave her yet. It was Annabelle..." Spencer started explaining. 

"OH MY GOD! Spencer, that movie is scary as fuck! Aiden made me watch it with him. Ugh. That bastard." Glen pouted remembering the movie. 

"Glen! Stop interrupting me. Anyways! We were watching Annabelle, which isn't scary at all by the way, but the chicken started getting scared. I told her to just come closer to me and I started holding her. I love when I get to hold her..." Spencer stopped in her tracks as she closed her eyes picturing her holding Ashley.  

"Spence! Snap out of it. You have some shit to tell me." Glen said, snapping his fingers in front of Spencer's face.  

"Hey! I was having a great day dream, you meanie." Spencer pouted. "Anyways, back to my story. Well, I was holding her and my fingers kind of started grazing against her skin. She's very ticklish, it's so cute! Especially the laugh she gets when someone is tickling her. So, I jumped on her and started tickling her. She kept telling me to stop but, of course I didn't until she kissed me." Spencer said, licking her lips. 

"Tell me about the kiss!" Glen was so excited. 

"It was...unexplainable. Her soft lips are amazing. She kissed me with so much force, it's like she's been wanting to kiss me for a while and she just now had to courage to do it. So, after we kissed she said sorry but in my mind she didn't say that. I kind of told her that I love her, Glen. I'm so stupid." Spencer sat there, on her bed with her hands on each side of her face, sighing.  

"Hey, you could be right. She could've been wanting to kiss you for a while and then with all that contact it just happened. She could love you too, Spence. You never know. You have to think positive. Negative thoughts get you nowhere, Spence and you know this." Gen said genuinely, rubbing his sister's shoulder. 

"You don't know that, Glen and neither do I. She probably hates me." Spencer said, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"Text her. Let's see if she'll reply." Glen suggested. 

"Oh god. What if she texts me back to not text her anymore? There's so much pressure. I don't even know what to say!" Spencer said, looking down at her phone.  

Glen grabbed her phone from her, clicking on Ashley's name.  

Text message: 

Spencer- "Hey, Ash. Can we talk?" 

He then pressed send and reach it back to Spencer. 

"Glen! You asshole. What did you even say!?" Spencer said, panicking. 

"I just asked if she wanted to talk. That's all. Calm down, Spence." Glen said, patting his sister's leg in comfort. 

*ding* *ding* Spencer looked at her phone, wide eyed. "Oh god! She texted me back. Glen! Open it." She threw her phone at her brother. 

"Let's see here, she said...Leave me alone, Spencer. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Bye." Glen said, looking at his sister. 

Spencer sat there, staring at her brother. Not able to even speak. 

"Just kidding!" Spencer hit her brother on the arm. "Ouch! Not nice. She said...yeah that you two can talk. To meet her at her place tonight at seven o'clock." Glen said, staring down at the phone.  

"What am I going to wear!? What are we even going to talk about, Glen? It's going to be so awkward. I don't know what to do." Spencer started to panic as she got up from her bed, walking over to her closet.  

"Get sexy for her! Ooh wear a dress. Wear nothing!" Glen laughed. 

"Come on, Glen. I'm being serious." Spencer said, searching through her closet. 

"Wait. What time is it?" Spencer asked. 

"Oh shit. You best be hurrying! It's 5:30, Spence." Glen said quickly. 

"What!? I only have an hour and a half to get ready!" Spencer yelled, flipping through her shirts. 

Half an hour later, Spencer had on a white V-neck shirt, dark grey skinnies, with white toms. "How does this look?" Spencer asked her brother. 

"Hmm...casual but, sexy. I like it!" Glen exclaimed.  

"Okay. Time for the hair." Spencer said, walking into her bathroom turning on her hair straightener. She grabbed her tooth brush and tooth paste and began brushing her teeth. After brushing her teeth she grabbed some deodorant. She heard her straightener beep, telling her it was ready. 

She walked out of the bathroom, looking at her brother waiting for his approval. "I love it! No make-up. You don't want her thinking you're trying to get all dolled up for her." Glen said, giggling.  

Spencer looked at the time, "Okay. It's 6:30 I have to go, Glen. Wish me luck!" Spencer said, grabbing her phone, wallet, and keys. 

"No need for luck, Spence. You two are great for each other." Glen said smiling as he watched his sister walk out the door.

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