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The sunset blinded the two males in the bakery as they cuddled up in the bakery, feeding each other from time to time. Jimin kept laughing at Yoongis pouty faces when he would tease him about 'no food'- he would feed him, it was no big deal. They had fun while they were together in the kitchen behind the counter, watching people walk by as they watched the two have fun.

Yoongi was currently hanging onto Jimin, not letting go of him as Jimin was carrying him to his car. He put the younger in and helped him strap in, watching him slowly fall asleep in the seat. "Aish, stay awake you child." he said softly, keeping Yoongis head up. Yoongi looked up at Jimin before smiling tiredly, yawning.

"Hey Hyung."

"Don't hey me, you almost fell asleep."

"I want a nap. Is that hard?"

Jimin pouted, "I want to talk to you. And you're over here already sleeping."

"Aish~ I'm young. Youth need their sleep, especially if they're doing a concert tomorrow and needing lots of practice." Yoongi spoke, yawning again as he sat up in his seat. Jimin got a little flabbergasted and pretended to get mad, opening his mouth to say something as he got close to Yoongis face. He smiled when the other smiled widely, giggling. "You're special to me, you know that right?"

"Yeah..you're special to me too. I love you."

"I love you too, my little cutie."

Jimin squished the smallers cheeks before kissing him softly before pulling away and walking to the other side of the car as he got in the drivers seat, stealing another kiss from the smallers plump lips and watched his face flush red as he chuckled softly, looking forwards towards the road. Turning the car on, he looked backwards to see if anyone was in the road then pulled out to the road driving down it.

Yoongi snapped out of it then covered his face, internally screaming from what just happened. He took a deep breath as he uncovered his face before looking at the road, looking up to see the pretty sunset and sky. He smiled softly and took his phone out to take a picture.

His phone was taken away as he looked at his hand then pouted. Jimin looked at him and smiled, taking a photo of him before putting the phone back into his hand. Seeing his smile made him smile more, looking back at the road. "Smiles look great on you."

"I-I- they do..?"

"Of course! I want you to smile always. It makes you more happy and more confident in yourself." Jimin explained, rubbing the youngers hair.

"Hyungg." Yoongi whined. Jimin just laughed and kept his eyes on the road before turning into the apartment complex, getting out of the car before walking over to Yoongis side and opened it, holding it open for him. "You know it's true. Now come on, you need to go rest."

"Can I stay with you..?" Yoongi asked with a pout as he got out of the car and shut the door. Jimin chuckled and wrapped his arms around the others waist, kissing his cheeks. "Don't you have piano tomorrow?"

"..No." Yoongi lied.

Jimin brang his face closer and touched noses with his boyfriend. "Don't lie to me." with a deep voice, Yoongi froze in place. He swallowed a lump in his throat before nodding, "Yes..I-I have piano tomorrow.." mumbling, he let go of the older before looking down at his feet. Jimin smiled and kissed his forehead before leading him upstairs and to his apartment.

Once they got to his apartment, the older stopped Yoongi in his place before cupping his cheek to pull him into a loving kiss. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the others shoulders as he kissed back, tilting his head a little. When his boyfriend pulled away, he said his goodbye and walked into the apartment then looked out the window to see Jimin walking off to his car. If only I could stay in his house for a night and not worry about piano.. He thought as he walked off to his bedroom to sleep.

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