Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ashley's eyes slowly drifted open, glancing to the side seeing a naked Spencer curled up against her. She exhaled, biting her bottom lip thinking about what had happened that night. How Spencer made her feel. How she makes her feel right now. Ashley pulled away from Spencer, slowly standing up grabbing her underwear and a shirt to put on before heading towards the bathroom.  

She stared at herself in the mirror. Thinking.  

"What am I doing?" she thought out loud to herself, placing both of her hands against the sink, propping her body up. She closed her eyes, sighing.  

After washing her face off, she walked back into her room. She began putting her clothes on seeing that Spencer is still fast asleep. Putting her pants on, she immediately dug her hand in her pocket grabbing her phone. 

Text message: 

Ashley: "Hey, can I come over?" 

Aiden: "Yeah, sure. I'm home now."  

Shoving her phone back in her pocket she sat down on the bed leaning down kissing Spencer lightly on her forehead. She walked to her door, looking back at Spencer then opening her door walking downstairs and exiting her house towards her car. She began driving to Aiden's house. 

Ten minutes had passed of her driving until she arrived at Aiden's house. She got out heading towards the door. Once she walked up the walkway she rang the doorbell. She sat there waiting to hear his footsteps.  

He opened the door, welcoming her in.  

"Aiden." Ashley said, tears forming in her eyes. 

"Hey, what is it?" He said, pulling her into his side, wrapping his arm firmly around her waist.  

"I...Spencer and I we, sort of..." She said, as the tears kept escaping and running down her cheeks. 

"Did you not like it?" He asked earning a slap to the chest. 

"No. I mean, yes I liked it. I...I loved it. That's the problem. I'm scared and now we've pretty much made a commitment because of last night. I told her I love her. We done things I never thought we would. What are people going to think? What is my mom going to say?" She said, panic strong in her voice.  

"I know what you're going through, Ash. I've been there and I hope you know that Glen and I will always be here for you and also Spencer. I'm glad you came to me. Listen, it's hard but, it always gets better. I promise." He said pulling Ashley closer to him in a comforting manner.  

"Are you sure?" She asked softly. 

"Plus, who cares what your mom thinks and anyone else. If Spencer makes you happy and come on, we all know that she does, then let it be. Don't try to complicate things. Don't be scared because you have people who love and accept you." He said, smiling looking down into her eyes. 

She smiled, hugging him tightly. "Thanks, Aiden." 

"No problem. Where's Spencer anyways?" He asked. 

Ashley's eyes grew. "She's at my house. I was just so scared this morning when I woke up and well, I didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful and cute just lying there sleeping."  

Aiden laughed at Ashley's response. "Well, you need to go wake her up and talk things through." He said, looking at Ashley. 

"Yeah, I know. I'm just scared." She said lowly, letting her head fall, looking down at the ground.  

"There is no need to be scared. You have me, Glen, Paula, and of course, you have Spencer. We all love you and we always will. Now, go wake up your girl and figure things out." He said grinning.  

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