Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: 

"Yay! We're here." Ashley exclaimed with excitement dripping from her words. 

"Come on, silly. Let's go!" Spencer shouted, jumping out of Ashley's Subaru with Ashley following suit. 

Ashley went to the back, grabbing the towels as Spencer waited for her. Spencer walked up to the sand, grabbing her flip flops, her toes touched the warm sand. Letting out a low moan at the warmth on her toes, she felt a hand graze against her back.  

"I see you're enjoying yourself." Ashley said, teasing Spencer. 

Spencer's face turned blood red. "Shut up, Ash." She said, walking towards a good spot to put the towels down.  

Ashley just laughed at Spencer's reaction and followed behind her.  

"Is this a good spot?" Spencer turned around, looking at Ashley. 

"Yeah, this is a great spot! Come on, Spence lets go swimming!" Ashley said to her best friend laying the towels down, side by side.  

"But, but. I wanted to lay out in the sun. Maybe get a little tan." Spencer said, looking at Ashley. 

"I'm not taking a no for an answer and you know this, Spence." Ashley grinned grabbing Spencer's hand dragging them towards the blue ocean. Spencer protesting the entire time. 

Spencer let out a low scream as the cold water touched her warm feet. "Oh my god, Ash! This is freezing!" Spencer's arms bundled together against her stomach as she began to pout at her friend. 

"Ugh. Come here ya big baby." Ashley said pulling Spencer towards her, wrapping her arms around her waist.  

Spencer could feel every inch of Ashley's body against her and deep down she loved it but, she tried as hard as she could not to show it. "Uh..thanks, Ash." Spencer said, scooting even closer against Ashley feeling her warmth. 

"You're such a baby, Spence. The water is warm!" Ashley said, looking into Spencer's eyes. 

Spencer looked away, embarrassed. "You're crazy. This water is below 0!" she said, biting her bottom lip as she felt her body heating up from her embarrassment. 

"Fine. If you're going to be a chicken then I'm just going to push you under." Ashley declared. 

"What!? No! Ashley! Don't!" Spencer yelled as she felt Ashley's hands tighten even more against her, pulling her more and more into the water. The waves brushing against her hips now.  

Ashley just smirked holding onto Spencer pulling her further and further out into the ocean. When they got to the waves brushing against their shoulders Spencer immediately wrapped her legs around Ashley and wrapped her arms around her neck. 

"Ash, you know I hate going past my waist. Please take us back." Spencer begged. 

"Hey, calm down. I have you, I promise. I'll always have you, Spence." Ashley said, looking into Spencer's eyes.  

Spencer could only smile as she held onto Ashley even tighter. Spencer could feel Ashley's arms around her waist, her fingers grazing against her back as the waves would pull them into the ocean. Spencer closed her eyes, letting the waves take her. She laid her head on Ashley's shoulder. She could hear Ashley's breathing hitch as she laid her head down and softly smiled at her cute best friend. 

"Spencer, wake up." Spencer heard Ashley's soft voice tell her. Her eyes slowly opened, she saw Ashley sitting beside of her. She noticed Ashley's hand on her stomach which made her bite her lip and tighten her stomach.  

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